WELCOME TO THE 12TH PLANET. This blog was created as a forum for you to discuss personal and worldly issues. It serves as a vehicle for you to express oneself.
Monday, December 31, 2012
liner notes
Long before people had their music downloaded digitally, they had the music compressed onto a thing called a compact disc.
The compact disc was usually packaged with some information about the music that you had purchased.
I was always interested in reading the liner notes inside the packaging.
The liner notes gave you the general information about the music. You could also find out who wrote and produced the music. I was mostly interested in reading the liner notes where the artist gave their "thank you's" or "shoutouts". It let you know who they were down with and it also gave the people that they named some props. Sometimes if you read the liner notes and somebody's name DIDN'T appear in the notes...you could only assume that they were no longer down with that person. (long before the innanet)
The thought of liner notes gave me the idea to come up with my own...*imagine you've just opened up a cd from me...LOL*
Sorry for anybody who I forgot but my PR people gave me a short period of time to come up with this list.
THANK YOU...my family, wife, and kids...All of my love! I do what I do for you. My parents - you are simply the best and I hope to be half as good as a parent as you both were for me. My brother & sister - Love you both. Continue to shoot for greatness. Blaze your own trail. My cousins - we are brothers and sisters...not cousins. I love you all. Let's keep the family tight and raise all of our kids together just like we were. My aunts and uncles - Your love and guidance has made me grow into the man that I am. Florence, SC - thank you for allowing me to grow. You will always be home! Wilson High - Is there a better high school? Of course not. Thank you for the support and love. Shoutout to the Class of ' 91. I got nothing but love for you. Orangeburg, SC - the hottest place in the world in the summer time. Haa. My second home. You will always be home! South Carolina State University - The best 5 1/2 years of my life! Period. I bleed Garnet & Blue. It was an honor to play football there. Bulldog for Life! Atlanta, Ga - I can't imagine living anywhere else. I didn't know anybody here when I got here. I am thankful for it all.
Special Shoutouts...The Oceans Crew - World's Most Dangerous Crew. You know how it goes. Crew love, everybody on Norwood Lane & Spaulding Heights, JFresh, Shaft, Jimmell, Fred, JayH3, Dluvhall, Zeek, Zo, Ryan, RC, TQ, Denise, TuTu, Nyesha, Joey, Erv, Marie, all of my teammates at Wilson High (i can't name all of you but you know who you are! LOL)...Coach Wells (RIP) I still hear you, Coach..."Time waits for no man. You must have a respect for time" ....Everybody at SC State University, all of my classmates, professors, and all proud alumni (RIP Alan Robinson). Most importantly, love and respect to all of my teammates who wore that Garnet and Blue. Thanks to those who played before us and those who carried on the tradition after we left...Bulldog Pride...my teammates and partners in crime...Moe, Russ, Clark, Big Mel, Pizzo, Big Shot, Naylon, Q, Bruce, Hemby, Early, Tez, Spann, Bush, Frankie Sanders, Barr, Shorty, Trez, and everybody from that Class of ' 91. Shoutout to the old heads who paved the way...Zeus (RIP), Big Larry, Carnell, Big Rodney, Colson, Faulk, Joe, Top, Quincy, Houston, Big Ty, Greer...the crew...Juan, Steve, TurkNice, DG, Mal, Toine, Zae, Shawn, Dia, Avis, Tan, Wilson, Scmoove Capone, Larry, Boogie, Rich, Shaun, AL B, Naz T, Brad, RobMa$e, Hov, Nicole, Sean I, Crystal, Will, Kimmie, ERob, Charles, DK, Hakeem, Kim, Sherry, and B. My favorite spots in Orangeburg...Foxy 44, Club Ritz, The Silver Spur, Fairgrounds, Dukes Gym, SHM, Bethea Hall, Mitchell Hall, all of the female dorms on campus (haaa). And last but not least...Kick Booty ; ATL spots...Club Esso, The Underground, Kaya, Shark Bar, Visions, DragonFly, Whiskey Peach, Northview High (best Sunday hoops in the city), Atlantic Station, Lenox Mall, the old Buckhead, Strokers, Magic City, Club Nikki, Gentleman's Club, Kamal's 21 (we still gotta go, you owe me!), Los' crib, GA Dome, Phillips Arena, Peachtree Street, Piedmont, Candler Road, Panola Rd, Earwax, Electric Fetus...Much love the kids who I coach and the coaching staff at Central Dekalb...my blogger crew - thank you! we all share a bond. Long before Twitter and Facebook...there was Blogger. LOL. Much love to you all. Special shoutout to those of you who read this blog but NEVER comment. It's all good. Thanks for reading...12 Radio Show - it would never exist if I never had this blog. Thanks to all who have co-hosted and those that listen. Shoutout to all of my peeps on twitter and facebook! Major shoutout to my homegirl LRenee who gave me the idea of starting a blog. You helped create the 12 Brand. I owe you five dollaz. Haaaa.
