Social media works
Well...most of the time it does.
I am a self proclaimed "
social media mogul." From blogger to twitter to facebook to blackberry messenger...I enjoy it all. I love connecting with people. It has become a big part of what I do. As a married, father of 3...I understand my limitations. I keep it friendly with everybody. However, I understand that everybody doesn't have the same intentions.
That said...
Peep this Facebook conversation that I recently had with a woman who I went to elementary school with. The woman sent me a friend request. I accepted it. I posted on her wall something brief like... "Hello ____ ! How are you doing? It's been a minute. Hope all is well. Take care."
Instead of posting on my wall, she sent me a message in my inbox. Here is the convo...
Her: How are you?
Me : I'm gooooood! I can't complain. How have you been?
Her : I been Bless by God Just Waiting on That new Husband and you
Me : Waiting on a new husband? Nothing wrong with that! I hope it happens for you sooner than later :)
All is well. I'm grown now. LOL. I married (9yrs) my college sweetheart and we have 3 sons (10, 7, 3) and we live in Atlanta. I've been here about 14 yrs. Life is good. I can't complain. I still get home from time to time. My parents are there and I love going home
*** I felt the need to put this out there at this point b/c I could see where this was going. LOL ***
Her : Thats Of blessing to know that you is still holding on no matter what.My husband got 25 years up the road for drugs .so he told me to go on with my like.I did wanted to wait on him but he said no don't do that.
Me : Wow! Sorry to hear that. At least he told you not to wait for him. It says alot about you the fact that you wanted to wait for him.
Her : Yes it does but the problem is i dont want to move on its been about 2years now
Me : Wow. I can dig that. That's true love and dedication. But at some point in time...you have to live your life
Her : Yes i will one day.When god seen him looking for me i will
Me : That's true
Her : So i see that you is tired up a little.You is a good person to talk to .If it not a problem can we talk on the phone sometime because you can't talk to everybody about things no more.
Me : Sorry bout that. I was writing and got side tracked. Thank you. Some people say that I'm easy to talk to so I appreciate the compliment
*** peep how I avoided the question...I'm such a nice guy. I really could have told her to kick rocks at this point. ***Her : Ok so is it ok for us to chat over the phone
Me : Nah. You can email me. That's easier for me
*** Obviously this is a lie. I'll give anybody my number. Hell, most of you who are reading this have my number! LOL ***
Her : Ok if you say so and i am not good with texting
Me : Cool!
Her : I wish that i could here your voice just ones
*** I don't respond. By this time I'm too busy laughing ***Then, she emails me again 10 mins later...
Her : You make me smile.Why I can't get the number
Me : It's nothing personal. I don't give my number out. I just don't. I'm a happily married man and I choose not to do that. It cuts down on confusion. Sometimes words...phrases...can be easily misconstrued. I don't need that in my life. Everybody doesn't have your best interest at heart. Why give my number out...would I want my wife doing the same? Nope. You're a woman, so I know that you can appreciate that. Like I said, it's nothing personal. Emails is how I communicate with most people. I know you understand that
Her : Yes i do Its all good sweetie
*** By this time, I'm dying laughing and telling my friends on twitter about it. I can't figure out why this woman is going in like this. I had not seen her since we were 12. And she was 8 months PREGNANT at the time from a 23 yr old man! I shouldn't be laughing at this time...but I'm rollin ***Then she emails me 5 mins laterHer : your or going to come to Florence SC and let me see you and make you laugh and go out for lunch or something like that
*** I'm in tears on the floor laughing. I don't even respond ***I guess she got the picture. I think
SHE deleted
ME as her Facebook friend. LOL
The next time I have a stalker, please let her be able to spell.
Oh yeah...and can I get a fine stalker and not one that looks like somebody's grandmother??? Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa