random thoughts...
first things first...gotta give congrats!
congrats to mrs12 who just became a member of Delta Sigma Theta Inc Sorority over the weekend...
congrats to my homegirl
PCD who is expecting her second child. I'm happy for you! If you're having a boy...you can him Kyle!
congrats to my nephew,
Tyler. He turned 5 yrs old today! Happy burfday! Uncle Kyle loves you!
President Obama took the First Lady out on a date to a restaurant for VDay. Talk about setting the tone for playas around the country.
gas is going up!
Martin, Living Single, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air...what happened to shows like these?
this kid can recognize every letter in the alphabet and he can count to 20. i think we'll enroll him at Harvard in 4 yrs.

we're in a recession. we all know that. sometimes i'm amazed at how we manage to keep pushing on. we are some resilient people. if you listen to some people, they'd make you think that the world was coming to an end!
i found myself explaining to my 9 yr old son what chris brown allegedly did to rihanna. i told him that you never put your hands on a woman...
period. he got my point
on the other hand...you don't let a woman put her hands on
YOU! we don't play that!
gotta love shaq! the dance before the nba all star game was classic. how can you hate on a 7 foot, 350 pound dude who doesn't take himself or the world too serious.
memo to alex rodriguez...if you tell one lie, then you'll have to tell 3 more to cover that first lie that you told
i have like 800 channels on directv but i only watch like 10 channels
every man that i know really
appreciates a woman who knows something about sports
does the fear of rejection ever prevent you from stepping to a man/woman?
on a scale of 1-10...where do you land when it comes to flirting? me? well...i'd say
7 but i've been told that i'm higher than that.
when i get mad...i put it down on a pad. give you something that you never hadto my old hip hop headz...does anybody know what happened to the
Bomb Squad??? if you have to ask who the bomb squad is...then you ain't an old hip hop head!
lil wang (yeah...i spelled it wrong on purpose) has
ESPN tatted on his forearm. WTF???
i hate squash.
i also hate watermelons! i may be the only black man that you know who hates it.
don't you hate it when you leave your desk and you come back and you can tell that SOMEBODY has been at your desk in your absence????
hey look...it's the
HATERMOBILE!!!! I could say alotta things about this idiot who put this on this car but i'll let y'all do that...

did i tell you that i had to speed up on em just to take this picture???
there are
3 dangers of trying to make someone love you...it can affect you
FINANCIALLYhave you ever been unpopular? i'm curious...seriously. i only ask b/c i've always been popular. just wanna know.
ok...i admit it. kobe bryant is the best in the game. buuuuuut
WHY did he need to take damn near 30 shots in the all star game?
if anybody hears from oj simpson...tell him to keep his head up and don't drop the soap
is condi rice working or is she unemployed?
white or brown liquor?
if you're gonna be in Charlotte for the CIAA tournament next week...hollatchaboi!
you can go into any office and find the bad news person. that's the person that will always bring you the bad news.
"kyle, do you know that the stock is down today? do you know that we have to work on saturday???"if you've got air in your lungs and blood is flowing through your veins...you're ok. you can overcome anything.
self respect...have it...flaunt it...show it to the world!
memo to the twitter weirdos...stop following me
mike tyson is gonna write a book about his life. i wonder if it'll be in pencil or crayon?
where's das efx?
i bought bone thugs n harmony's first cd and after all these years...I STILL don't know what they were saying!
happy bday (2-17) to the GOAT...Michael Jordan! there's a rumor going around that you're gonna get married again. take my advice...DON'T DO IT!!!

gabby and b...gabby and b...gabby and b...