My PR guy is really rushing me to finish this list.
Thank you for WATER AND AIR!!! I need it to survive. Thank you. I love water and air.
Last but not least...Thank you God. I am who I am because I am your creation. I'm thankful each day for the opportunity at life to be a little better than I was the day before. Grateful. Blessed. Eternally
12kyle aka Kyle aka KD aka Kid Chocolate aka KDot aka Randy Floss aka Lunchmeat Mumford aka Rollo Lawson
if I forgot anybody...charge it to my head and not to my heart. Peace
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Tune in to the 12 RADIO SHOW tonight at 9PM EST. The 12 RADIO SHOW is the most innovative and interactive show on BlogTalkRadio. Tune in as the host 12kyle entertains and informs you.
co hosted by Ms Kayotic
Thursday, December 13, 2012
you're better off...
The 2012 election has come and gone.
The dust has settled
President Obama has defeated Mitt Romney.
What's next?
As we move forward into President Obama's second term, I can't help but look back at the election and the past four years. Back in 2008, I voted for CHANGE and President Obama. In 2012, I voted for him again. I think he is the best man for the job. Not only did I think so, but so did most of this country.
During the campaign, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan began to ask the American people..."It's been four years. Are you better off now than you were four years ago?"
Wow. That's a loaded question. Most people are gonna vote based on their party or their circumstances or both. While it was a clever question, it wasn't a smart one to ask people.
When I look at where I was 4 yrs ago, all I can do is smile. Back in 2007, I left my job (voluntarily) at a major bank as a mortgage underwriter. I had been underwriting for years but the game was changing. The days of having rules and following protocol were gone. It was all about doing what you had to do to get MORE money. The mortgage industry was the Wild, Wild, West. Subprime loans were as common as liquor stores in the hood. I grew tired of my authority as a senior underwriter being undermined by managers and VPs who were after a fast buck. As 2008 rolled around, I found myself leaving the mortgage industry and making an attempt to use my marketing degree by taking a sales job. I left the comfort of a nice office job to something that I wasn't sure that I wanted to do. But I did it. I hated it too.
President Obama entered the White House in January 2008. A month into his administration, he set forth several programs that would encourage people to refinance their homes. These programs increased the demand for underwriters. Without hesitation, I got back into the game...a month after Obama was in office. Looking back on it now, I can only thank President Obama thanks for doing what he did. The mortgage business is 10 times better than what was. Things are getting better. Will it ever be what it was? I'm not sure. Foreclosures and low values aren't going anywhere. Interest rates are low. But that doesn't matter if credit isn't "opened" to most people. Credit has to flow in order for it to work. Today, I am an underwriter for a global firm and I primarily approve/deny loans for people who have perfect credit scores and 1M in liquid assets. But what about the little man who has a credit blemish or 2 on his credit report? Doesn't he deserve to refinance his house or purchase one? Of course. President Obama should be praised for cleaning up the mess that was left behind by Bush. However, he needs to find a better strategic team to help stop some of the bleeding right now. Call me...I have a strategy. LoL
So...that goes back to the question that Romney/Ryan asked..."4 years later...are you better off?"
