phone numbers...
significant other...
I was scrolling through my phone and realized that I have some people in my address book who I haven't called or heard from since the time that I entered them in the phone. That makes no sense. If we aren't communicating, why have them in my address book? Are they taking up space...well...no. But if they aren't being used...delete them. That's what I say. I'll delete you and you'll be gone. And you'll stay gone until I see you and then I'll have to front like I still have your number...but I don't.
That's my motto.
I'm doing some deleting in my life right now.
What about you?
Who or what have you deleted?
I've deleted my exes, and people who I just don't like. If I don't like you, why keep you in my life.
I was first again...yeeeeaaaa!
I've deleted 80% of my Contacts, IM "Friends" Myspace "Friends"
And bills LOL
...and blogs that I visit
I am deleting negativity. I must only think of positive things
Who: i deleted my old friend who proved she was less than a friend. Some of my old colleagues that I have no intentions of really speaking to.
What: Some of my letters to myself, when I was not that happy with various things. Reading them made me think no need to keep them I'm not in that place anymore. Work that I bought home, its done why am I saving it on my personal computer.
Hey Brother!
Lately I've been deleting cookies, temporary files, and history from the 3 computers I use....as well as from my home folder at work...they were moving wayyyyyy to slow!
My major goal is to delete some debt from my credit report!!!!!!! Perhaps I'll delete 2 old numbers today for the heck of it....
i keep everybody, never know when they may get a dog, or want a book to buy, in this economy
As far as the phone...i keep some numbers so i know who's calling so i don't mistakenly answer the call, lol
I think I should delete the 12th planet...lol
Did you get the curve... no point in deleting numbers in that old raggedy bberry you have... just get a new phone and only transfer new numbers or that matter...
that's what I usually do... new phone... new contacts
We all need to be deletin' pointless people from our phones every now and then. I deleted 'bout 39 folx from my phone 2 months or so ago. I really don't know why I had 3 locations of "Village Inn" up in that piece either. Sad.
i just deleted a lot of bookmarks and phone numbers. and i deleted a cousin...our communication was just so pointless and stressful.
I barely have any contact to delete so i better hang on to the few i have! lol
I'm deleting debt, i have plans on being a wife in a few years and i don't wanna take anything negative with me!
I'm deleting old all people who ain't in my corner any more. All them negative vibes just need to be eliminated.
hon I am the deleting QUEEN so please, bow down i the presence of royalty...
It only takes a month of not speaking for someone new to be OUT MY PHONE and GONE FROM MY EMAIL CONTACTS for real, that way I'm not tempted to contact them.
and evil and petty as it sounds, I love the power attached to getting a text message from someone who's been deleted and replying with: "Who's this?" and their feelings are all hurt... THAT'S RIGHT, FOOL- you've been DEE-LEE-TED!!
*drops mic and exits stage left*
My ex. I thought we could be friends but now im sure we cant. I need to hit the DELTE button on him. I guess im speakin figuratively cuz i deleted his number out my phone when we broke up...and i REFUSE to put his number back in even tho we talk here and there. he just needs to be deleted out of my life now.
Oh since I got my new Blackberry, I have deleted quite a few ppl. I have found that I don't like talking to ppl on the phone. I'm a serial texter, which seems impersonal, but oh well. Back to your question, yes I've deleted A TON of folks from my phone and in my life I've deleted some too. Good post.
hmm...i have an easy time deleting unnecessary people and drama out of my life...but one thing I'm really working on deleting is this damn credit card balance. seriously!
When I got pregnant with my daughter I deleted alot of trivial bitches from my life.
No lie, I called a "friend" I had since 9th grade and let her know I was cool on her. You get to a certain age and the people you were friends with as a teen don't always fit comfortably into your mature life.
Just ghetto and shit...and ghetto has a time and a place.
i do not delete much. you never know what/who you may need in the future. deleting burns bridges, and i like to keep my bridges intact
I delete numbers from my cel phone only if they are written somewhere else like a phone book. Practicality is a must on my cel phone list. I recommend it but be cautious, some folks that have your cel phone you wouldn't give your home phone. Think about that when you decide if to keep them.
E I need the secret to deleting bills.
Stew that's a good point. I never thought of deleting as burning bridges.
12K didn't get your email today telling me about and giving me the with the link to todays blog on the 12th planet. Did you delete me?
Being a December baby (like you) I understand that we just don't like to keep unnecessary stuff around.
Since I am trying to develop and hone my entrepreneurial skills to find my niche and develop the next white-out or whatever I keep all names addresses, phone #s and emails in a seperate data bank. Only those that I contact on the regular are in my cell phone. Once we loose touch they get moved to the back up file.
I deleted bad debt. As of this writing-No credit card balances.
@ everyone
thanks for your comments. ya boy didn't get a chance to check in like i normally do. but i appreciate the vibe and the comments.
I've deleted a number of people. Seven to be exact.
I find that the best part about losing a phone is that you have to start over again in building your address book. Who ever calls or texts gets saved. All that dead weight you had in there before, no more.
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