WELCOME TO THE 12TH PLANET. This blog was created as a forum for you to discuss personal and worldly issues. It serves as a vehicle for you to express oneself.
Have you ever dated or been intimately involved with someone that you’ve worked with? Have you ever considered doing it? There are positives and negatives to getting involved with someone that you work with.
Listen to the latest podcast as I give you the “do’s and don’ts” when it comes to getting an OFFICE BOO.
You're 18 yrs old. You're standing in bathroom preparing yourself for another day of school. You stare at the reflection in the mirror. You crack a smile...as you've done several times...then you say to the mirror..."You are great". This wasn't a daily affirmation. You were just reminding yourself of something that you had been taught and believed since you were about 6 yrs old.
You're a high school senior. You are surrounded by a great family. You have the best friends in the world. You're playing high school football at Wilson High in Florence, SC. You're enjoying every day of high school. Life is great. You feel like you know it all.
You don't know ANYTHING.
You'll be headed off to college soon. You have no idea how your life is about to change. You are about to leave your family behind. You'll only be 90 miles away at South Carolina State University. Little do you know...this will be the last time you'll live under the same roof as your mom, aunt, cousin, and your brother. Family is everything to you at 18. They are all that you know. They are a phone call away. So, is your father and your little sister. Your family is all that you have. You'll miss them and they'll miss you. Everything happens for a reason. Don't worry...your brother, Damon...will join you and your cousin at SC State in the fall of 1994. Before you leave Florence, savor it. Take it in. You won't realize how much this town means you until you're gone. It's home. Always will be. Do me a favor, Kyle...stop by the school to see Coach Wells. He was not only your head coach but a mentor. You never got a chance to thank him for all that he did for you. You'll be stunned by the phone call that you'll get 3 yrs later and the realization that he had passed away.
Somebody will soon ask you about your biggest fear and your response will be "losing touch with my crew". You have a ton of friends. But only a few that you can call crew. Nobody comes above the crew! Never has...never will. You're at a crossroad because everybody in the crew will soon be going in different directions as college looms. A few will head into the military. There was no such thing as email or cell phones. Hell...you won't even be able to call them because you don't have the money to pay for a long distance call. You will stay in touch via letters. It sounds strange. But it will work. You can't deny the bonds that you established with the dudes and girls in your crew. There's something to be said about the people who knew you from day 1. The ones who will watch you grow into the person that you will become.
At this time of your life, you have a few things that you love. Hip hop is one of them. You're engulfed in the music and the culture. It has become a major part of you and your life. The truth is...hip hop has always been there. That will never change. Your love for hip hop will never die. As for the girls, love has escaped you. Actually, you ran away from love. You had girlfriends and others that you liked but you couldn't love them. Why? The fallout from your parents divorce had an effect on how you viewed relationships. You secretly vowed to never let anyone get that close to you so you'd never experience the pain that you felt from the divorce. You don't realize how this changed your relationships. It made you unwilling to love, cautious, but not jaded. Here's the good news...you will soon find love, learn to open your heart, and you will learn to love. And that will change the way that you look at a lot of things.
Your first love is football. I could write you a dissertation on what football means to you and what you'll actually get from the game. Maybe I'll save that for the next letter. The game gave you so much. You will give back some of what you got later in life. Just know that your love for football will only grow. You're 18 now. You only have a few more years to play the game. Once you've stopped playing, walking away will be hard but you'll adjust.
Lastly...your world will change. In time, you will become a husband and a father. I can't put into words what that will do to you but you'll be a better man as a result of it. There is a lot more that I can say but I'll save that for the next letter. Continue to live each day to the fullest. Find something to laugh at each day. Never take anything too serious. I'll leave you with this word of wisdom that you heard at the age of 6 that has become your life's motto...
Think positive. Act positive. And you will become a positive person.
1996 was an incredible year for hip hop. On February 13, 1996, the Fugess dropped their sophomore album, The Score. The album was a collection of an amazing blend of hip hop…infused with reggae, soul, and a Caribbean vibe. The album was a smash hit. The Fugees crew consisted of Pras, Wyclef, and Lauryn Hill. The NJ trio gave us one of the best albums of 1996 and an album that was considered by many to be a hip hop classic.
On The 12kyle Podcast, I will discuss the significance of The Score and give the album review. I will also breakdown the tracks and offer my perspective on the 3 member crew. Listen to the podcast and share your thoughts!
SUBSCRIBE to The 12kyle Podcast for FREE!!! The podcast can be found here for free…
1996 was an incredible year in hip hop. For this podcast, we take a look at one of the albums that set the standard for that year.
