I was never much of a movie guy.
The past few years I've gotten into movies.
I like going to the movies nowadays.
I love the popcorn and the whole aura of being at the movies. I've even expanded my DVD collection. It's nice but not as big as my boy, Dluvhall's. The other day I watched The Hangover for the 2nd time. It was hilarious...again. As I was watching it, I tried to even remember when it was out in theatres. I couldn't remember. Was I too busy to see it? Or did I just not care. I remember having a conversation with my boys, Moe and Clark, about the movie. When I told them that I hadn't seen it, they asked me about some other movie. I hadn't seen it. They asked me about 3 more movies. Nope...didn't see them either. Then, it dawned on me...there are a TON of movies that I HAVEN'T seen. I know if I told you some of the movies that I haven't seen...it'd piss you off. You'd say..."I can't believe you've never seen that!" Well...here ya go...
The Color Purple
The Matrix (the original and the rest of the series)
The Godfather
Die Hard
The Shining
Soul Plane (LOL)
Any of the Madea movies
Pulp Fiction
Kill Bill (1 & 2)
Monster's Ball
The Pursuit of Happiness
I could go on...but I won't.