Of course I am.
And so are you. Regardless if you voted for him or not.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
And so it is here...another year.
But this year is different.
This year I slide into 40! Today! And it feels good.
I had to take a moment to reflect and express my thanks. It's amazing to know that I've been around for 40 yrs. That's not old...that's a blessing. The great part is that I know I've got 75 more years left.
Thank you for all the well wishes. I really do appreciate them all. Thanks to everybody who came and partied with me this weekend! It means alot to see my family and friends travel from near and far just to spend time with me. Thanks to those who wanted to be here but couldn't.
Growing up, I never felt comfortable with people making a fuss over my birthday. Not sure why. As I've gotten older, I've accepted it. Lol. And I am grateful
One Love
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Check the 12 RADIO SHOW tonight at 9PM EST!!! This is the most innovative and interactive show on BlogTalkRadio. Tune in as the host 12kyle informs and entertains you. Don't just listen to the show....be a part of the show! Participate in the interactive chatroom and call in to the show (347)215-7162
TOPIC - SPORTS WRAP UP with OJ from In The Clutch. Tune in as we discuss the NFL, NBA, BCS, and MLB
12 radio,
blog crew,
blog talk radio,
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Tune in to the 12 RADIO SHOW tonight at 9pm EST. The 12 RADIO SHOW is the most innovative and interactive show on BlogTalkRadio. Check out the host 12kyle as he informs and entertains you.
TOPIC - RETRO TV...Good Times & The Cosby Show co-hosted by Rashan. Tune in as we wax poetic about two of the premiere tv sitcoms of the 70s and 80s. Don't miss it!!!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Tune in tonight to the 12 RADIO SHOW at 9pm EST!!! This is the most innovative and interactive show on BlogTalkRadio. Join the host 12kyle as he informs and entertains you. Don't just listen to the show....be a part of the show! Participate in the interactive chatroom and call in to the show (347)215-7162
co-hosted by Lady K!
12 radio,
blog crew,
blog talk radio,
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Tune in to the 12 RADIO SHOW tonight at 9pm EST!!! This is the most innovative and interactive show on BlogTalkRadio. Tune in as the host 12kyle informs and entertains you. Don't just listen to the show....be a part of the show! Participate in the interactive chatroom and call in to the show (347)215-7162
TOPIC - Top 15 MCs
When people discuss MCs, they usually focus on the Top 5 MCs of all time. Tonight, we will discuss and debate the Top 15 MCs of all time! We will also re-cap the 2012 election.
cohosted by ShellyShell
Thursday, November 1, 2012
welcome home
HOME - the place in which one's domestic affections are centered. By this definition, home is where you make it. They say that HOME is where the heart is. And that is so true. This past weekend, I had the opportunity to visit HOME. Not the city where I was born...Newark, NJ. Not the city where I grew up...Florence, SC Not the city where I have lived for the past 15 yrs...Atlanta, GA I went HOME to Orangeburg, SC. More specifically...my alma mater, South Carolina State University. It was our homecoming weekend so I went back to enjoy the festivities. I had not been there in 5 yrs. To say that I had fun would be an understatement. I had a ball. More importantly, being back on the campus reminded me of who I am and who I was in the fall of 1991. I have often said that the years at that school were the best years of my life. The best 5 1/2 years of my life!! LOL. Yes, it took me that long to graduate. The School of Business was no joke! But I had fun. I learned so much about myself. I didn't step on the campus in search of who I was. I knew who Kyle was and where he was headed. I learned how to struggle. I don't think you could ever be THAT broke and have THAT much fun. I learned how to push myself and overcome challenges. Anybody can quit when you get knocked down. It's all about how you bounce back when you get knocked down. These were some of life's lessons that I carry with me to this day.
