10 years have gone by soooo fast.
I really don't know where the time has gone. I still remember the day like it was yesterday.
August 9, 1999
On that day, YOU made me a father for the first time. The first grandchild born to both sides of our families. I had planned to name you Kyle. It wasn't until you were delivered that I looked at you and said..."Deion." And the name fit. That was my middle name. And I gave it to you and gave you the middle name...Kyle. There was no greater feeling in the world. Still isnt.
I can't tell you how proud I am of you. You've sprouted right before my eyes. These years have passed so quickly. Eight years from now, you'll be moving out for good and headed to college. And that's scary. I love your personality. You are a social butterfly. Everybody loves Deion. You are the life of the party. Everybody wants to be your friend. Be who you are. Don't ever change.
Just like your brother, the doctors said that you'd be here on August 18, 2002. They were wrong.
August 8, 2002
You were the biggest baby that I had seen in my life. A young king who we named Kameron. Most kids who are in the middle suffer from a lack of attention. Not you. You are a special dude. One of the things that stand out about you is your sense of humor. It is something that you have gotten from me. You're witty. You keep me laughing. Remember when you faked my voice when grandma called and she thought she was talking to me? You did that. I remember giving you toys to play with when you were a little boy. I would hand them to you and you'd always use your left hand. Who knew that would lead to you being ambidextrous? That means that you can use both your right and left hands equally as well. You write with your right hand but you throw with your left hand. I'm proud of you and your brothers.
August 8, 2002
You were the biggest baby that I had seen in my life. A young king who we named Kameron. Most kids who are in the middle suffer from a lack of attention. Not you. You are a special dude. One of the things that stand out about you is your sense of humor. It is something that you have gotten from me. You're witty. You keep me laughing. Remember when you faked my voice when grandma called and she thought she was talking to me? You did that. I remember giving you toys to play with when you were a little boy. I would hand them to you and you'd always use your left hand. Who knew that would lead to you being ambidextrous? That means that you can use both your right and left hands equally as well. You write with your right hand but you throw with your left hand. I'm proud of you and your brothers.
I love you Daddy
Awww Happy Born day fellas!!!
Send my regards to your lovely boys, Kyle!
Happy Birthday to the little Kyles!
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!! Your children are so beautiful *smile.*
Aww your sons are soo cute and you're such a blessing to them as I know they are to you we need more fathers like you in the world
Very Nice.. Year of teh Leo's I see.
Happy Birthday to them both
That's so sweet.
I hope they both have a wonderful birthday.
Happy Birthday mommy's big boys. I love you very much. Continue to make us proud. Remember you are leaders..........
You are one of the greatest Dads I know
Happy B-Day to the boys
Yay! Happy birthday to the little guys!
Aww tell the cuties happy birthday!
What a Great Sentimeent!
Happy Birthday to your future young men!
Having children can be such a blessing. I'm sure they think the world of you as well.
Happy Birthday to the Young Kings.
Happy birthday fellas!!
awww Happy Belated Birthday, to you baby boy. They grow up sooo fast, enjoy Fatherhood, it's a lifetime obligation of parenting :)
happy b day...I know I'm late. But kids are great!
Happy birthday to Kyle's "mini mes" albeit late! Such a great blessing! :)
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