random thoughts...
do yourself a favor and attend next year's CIAA Tournament/festivites in Charlotte, NC. it was bananas this year...
dear NFL owners & players...get this deal done and stop cryin to the media about why it didn't get done.
to the people who say black kids "don't play baseball"...they should come to my city and see what I see.
gonna do a bracket this year...I guess
fellas...throw away those throwback jerseys. you're too old for em
ladies...sundresses aren't meant for EVERYBODY. keep that in mind
it's scary to know that Japan is one of the FEW countries that are prepared for a massive earthquake...and they are barely hanging on. pray for them
what ever happened to Alexander O'Neal?

is life simple and we just complicate it? or is life complicated and we must simplify it
I heard a man tell his son..."You're about to get ran over." <----we must understand the English language before we can speak it
nothing beats the smell of charcoal from the grill
peep the 12 Radio Show every Wed night @ 9pm EST (www.blogtalkradio.com/12kyle)
like him or not...you have to admit that you understand President Obama when he speaks. for the 8 yrs, I didn't understand a damn thang Bush ever said. always sounded like Charlie Brown's teacher
it's gonna be a hot summer!
kinda thirsty right now...

after last weekend's CIAA trip, I've realized that I can't go hard like I'm 18 anymore. I won't go that again...until next time!
we miss you Biggie
speaking of Biggie, what has happened to the trainwreck that is Lil Kim?
100M lawsuit for Charlie Sheen? maybe he aint a crazy as we think he is!
maybe somebody can explain Lent to me. I mean...you give up something for 40 days to prove that you DON'T need it...only to return to it 40 days?
congrats to Dwayne Wade for winning custody of his two sons over his crazy ex-wife. i'm happy for you!
I would remiss if I didn't mention the passing of Mrs. Singleton. She was my boy JFresh's mom. Unfortunately, she left this earth on Saturday. His mom was like a 2nd mom to me. She was my music teacher when I was in the 8th grade. JFresh has no siblings and we've been friends since the age of 6. I spent countless hours at his house growing up. His parents always treated me like a son. All he had was his parents and our crew. Now that they are both gone, we got your back! RIP Mrs Singleton...God Bless your soul
Bria Myles...nuff said
Well, I love sundresses and will rock them all summer. Hmphh
Hugs to JFresh
I may have to get down to Charlotte one year for it. I went years ago and never went back.
When I lived in Houston and would go to my nephews practices for baseball there were PLENTY of black kids playing baseball.
You don't have to throw away the throw backs just don't put the beyatches on!
Sad thing is I BET the US is not nearly as prepared for a major earthquake!
Alexander O'neal is my friends uncle! I need to holla at her and ask about him.
LOL @George W. You heard what he was saying but it would take you another hour to UNDERSTAND!
I told you, you can't hang with the big dog! You and I are the same age you given us a bad rap!
I knew D Wade was going to get custody. His ex wife acted bat shit crazy!
Charlie Sheen isn't THAT crazy! His speaking tour sold out in 18minutes....THAT'S crazy!
R.I.P to JFresh's mom. :(
What's wrong with getting ran over? I bet shorty understood what he meant...just messing with ya...lol
Dear NFL owners & players...get this deal done and stop cryin to the media about why it didn't get done.
"Yes, please get this deal done!"
To the people who say black kids "don't play baseball"...they should come to my city and see what I see.
"Me and my brother played little leauge baseball as kids..I understand that there still is some kind of junior leauge around here.."
gonna do a bracket this year...I guess...
"I'm thinkin about it too!"
fellas...throw away those throwback jerseys. you're too old for em
"Aww come on...I love em! lol!"
ladies...sundresses aren't meant for EVERYBODY. keep that in mind
"I'm bettin the Queen of My Castle looks good in one though!"
Love your off the dome posts fam!
@ Queen
I'm sure that you will!!! LoL. Thanks for the eHugz
@ Shell
You gotta come to the CIAA! I know you'd have a good time
I can PROMISE you that we are not prepared for an earthquake!
Please lemme know what's up with Alexander O'Neal
Ah whuteva! I can hold my liquor! LoL
@ ♥ CG ♥
LoL @ u! Mannn, u silly!
@ Keith
I loved the throwbacks back then but we grown. We should LOOK grown! LoL
I'm convinced that we DO play baseball!
Mannnn, don't swell her head up. You know Queen THINKS she's fine. LoL
Lord have mercy, Kyle. When you mentioned Alexander O'Neal, I was like "oh yeah! whatever DID happen to that guy?!" So I googled him...time has NOT been that man's friend, let me tell u.
As for the sundress isha, I must add for my caucasian sistas & bruthas, PLEASE go get yo'self a damn tan before you start peeling off the clothes. Cus I've already been blinded by the whiteness of a few, and it's painful!!
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