Watching the ceremony, I was able to reflect back to the day when I played football for South Carolina State University. During my junior year, we won our conference as well as the Black College National Championship. We were awarded the ring that you see above a few months after our magical season was over. I was blown away when i first saw it (yes..those diamonds are real. LOL.)
Much like the Celtics, through the experiences that we went has created a bond between me and my teammates that will never be broken. We all have strong bonds. We have bonds with our family, crew, hood, frat/sorority, etc. There are only maybe a hundred people who have gone through some of the same experiences that I did to get that ring. I can't put into words how special that bond is. It's not like the bond that I have with my crew or my family. It's strong...but just different. And like the Celtics, when I see or talk to an old teammate...we can reminisce about what we accomplished and what we went through.
Like the Celtics, every teammate isn't gonna be your best friend. Shoot, you might not even like some of your teammates. Some dudes you wouldn't have a drink with. LOL. But at the end of the day, we share that common bond b/c of the experience that we shared together. When we see each other, it's all love...just like the Celtics. There are a select few of your teammates who become like brothers to you. Like I said's a very unique bond. many ways...we're just like the the Celtics and the bond that we share with others can only be described in one word...CHAMPIONS!