I said I wasn't gonna do this again but here I am...
Another year has come and gone. And what can I say??? I am blessed beyond measures.
Thankful to see another year. The past year has allowed me to realize how blessed I truly am. I knew it before but I'm even more thankful this year.
Thankful for you, you, yoouuuuuuuu, them, them, dem, and them. Errrybody.
38 yrs on this Earth is a blessing. I know I'll be here for at LEAST another 97 yrs.
Thank you for the well wishes. I am humbled. Grateful. And thankful for them
Most importantly, I am thankful for God who allows me to be who HE wants me to be. HE has put the air in my lungs and the blood in my veins. And I am eternally grateful.
aka 12kyle
aka 12k
aka KD
aka KD12
aka Kdot
aka Dr. K
aka Randy Floss
aka Arthur Fonzerelli
aka Julio Fuentes
aka Quik 1
aka Chocolate Boi Wunder
aka Kid Chocolate
aka...well...you get the picture! One Love!
Happy Birthday Kyle! Wishing you many more happy years beyond your wildest dreams.
**HaPPy BiRTHday BrUh**
*throwing confetti high in the sky*
*tinks tall beer mug*
Yeah I tink tall beer mugs, got a problem with that?!?! :p
Happy Born Day homie!!!
Many continued blessings. Do the damn thing!!!
You look so cute! Hahahahaha!
Awww happy born day big bro! Have an amazing day!!!
Happy birthday. I swear you're getting up there!
May years to come be twice as good, K-Dizzle :-)!
Happy Birthday Kyle, wishing you the best!
Thank you all for the birthday wishes! 'Preciate it!
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