random thoughts...
why is a 40 inch flat screen tv worth $200 on Black Friday but that same tv is worth $700 on Christmas Eve?
President Obama had to get 12 stitches from an elbow he caught while playing basketball. who elbows the Prez? he should have a triple double every time he gets on the court.
Vince y=Young...grow up, bruh. the opportunity to play in the NFL is a privilege. you should treat it as such
it was 78 degrees in Atlanta on thanksgiving day. wow. guess that's what they mean when they say we're gonna have a "mild winter"
sometimes i look at my timeline on twitter and i wonder if some of my followers ever "log off"?
i went to the "oldplaya's club" on friday night. bunch of cougars and old dudes. pure comedy. at the age of 37, i may have been the youngest dude in there
i watch NBC nightly news every night. i like Brian Williams. he always rocks a nice tie.
when your birthday is 2 weeks before Christmas, people try to short you on gifts. guess it could be worse. i could have been a Christmas baby like Russ.
Lebron goes to Cleveland on Thursday night. should be interesting...
N. Korea vs S. Korea...scary
saw a truck with spinnin' rims the other day. do they still make those?
oatmeal raisin cookies
who is better singer...Beyonce or Janet Jackson???
i like the new Kanye cd. dope muzik. however, it won't make my ALBUM OF THE YEAR (blog soon to come)
as i was walking through the "old playa's club" the other night, i think one of those cougars grabbed me on my ass.
Lil Kim vs Nicki Minaj...spare me...they both are wack
i like Thanksgiving alot more than i do Christmas
i still don't watch BET
i'll always love my first love...football
to my single ladies...i have a friend for you. he's single, no kids, and he has his own empire. the only knock is that he lives with his father. you want me to introduce you to him???? his name is Lamont Sanford
communication...always has...and will be...a two way street
20 year high school class reunion is next year. guess who's gonna be fresh to def when he gets there...MEEEEE!
12 Radio is on every Wednesday night @ 9pm EST. *plug*
ladies...when do you tell a man you're in love with him?
fellas...if you gotta choose between your momma and your woman...who ya choosing?
Hey, Sanaa...call me...777-9311