I left all of my blood, sweat, and tears in this stadium. Football was always my first love. When I came to play football for South Carolina State, I wasn't sure how it would turn out. I'm glad that I played there. I wore the Garnet & Blue with pride. Playing football is one thing...playing for a HBCU is something else. Truly a beautiful experience. Walking into that stadium gives me goosebumps because I know that I left it all on the field. More importantly, I bonded with some great young men who have become true staples in my life (more about that in a future blog) One great thing about going back to Homecoming is seeing old friends. You are reminded of the bonds that were created years ago that is still strong to this day. I learned alot about women when I was at SC State. LOL. It's interesting that people come to me about relationship advice now. Back in the day, my track record with relationships was horrible. It wasn't that I couldn't get a woman. That wasn't the problem...I just couldn't keep em. LOL. Was it my fault? That depends on who you ask. Sometimes it was. Nevertheless, by the time I left school I had met my future wife. Lastly, Homecoming reminds me of personal growth and the growth around me. It's about seeing your boys go from 18 yr old young - beer drinking warriors...to grown successful men. It's about seeing that female friend go from being shy and unassuming to running a Fortune 500 company. It's about seeing the look in the eyes of the professors smile at you knowing that they had a part of your success. It's about one big family. This was Skyler's first trip to Homecoming. As you can see, she was chillin. LOL
black college,
life and times of KD,
SC State,
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Tune in to the 12 RADIO SHOW tonight at 9pm EST. The 12 RADIO SHOW is the most innovative and interactive show on BlogTalkRadio. Don't miss it!!!!
Tune in as the host, 12kyle, discusses some of the best movie soundtracks of the modern era. Co-hosted by Smarty Jones, Eclectikchic, and Rashan
Friday, October 26, 2012
off tha dome
random thoughts...
"So much to write and say, yo I don't know where to start
So I'll begin with the basics and flow from the heart..."
i've been neglecting this blog for a minute...but i'm back
one of the highlights of my day...getting Skyler dressed. not sure why but i enjoy that quality time with her
willie washington...lmao! just hearing that name or saying it makes me laugh *inside joke*
go vote. i don't care who you vote for. go vote
i'm on instagram and sometimes i wonder...if somebody posts 8 pics in a day and i only "like" one of them, does that mean that i don't like the rest of them?
it's good to have the homie JFresh back on the East Coast. he's been in LA for the past 10yrs. welcome back, bruh
donald trump is an idiot and an asshole
i coach my son Kameron's 9 and under youth football team and we're 6-1 right now. it's been a fun season thus far
most left handed people that i know have sloppy handwriting
mitt romney reminds me of a lotta rappers of today...hot air with no substance
the NBA season starts next week. you ready for it?
kendrick lamar's album...in a word...cooooooold
did you hear the story about the guy whose girlfriend broke up with him and the NEXT day he won the lottery? i wonder how she felt...
do you talk to telemarketers? i do. i like to cut them off while they are reading their "script" and see if they can still try to find their "place"
remember when mike vick was the "next best thing"?
i can't lie...my high school's homecoming events is bigger than a lotta college homecoming's. shoutout to Wilson High School
church people always talk about not being judgmental. but if you sit in "their seat"...see what happens.
i don't like cats
fellas...choose your words carefully. they can get you kicked out of her bedroom before you even get close to her
ladies...nothing worse than a woman with dirty white sneakers
the ESPN 30 for 30 on Benji Wilson was one of the best ones they've aired.
is it just me or has it been cool to be downright disrespectful to OUR president? people have gotten out of hand
my dishwasher is broke. guess who is bussin suds now?
you ever been at work and somebody sends you an email but their desk is a few steps away from yours?
remember when Cam Newton was the "next best thing"? wake up Cam!!!
i gotta get back to bloggin like i used to. gotta remind y'all how dope i am as a writer. i ain't no joke! *modestly speaking*
red wine is soooooo good...but it makes me sleepy
i slide into 40 in december. i'm looking forward to the party even tho i know nuffin about it.
when Jodeci's Stay comes on...
we always had # 2 pencils when we were in school. did they make # 1 or # 3 pencils?