On February 13, 1996, Tupac Shakur released one of the best albums of that year, All Eyez On Me. The album came just after Tupac had served 11 months in jail. He was bailed out of jail by Death Row CEO Suge Knight. Pac jumped into the studio and began crafting what would be the last album to be released during his lifetime.
On this podcast, I take a look at the man, the music, the imprint it left in 1996, and it’s significance. Let me know your thoughts!
The word “hate” gets thrown around a lot these days. If someone doesn’t like something, they are immediately labeled a “hater”. But are they really hating??? The Urban Dictionary defines a “hater” as…
“A person that simply cannot be happy for another person's success. So rather than be happy they make a point of exposing a flaw in that person. Hating, the result of being a hater, is not exactly jealousy. The hater doesn’t really want to be the person he or she hates, rather the hater wants to knock someone else down a notch.”
But can you dislike something/someone and NOT be a hater? We examine the phenomenon of “hating” and if we should stop using the word “hate”.
you know what's annoying...watching people walk around with their bluetooth earpiece in their ear when they are NOT on the phone.
one month down already for 2016. did it go by fast or what?
Mitt Romney has to be looking at Donald Trump and thinking "this is what it takes to win? Damn, I should have done this too"
my girlfriend is about to leave and I'm not happy about that at all
we're a month into 2016 and some of you are doing the same dumb stuff that you did last year. "new year...new me"! what happened to that???
i'm already ready for spring
i'm not sure about you...but i pray for my friends. why? that's what i'm supposed to do. that's just how i get down
gas prices are down to $1.50. that's cool with me.
some of the same folks who petitioned to have the show, Sorority Sisters, taken off the air...still faithfully watch Real Housewives of Atlanta
last year we got two surprise albums from D'Angelo and Dr Dre. maybe we can get a surprise album from LBoogie. i miss Lauryn Hill
New Edition to my generation is like what the Temptations were to the older generation
have you ever been riding beside a raggedy car that was making a lot of noise? you were so disturbed by the noise that you thought it was your car that was making the noise.
I miss watching Saturday morning cartoons
while I miss the concept of having a live show, The 12kyle Podcast is less time-consuming and more fun. I'm loving it.
Skyler is four years old and she is reading better than her brothers did at this age. I'm very impressed.
when somebody begins a sentence with the phrase..."I don't mean any harm but..." or "No disrespect..." it's usually means something that's not good will follow it
i think it's deplorable that the Oscars didn't nominate any person of color for their top awards. that said...to hell with the Oscars. i never watch it anyway
speaking of deplorable, the water crisis in Flint, Michigan is beyond deplorable.
i think i have too many passwords for my computers. the other day when i was at work, i tried to put my home login password into my work computer
thanks for the inspiration. it means a lot
"when I'm writing I'm trapped in between the lines, I escape when I finish the rhyme..." i think i'm starting to understand that feeling
i miss the old days of Blogger. it was like the neighborhood where everybody hung out. i miss y'all. no lie
do people still make REAL love songs anymore?
i don't like cats. never have.
i'm seriously thinking about getting a fish. just one. i'm gonna call him Abraham
are you intrigued??? Si, Si!! i love Papi. he's the funniest dude on tv
if you ever want to follow some of the worst crimes that are committed each day...follow the money trail.
i'm from the "go together era". back in the day, i wouldn't just say you are my girlfriend but we "go together". not sure what we meant or where we were going but it sounded fly
hip hop lives in me. i'll probably speaking in hip hop slang as an old man
the lady who lives around the corner from me STILL has not taken down her Christmas lights. c'mon son!!!
has there ever been a day when you didn't listen to any music? i can't say that it's ever happened to me
remember the kid in your 3rd grade art class who could never "color inside the lines"...yeah...that's me to this day
i took home economics when i was in the 8th grade just because all of the cute girls were in that class
willie washington! lmao! still funny to this day
i learned how to sew in that home economics class but i've forgotten how
my favorite network on tv right now...the Food Network...hands down
the best hour on tv...The Blacklist
i wonder what my elementary school teachers would think if they read this
writing in cursive...it's a lost art
let love reside IN YOU. that way, when you tell somebody that you love them...they not only see it but they FEEL it
yeah...i'm gonna get a black fish
love resides in me
there is a video of me as a teen singing in the church choir. if you ever saw that video, i'd have to erase the person who showed it to you. they'd get erased from the face of the earth. hahahah
Yo MTV Raps gets the slight edge over BET's Rap City