TripAdvisor has announced the top 10 dirtiest hotels in America, based on travelers' cleanliness ratings posted to the popular review site.
1. The Grand Resort Hotel & Convention Center, Pigeon Forge, Tenn.
The Grand Resort Hotel & Convention Center earned thumbs down from 87% of more than 200 reviewers.

Gross. I checked and The Inn at Jack London in oakland stars at $89 per night. On travelocity it ranks 3 or 4 out if fibe stars. And the pics are nice.
Maaaannn...some of that stuff is deplorable. And I know EXACTLY where that VA Beach hotel is at too...
Eww Eww EWW! This is the EXACT reason(well this and bed bugs) why I HATE staying at hotels. Lawd, now I'm itching! lol
**throws up**
I hate hotels. Hate them! I always bring my own face towels and I never sleep with the comforter. It's a known fact that hotels wash their comforts only once or twice a year. Gross! And I never never never walk barefoot.
That is nazzty.
Oh, my gosh! I'm itching! I hate hotels. So, nasty! I always try to stay at a new one when I travel. GROSS!
You know the cocoa butter princess would throw one hell of a fit if any hotel I pay my money for looked anything like any of these, they are all equally horrible and disgusting. Gross.
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