random thoughts...
i get ticked off when i hear people talk about how athletes are thugs, trouble makers, spoiled, etc. while the stories about the bad boys make headlines. a story like myron rolle's goes unnoticed. take a second to read about this kid. he's a star on a top 25 team and he's graduated in 2 years. and he just earned a rhodes scholarship!!!!!
black friday is almost here. how many of y'all will be running to the stores to get the best "deals"?
when they say something is "50% off"...i always ask..."it's 50 percent off of what?" To me, that sounds like the item was over priced and they lowered the price just to suck you in.
four words that a guy never wants to hear..." my period is late."
four words that a woman never wants to hear..." i slept with her."
i think tupac's downward spiral came after he took that role in the movie juice. i think he was hellbent on trying to prove that he was somebody who he wasn't
amy winehouse is back in the hospital. her spokesperson says that it may be due to an allergic reaction. yeah...riiiiiiiiiiite!
i read an article from some dude who suggested that obama should skip the inauguration festivities and get to work. huh? no party? are you kiddin me??? we have a black president!! we gon party!!!! beleeee dat!!! we don't know if and when it'll happen again. i plan to party like it's 1999
ten years from now...we'll wonder why we let t pain have a voice in music.
i'm impressed with how obama is handling his business right now
these next few weeks of college football will be interesting. they need a playoff system. there will be 2 or 3 teams that will be left out this year and that's sad.
shame on the philadelphia eagles for benching donovan mcnabb after 2 quarters in the game last sunday. i've always said that they've never appreaciated his talents. it's time for him to move on to another team.
taraji henson...taraji henson...taraji henson

3 things that all men want from women...good food, good conversation, good sex (maybe not in that order but y'all feel me)
3 things that all women want from men...umm....well...they want more than 3!!! lmao!!!!
i think if you're a single male or female and you're over 30 and you can't cook...that's a problem!
gas is at $1.69...i can't believe it
why did george bush pardon john forte???
maybe bush should pardon himself b/c there were a ton of crimes committed over these last 8 yrs.
jada pinkett...jada pinkett...jada pinkett

why do people kiss dogs in their mouths? if that ain't slack...then you tell me what slack is!
do you have that family member that you see during holidays that fall under the 10 minute rule? that means that you can only deal with em for 10 mins and then you're ready for them to leave.
ask a white co-worker if they've ever had a black person over for dinner. wait for their response.
the more that i listen to them talk about the bailout...i'm convinced that they don' t know what the hell they're doing!
there was a fight at the hip hop dirty awards. who cares?
will somebody please tell me who shawty lo is? i live in atlanta i still dunno who he is. lmao. is he down with the "lil's or the young's"
these rappers are too old to be called lil or young. wayne ain't lil. jeezy damn sure aint young
maybe i'm just too old for these greenhorns. gimme some nas, jigga, or rakim and i'm good. you can keep the microwaveble stars.
kenya moore...kenya moore...kenya moore
thanks to all my followers on twitter (name12kyle) and the new/old friends on facebook. join the party