here's a very interesting article that I found at salary.com
Just Because You Got the Offer Doesn't Mean You Should Accept It
The good news is you got the job. Which, in this still-reeling economy, is quite an accomplishment. But the bad news is you're worried you might be settling for a position that isn't the right fit for you. So where do you go from here?
Look, the honest truth is there are times when you'll have to take any job you can get, even if you know it's a bad fit. Maybe your house is about to be foreclosed on, you can't make rent, or you have a family depending on you for income. We completely understand there will be times when finding ANY job is a priority over the PERFECT job.
But then there's the flip side of that coin, which is taking a job just for the sake of having a job even if you have the luxury of holding out for something better. Maybe you're frustrated because your job search has taken far longer than expected, or you graduated college and you're the last of your friends to find steady employment. Those situations aren't ideal, but neither is taking a "filler" job that won't really benefit your career.
To help guide you, here are some very valid reasons to reject a job offer.
8. When It's a Dead-End, Not a Detour
Sometimes we travel a broken career road, but that's not all bad. Many success stories include colorful chapters where the hero bravely works his way up to corporate glory. But what about the sad dramas where the heroine ends up pausing her career indefinitely in a so-so job that moves her off-target and out-of-sight of her hopes and dreams?
Consider: Will the circuitous route still allow some sort of progress in your chosen direction? Or will the filler job effectively block the path to your desired destination? The best filler job will still allow you to grow skills and experiences that are resume-worthy, and easily applied at your next position. The worst ones can spiral you into a black hole from which you gain no additional skills or experience, essentially trapping you with no hope of escape.
7. When It Costs You Opportunities
Most jobs are found through networking. A job organizing office supplies in a backroom or basement will offer you few opportunities to rub elbows with anyone save the occasional lost soul seeking a restroom. On the other hand, a retail job selling business apparel might give you the inside scoop on unposted job listings. Remember, the clear majority of today’s employment opportunities are unadvertised.
Consider: If volunteer work or community service puts you in touch with a growing number of business contacts, it might be worth fueling that momentum rather than cutting yourself off with a short-term, bill-paying position. Obviously, if you’re in debt and behind on your bills, you may not have the luxury of timing. However, be certain that wherever you spend your 9 to 5, you remain in the vicinity of connections to your chosen career goals.
6. When It Hurts Your Professional Reputation
On the other hand, while assembling sandwiches in a company cafeteria will likely put you in contact with key decision-makers (even CEOs have to eat lunch), do you want to be remembered for a cheddar cheese mishap when you finally land that interview?
Consider: It’s one thing to wait tables as a new college graduate in search of that elusive first job. However, a displaced IT manager refilling iced teas is doing nothing to enhance that image of technical prowess. There is nothing wrong with honest labor. But aim for labor that won’t contradict your status and reputation as a professional. To wit, waiting tables would be consistent with a hospitality manager looking for her next gig. Web design work might be a better fit for the on-hold IT manager.
5. When It's Soul-Crushing
How tough is your spirit? Can you retain essential hope and focus while working in the potential filler job? Some people own the sort of resilience that will not be trampled by janitorial duties or irate customers at a fast food establishment. Others have a tendency to link identity to work and their self-worth will deflate like a leaky balloon.
Consider: Know thyself. The purpose of a temporary job is to equip you -- financially and possibly experientially -- for the real deal. If a filler job is likely to grind down your self-image, perhaps you need to look a little longer. Find employment that will pay your bills without costing you your confidence and breaking your spirit.
4. When It Goes Against Your Morals & Values
The nature of your temporary work shouldn't make you feel like you're compromising who you are or your beliefs. Obviously you should avoid anything illegal, but beyond that black and white is a lot of grey. For instance, a vegetarian meat-packer, an environmentalist working for big oil, or a personal privacy advocate making telemarketing calls. These are scenarios that will pit self against self.
Consider: You will be ineffective and personally miserable in any position that requires you to ignore core values. Selling something that is personally disagreeable is a blow to your integrity. How will you sell the professionalism of someone willing to turn a blind eye to his own convictions?
3. When It Costs You Your Family
A great paycheck that takes you out-of-town -- or out of family life by nature of the sheer number of hours required -- may be a risk to your family connections. Yes, getting behind on your mortgage payment could strain family loyalties as well, but be sure you and your spouse (or significant other) are on the same page regarding expectations.
Consider: How "temporary" will temporary be? Are there other options that might provide a better balance to the financial vs. family stability equation? An indefinitely timed strain on familial relationships (and connections to your support system) should be approached with caution. Do you work to live or live to work? Just remember, no one on a deathbed ever wished they spent more time at work.
2. When the Money Isn't Good Enough
Sometimes, it really is all about the money.
Most of us work to live. We have mortgages, rent, utilities, car payments, daycare and more to pay for, and we're working to foot the bills. So if you're presented with a job that doesn't even come close to making all the ends meet, it might be worth holding out for something more lucrative if that's feasible.
Consider: Be clear about pay structures and costs of employment -- especially for commission-based work -- before grabbing a temporary position. The word "temporary" can ascribe less value to the details tied to these jobs. These details should matter, however, because you are making a trade of your job search time. Be sure it’s a worthwhile exchange.
1. When the Money Is TOO Good
Whoosh. That’s the soul-sucking sound of a lucrative paycheck pulling talent from a long-term goal. It happens. The pay is so good you stay on a little longer. And a little longer after that. Next thing you know you're completely hooked on your fat paycheck, 10 years have gone by, and you’ve forgotten you used to have other dreams.
Consider: If you’re a "work to live" personality with a goal of retirement, this may not be a deal-breaker. But if your goals are for professional achievement, be wary of temporary jobs that could lull you into career complacency. "Umm, I got busy and forgot" isn’t going to sit well with a bored, stagnated version of yourself, wondering about the untapped potential of your youth.
Keep Your Eyes on the Prize
"Any" job is often better than no job, but not necessarily. Measure "filler" jobs against your overall career plan. Be wary of any side gig that holds the power to hamstring you into a permanent sideline position.
Our career paths are rarely straight lines. Sometimes the route to a coveted sales position goes through the mailroom. And there are times that outside pressures and financial considerations force us to pause professional progress completely. These challenges are surmountable and may even provide valuable perspective, as long as hitting the pause button doesn't cause our motivation to idle as well.
Know What You're Worth
Regardless of whether or not you actually accept the job you're offered, the important thing is that you're prepared to negotiate salary if you do want it. The first thing you should do is research, so you're able to come to the table armed with the knowledge of what your job is worth.