vibe with me on this one...
take a second to THINK before you ANSWER this question
remember when you were 17? remember who YOU were?
remember how you thought? remember what you used to do?
that said...answer this question
Most definitely... I was a smart, level headed 17yr old on her way to college. I was focused, goal oriented, and although I would stray away a bit in my college years... I professed Christ as my Lord and Savior, and tried my best to walk as a child of God. I then knew my worth, and wasn't going to let some big headed 17yr old boy make me feel otherwise.
of course! i was a good girl! (LOL) i don't feel like saying why!
Oh if he could only be so lucky as to find someone like his ma-ma.
@ Keli
Great points! Knowing your self worth is important
@ Nick @ nite
Two jobs? Impressive! LoL @ dope at 33
@ Coako
Surrrrrre you were...hahahahah
@ K Rock
LMAO! Now THAT'S funny!
Absolutely yes! I am awesome at 17. I was involved in everything at school, had a job, had awesome friends, was extremely popular and loved by many. I totally would want my son to date someone like me. *sigh* I sure hope he does. LOL
Being a guy who carry a lot of Gentle'manly values from early age to present.. I'd say Absolutely! And with a son who get to see his dad treat women in a respectful way.. even the boy types still get a woman'ly treatment whether they care to get it or not! LOL, but dead serious about treating a woman like a Lady!
He'll be worth dating when 17 roll around for him.
Yep, there's still a few of us who enjoy being a gentleman to a lady and I'm doing my darn'est to see that my son will be one of them.
I KNEW Mo was one of those over-achievers!!! I just knowed it! LOL
I would absolutely want my sons to date someone like their mom; I just wouldn't want them to corrupt like their dad. I had a job, my own car, paid my own car note, no boy drama, honor roll, top quarter of my graduating class, and I cried because I was somewhere around number 67 out of about 450 students in terms of GPA.
@ Monique
Popular and loved by many...that's you! LoL
@ Tee
Bruuhhhh! You hit the nail on the head! Excellent point!
@ Chantay
Lmao @ their corrupt father. Why you gotta go in on that brutha?
You paid your own car note? Impressive!
Hell no!!!
I was a hormones fueled pig. When I was 17 girls were basically breasts and asses that could talk. I've matured in the last 30 years, fortunately.
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