After celebrating my 39th birthday yesterday, words can't express the outpouring of gratitude that I have for you right now. Thanks for all of the text messages, emails, tweets, facebook wall posts, and phone calls. Thank you for taking a second to think of me.

I also have to give thanks...to God...for allowing me to see 39. In a time when people don't value life, I am extremely grateful to YOU. I hope that YOU grant me 86 more years.
Thank YOU for life
Thank YOU for love
Thank YOU for a family that loves me dearly
Thank YOU for the best parents in the world
Thank YOU for the best friends that a man could ask for
Thank YOU for AIR
Thank YOU for all the blessings. I am eternally grateful!
Special shoutout to the coolest little dude that I know. My lil man, Brandon, turns 5 today!
So sorry I missed it yesterday 12Kyle. Happy Belated ! What gorgeous children. You wear fatherhood very wel :) Be Blessed !
Congratulations and many blessings, brother!
Awesome post!! Baby girl is beautiful! Great pictures!
That you for being a blessing, for being an Example of a husband, father, a friend. Keep showing the way! And once more wishing you your Happy Year, Happy Birthday to you and little 12!
BTW, that's one beautiful little princess you have the privilege of spoiling.
Awww...these type of posts always mess with my thug feelings! Stop it! lol
Happy B-day again! I agree, you wear fatherhood very well! :)
Happy Belated x
Beautiful family, fam.
OMG I LOVE LOVE LOVE that picture of the lil Ms and Brandon! Happy born day Brandon and Happy born day again (big Bro!)
Happy Belated Kyle! Beautiful pictures! (Where's the rest of the fam? I wanna see!) Hope you enjoyed your day!
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