I see it. You see it. It can't be denied.
Look closely. Deeply. It's in your eyes.
The love and adoration you have for your man
You shower him with the love that nobody else can
Physically, emotionally, connected to a bond that can't be denied
Love is being worn on your sleeves and you wear it with pride
Those eyes pierce through him and touch his soul
From the first date, it was with him whom you thought you'd grow old
You've both enjoyed the trials and tribulations that you've shared along the way
You have that real love and forever it will stay
The good. The bad. The ugly. You've seen it all.
Through it, you both stood tall.
You're unlike most people who would run to the nearest court to make it end
The love stayed strong because your were comitted to your best friend
The epitome of success
Thirty plus years of marriage and you passed the test
When we look at you, it's what we aspire for all marriages to be
Your love is never hidden. It's bright, visible for the world to see
It's never been about kids, money or careers
True love stands the test of time through the years
You both could part tomorrow but the love would never demise
For we will always see your love...because it's in your eyes.
Wow...I'm impressed. Very nice.
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