RGIII is now the "next best thing"...according to the experts
i hate seeing kids get off the school bus with NO books in their hands
some parents are just raggedy
remember when stamps were $.20 ?
one day i had on sweatpants and a hoodie. the next day i had on shorts and was cooking on the grill. this weather is crazy
thursday nights...i'm watching Scandal!!!
i think i'm gonna push Kameron to be on the choir at church. he can sing. jussssss like his daddy
Skyler is walking now. It's hard trying to child proof the house...
why is there always ONE jerk who won't turn their phone off before the plane takes off?
the debates were funny
i don't like being lied to. don't piss on me a tell me that it's raining
who loads all of the information onto the Internet. can it be stored on a floppy disk???
Thursday, October 25, 2012
stuck in the friend zone
"There is a hole in every zone." - Anonymous
This rule applies in football and basketball.
The friend zone? Not as much
What is the friend zone? The friend zone is the equivalent of the Black Hole in outer space. Once you're in there...you're stuck. I think it's damn near impossible to get out of it if you are a man. Women?? It's possible.
The good folks at Men's Health Magazine has offered a few tips about getting out of the friend zone. Try it. Let me know if it works.
Want to make your girl friend your girlfriend? Of course you do. In a study where 88 opposite-sex pairs of friends filled out questionnaires about their relationship, guys were more likely to be attracted to their female pals than the other way around, the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships found.
Men were also more likely to overestimate their female friends’ attraction to them. So if you find yourself wanting to jump from the Friend Ship to the Relation Ship—see what we did there?—abide by these four strategies to make the tricky transition go as smooth as possible. (But believe us: There are still plenty of Good Reasons Not to Sleep with Her.)
1. Assess the Situation
First, is she available? “If she has a boyfriend, is just getting over someone, or is confused about what she wants, it’s a red light,” says Ian Kerner, Ph.D., sexuality counselor and author of She Comes First. “Otherwise you’ll look like you’re trying to seize an opportunity, which could leave her feeling betrayed.” If, however, you spend lots of one-on-one time together, your interactions often feel like dates, or they have a romantic energy about them, those are good signs that you could become something more than friends.
2. Test the Waters
“In conversation mention, ‘Gee, if I were dating you, I would do x, y, z,’ and see her reaction to it,” suggests Amy Laurent, relationship expert and star of Bravo’s upcoming series Miss Advised. “If it makes her uncomfortable or she laughs and says, ‘Oh stop!’ with an awkward smile, you may be crossing the boundary and need to respect that she may simply just want to be friends with you.” But if she seems genuinely interested in how you would treat her—for instance, she asks follow-up questions to your hypothetical scenario—she may already be thinking you’re boyfriend material.
3. Make a Pact
You have to know going in that there’s a risk of ruining your friendship if a relationship ultimately doesn’t work out, Laurent says. “Make a pact to not let that happen,” she adds. “If you’re going to risk a great friendship, make sure two elements—respect and communication—are always there. Because hopefully they’ll still be there and you can go back to being friends.”
4. Find the Right Moment
Telling her you want to date her while drunk and standing in the middle of a crowded bar surrounded by a group of friends: Bad idea, buddy. “Women are often very sensitive to context, so even if she feels the same way about you, she may not feel comfortable telling you in that moment,” Kerner says. Your game plan: Confess your feelings when the two of you are alone. “Make sure you’re in a fun, romantic context such as out to dinner, on a walk, or shopping together to help set the tone,” Kerner adds. “Then, depending on the situation, put your arm around her, hold her hand, or say, ‘I’m just going to do something here,’ and lean in for a kiss,” he adds. “These actions give her the opportunity to reciprocate if she feels the same way.”
black man,
black men,
black woman,
black women,
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Tune in to the 12 Radio Show tonight at 9pm EST!!! The 12 Radio Show is the most innovative and interactive show on BlogTalkRadio.
