Y'all know me. You read this blog. You follow me on the twitter (
@12kyle). You know me from Facebook. You listen to
12 Radio every Wed night at 9pm EST.
You don't know me.
Actually, both statements are true.
From reading this blog, you can assume certain things...my level of education, social economic status, level of intelligence, and some general personality traits. Even though we've never met, you feel like you know me. I'm a cool dude. The kinda dude you'd wanna hang out with. Well, that is true! I am THAT guy!
In being everything that you think I might be, I'm also a very private person. I am extremely careful about what say on this blog and in my tweets. While I would never make up lies or be someone who I'm not, I do believe that everything that happens in my life isn't for public consumption. SOME things need to be kept for yourself. We live in a era of reality tv and overexposure. I'm a firm believer that everybody doesn't need to know everything. So, the woman who tweets/blogs about all of her sexual conquests may think she's "keepin it real" but she'll be perceived as a ho. The dude who tweets/blogs about all the time about BS is perceived as a jerk with no life/social skills.
Some may say you can't control one's perception of you but if you VOLUNTEER information about yourself...you can control the info that you give out. Is it being paranoid? I don't think so. I just think we should all have a filter. We have to understand that once you press
ENTER, it's for the world to see. That may not mean as much to others as it does to me.
Just be careful about what you say because you don't know who's reading it. And once you say it, you can't control how it's received or disseminated.