People really don't work on Fridays.
Pedro Martinez is still rocking a jheri curl in '09. Maybe he's tryna bring it back?
Gas is back at $2.50. C'mon Prez O!
Speaking of President Obama, if you had to rate his performance on a scale of 1-10...where would you rate him?
If I catch a cold or swine flu within the next 10 days...blame THIS dude! He was coughing all over the place on the train. Peep the pleather (plastic/fake leather) jacket

Shout out to my high school, Wilson High in Florence, SC! We celebrated 140 yrs last weekend at our homecoming. It was off the chain. Good seeing old friends.
I even ran into a couple of ex-girlfriends. Haaaaaa
I skipped the BET Hip Hop Awards. I can't give them 2 hrs of my life.
We're at the midway point of the NFL season and my fantasy football team is officially done!
I am befuddled by these teachers who "fall in love" and have relationships with their students. They are kids. Don't you see that?
Where were these teachers when I was in school? LOL
Should the first date end with a kiss?
How many times is SportsCenter gonna remind us that they broadcast from Los Angeles? Who cares?
Speaking of SportsCenter...Memo to Stuart Scott...let it go, man. Stop tryin' to rep for us. You know damn well that black folks don't use words like "crazyfreakynice"! WTH?
THIS dude is too damn big to have a freakin mohawk!

Ladies...how soon can you tell if a guy is runnin' game on you or if he really likes you? A day? Week? Month(s)?
Law Abiding Citizen starring Jamie Foxx is a must see!
How are you gonna say that you don't want your son yelled at when he's on a football field? Everybody will get yelled at on the field? I'm an assitant coach for Kameron's 6 and under team. I don't yell at anybody but Kameron because he's mine. However, if the head coach yells at him...I don't care. It's a part of the game. Are we raising men or chumps?
I actually had a parent ask me...during a game...why her son wasn't playing? Well, he'd probably play if your brought him to practice...
The first time that I heard Busta Rhymes on Scenario...I knew his days with Leaders of the New School was done.
This week's winner of the Lamont Sanford award (BIG DUMMY) is former ESPN analyst Steve Phillips. Steve had an affair with a 22 yr old production assitant at ESPN. She turned crazy when he tried to cut her off. She sent letters to his wife and even befriended one of his son's on Facebook. When the story hit the newspaper, Steve lost his job...his wife...his 4 sons...his house...and probably the shirt off his back.
Word on the street is that Steve is in sex rehab. Do you really need to go to rehab for sleeping with a chick that looks like a linebacker?