Tune in as we break down the upcoming NBA season
co-hosted by Juan
Can the Heat defend their title?
Is LA the new team to beat?
Who is the most underrated player in the game?
Don't miss it!!!
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Tune in tonight at 9pm to the 12 RADIO SHOW!!! It is the most innovative and interactive show on BlogTalkRadio. Tune in EVERY Wednesday night as the host 12kyle informs and entertains you. Don't just listen to the show....be a part of the show! Participate in the interactive chatroom and call in to the show (347)215-7162
TOPIC - WOMEN vs MEN...THE DIFFERENCES Vol 2 - cohosted by Lady K. Tune in as we ask the real questions that help us get a better understanding of members of the opposite sex.
show link www.blogtalkradio.com/12kyle
Lady K
12 radio,
black man,
black men,
black woman,
black women,
blog crew,
blog talk radio,
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
life's lessons
I saw this today and I wanted to share it with you.
When I saw it, I thought about a good friend of mine
I think we all can apply this to ourselves.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Tune in to the 12 RADIO SHOW!!! This is the most innovative and interactive show on BlogTalkRadio. Catch the show tonight at 9pm EST as the host 12kyle informs and entertains you. Don't just listen to the show....be a part of the show! Participate in the interactive chatroom and call in to the show (347)215-7162
Tune in as we cover the NFL, NBA, and more! Don't miss it!!!
show link http://tobtr.com/s/3709937
12 radio,
blog crew,
blog talk radio,
Friday, September 28, 2012
Happy Birthday, Skyler
I remember it like it was yesterday
It was May 10, 2011. I was at the doctor's office with Mommy. The doctor looked at us and said..."You're having a GIRL!!!"
I was SO happy! A girl? Finally!!!
But a few seconds later...reality set in. My joy turned to fear because I knew nothing about girls. We had already dealt with raising your 3 brothers. In my mind...sons were work but easy for me. I understand them. But a girl? Can I raise a girl? Am I ready to bring a girl into this world? I remember praying that night and asking God that you come to us healthy. And that's all that I prayed for. I knew if I trusted HIM, that my fears would be eased. And they were
September 28, 2011 was one of the happiest...if not the happiest day of my life. God blessed us with you. Words cannot explain how I felt to see your little round face. Before you were delivered, the doctor asked me how much I thought you'd weigh. I said "seven pounds and four ounces"...and I was correct. Mommy and Auntie Lisa named you Skyler. They insisted that your name be spelled the way that it is because in your name is my name.
This past year has been a blessing. My life has changed so much since your arrival. All of my friends who have daughters told me that I was gonna change. And I have!! I've gone from being Rambo with your brothers to Barney with you. You've already learned at a young age that you have Daddy wrapped around your finger. You are truly a Daddy's Girl. I'm proud to say that! Your intelligence and strength is beyond your age and I hope that it continues.
I know that it's easy for me to want you to be a sweet, cuddly little baby forever but that's not likely. You'll grow into a little girl...then young woman...then grown woman. But you'll always be Daddy's princess. I understand that the relationship that you and I share will help mold your thoughts and opinions on men. I know the bar is set high but I hope that you will learn the lessons that I try to teach you. I'm sure it won't be easy to date when you have THREE older, protective brothers. Not to mention a father who won't let you see any bum off the streets. But I'll be fair. I'll give you the same things that I've given your brothers...love, discipline, and an example to follow.
Today we celebrate your first birthday. I hope that you have at least 100 more. And one day I want you to read this and get the feelings and the emotions that I feel. I love how we laugh and play together. I love how you lay on my chest when you fall asleep. I love it all. Most importantly, Daddy loves you!
Happy Birthday Skyler!
life and times of KD,
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Tune in to the 12 Radio Show tonight at 9pm EST. The 12 Radio Show is the most interactive, fun filled show on BlogTalkRadio.
This week's co-host is ShellyShell
Topic - OFF THA DOME (random topics)
show link http://tobtr.com/s/3679733
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blog talk radio,
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