you really don't need for the calendar to change to make changes in your life
top to bottom...GUY's first cd is one of the best R&B albums of it's generation
i'm excited about the NBA being back. as for my Hawks, not so much
during this holiday season, don't forget those who've lost family members or friends this year. sometimes the holidays are a huge reminder of their absence
there are wayyyyyyy too many bowl games
can't believe that people stood in long lines for hours for these...

Kobe Bryant is getting a divorce but he doesn't have a prenup. how much sense does that make?
good to see gas prices under $3. they should STAY there
did you know that Newt Gingrich's middle name is LEROY? i didn't know that. don't believe me...look it up
i can't say that i've ever heard of any white dudes named Leroy.
Kobe's parents told him not to marry his wife. sometimes you gotta listen to your momma. she knows
lemme get this straight...on Black Friday you can buy stuff for significantly less than what it's worth. then a month later, you can buy what's in stock for less than that. makes sense?
i hope that Craig Mack is getting a "cut" for his "Flava in Ya Ear" song on the new McDonalds commercial
70 degree days in December can only mean this summer will be unbearable
man, these video "gamers" are getting younger and younger
i've noticed on twitter that a lotta people use these "check in" applications like foursquare. i wonder if they realice when they "check in" at the mall or the store, they let the world know that they aren't at home
i am growing a beard. i just turned 39 and never had one. hopefully it grows
i think you should take at least ONE day off per month
hard to believe we lost Nate Dogg and Heavy D this year
ok...so i broke down and watched the EBT hip hop awards. i found myself repeating the same question..."hey, who is that?"
speaking of hip hop, thank you Common, The Roots, and Phonte for 3 dope albums this year. we needed it
if you're coughing and sneezing at work, do your co-workers a favor...STAY AT HOME
i like Magic Johnson but he has NO business on tv. he murders subject verb agreements and predicates on the regular
glad to see the troops coming home
fellas...nothing wrong with telling another man that you love him. that doesn't make you gay
ladies...never depend on a man to assist you with your SELF esteem
my 5 year old son Brandon told me the other day..."Daddy, did you know that Frankie Beverly and Justin Bieber are my friends?" guess he knows people. LoL