random thoughts...
i hate when cats run up on me at the light and try to sell something to me or to beg. move it, man. don't make me run you over with these 15 inch rims
my girlfriend is back! i'm so glad that she's here! c'mere girl and gimme a kiss
debt ceiling? most people don't even understand what that means. educate yourself.
some people are trippin' about the US credit rating being lowered when they KNOW they have bad credit, too!
the kids just started school this past week. where did the summer go?
speaking of school, i asked Kameron (who turned 9 last Monday) how he liked school...he said "there are some cute girls in my class."
remember when you had your first kiss? how old were you? i was 6. #dontjudgme
never understood why your parents told you to "sit in the corner and be quiet" while there was a storm going on outside
K-Ci from Jodeci said...
Take my money
My house and my cars
For one hit of you
You can have it all, baby
Cause makin love
Everytime we do
Girl it's worse than drugs
Cause i'm an addict over you <-------now THAT'S some powerful stuff! LOL

my boy @DariustheKing said on twitter the other day that a dude came in his barbershop and was tryna sell dog food. LMAO! Who in the hell sells dog food in a barbershop? You can buy a lotta stuff in a barbershop but dog food aint one of em
it's funny that the "Dream Team" moniker for the Philadelphia Eagles came from Vince Young...a dude who probably won't play much this year
i watched some of the GOP debate the other night. i fell asleep halfway through it.
i find myself staring at my daughter's ultrasound pics. she'll be here in 2 months. can't wait!!!
follow me on twitter @12kyle
i missed my 20 yr high school reunion. it fell on the same weekend that we went to Jamaica. hopefully, i'll catch it in 5 yrs
speaking of Jamaica, i could look at this allllllllll day long
watch the throne...I'd give it 3 out of 5 mics (barely). it's average at best. simply put...i expect more from Kanye and Jay Z
ladies...what you wear speaks VOLUMES to men. keep that in mind when you put on that tight dress
fellas...surround yourself with men who will make you a better man
hey ella mae shaqueta jackson...nice shades
"fellas...surround yourself with men who will make you a better man"
How you doing 12kyle? Awe so cute about you staring at the ultrasound pics...just wait until she gets here :)
oh yea...FIRST!lol
Miz!!! Yes, you're FIRST!! LoL! Haven't heard that in a minute!
I'm a firm believer in dudes having more STRONG dudes in their crew
Congratulations on the daughter that I'm thinking both you and your wife have awaited. Reminds me if a childhood friend and his wife who finally decided to try one last time for that son that has escaped them.
Trying to sell stuff to drivers sitting at the light? Lol. Definitely hustling hard. I believe that would irk me too, after awhile.
Good one @ complaining about national credit when your own credit rating suffers.
Laughing, bobbin' my head in accord, and nicely said.. I've had the experience of Jamaica (kick back and relax) Well, where I went.. Negril to the nudist resort Hedonism II I didn't exactly relax like I wanted to.. Whoa!
And well said... those shades are NICE! Lmbo!
Dudes run up on you in NYC ALL the time. Every Sunday this dude with no legs is in the middle of the street. All I can think about is "will the Lord forgive me if I run his ass over before church!" LOL!
The average person has NO clue about the debt ceiling or AAA rating or what is means to be downgraded!
Ummm why were you kissing at 6? Was that a tongue kiss? I remember a kid named Joey gave me a peck in 2nd grade! LOL!
KiCi certainly didn't take heed to his own words! 'Cause CRACK HAD HIM! And it wasn't the coochie crack! LOL!
Who the hell sells dog food at the barber shop? LMAO!
My HS reunion was fun! I wasn't going to go but glad I went!
"fellas surround yourself with men who will make you a better man." I think that could be said for the ladies too!
You ALREADY know what I'm going to say about the Watch the Throne BS! I just can't get over you're giving it THREE. I started to listen to it again this morning. I can't give it more than 2(that's a barely). Jay and Ye should be ashamed of the bs effort they put forth. Moving on..........
Jamaica is great! One of my favorite islands to visit. I like Aruba a tad bit more! It's safe for black folks since only blond white girls go missing!
@ Don
We weren't "planning" for her. I think the wife got me drunk and took advantage of me! LoL! Nevertheless, she is the last installment of the family
@ Tee Reese
Man, I heard Hedo is off the chain!!!!
@ ShellyShell
LMAO @ your Watch the Throne breakdown! I knew you'd have something to say.
That corner begging thing irks me because you never know who's lying.
I love WTT but then im a yezzy stan so I dont count
That GOP debate was a joke. They are all jokes. Its sad when Im looking for Palin
I also had my first kiss at 6 maybe 5 cant remember which
Just her sun glasses? Oh.
LOL, always random stuff that I must SMH to.
Peace, Love and Chocolate,
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