it's been a minute...i know
random thoughts...
i'm not going to see transformers. i didn't see the first movie. wasn't a fan of the cartoon. yeah...i said it
ok...will people stop asking me about governor sanford from south carolina. i'm FROM south carolina but i don't vote there. i haven't lived there in years.
since you asked...here's my .02. if you're willing to risk it all for a brawd in anutha country...she betta be fine! i mean finer than frog hair (shout out to rawdawgbuffalo...lol)
i don't pass judgement but i could understand if it was his secretary. no, this fool falls for the out of town chick. he gets the award

congrats to kobe and the lakers. you won. *yawn*...is it football season yet?
why are we hearing from dick cheyney all of a sudden? i've heard more in the last month from him than i did the 8 years that he was the vice president.
death of autotune!!! <-------thank you Jay Z. You da bess...youda, youda,youda bess.
word on the street is that janet jackson has dumped jermaine dupri just weeks after this fool had her face tattoo'd on his ribcage. if sanford didn't get the dummy award...dupri would get it.
maybe it's just me...but if you're 7 mos pregnant, you prolly shouldn't be wearing a shirt with your belly exposed.
speaking of fashion, memo to the ladies...sundresses can't be worn by every woman.
chris brown beats up rhihanna and gets no time in jail? umm...they betta be glad she ain't my daughter.
funny how r kelly had sex (then pissed) on a minor but y'all still listen to his music? wow
speaking of music, i'm gonna pass on the eminem cd. i ain't feelin it.
i didn't have the heart to tell dude that he should throw these things away

i finally went to sleep on a plane last week. aren't you proud of me?
don't you hate it when people say..."guess who did _____?" why do you want me to guess? i don't want to guess. just tell me!
sometimes you gotta just go through your phone and delete people. especially if you haven't talked to them in over a year and the number has only been dialed when you saved it in your phone.
fellaz- if you spend half the night telling a chick about how much money you have, you can't be mad and call her a gold digger later.
prez O might be cooler than me. maybe...
ladiez- "you'll never find a man, until you find yourself." - Common. <------so true
i've been watching a lot of the history channel lately. very impressive
twitter...You da bess...youda, youda,youda bess.
almost everbody is on twitter.
what if Jesus was on twitter? that would be cool to get a tweet from Jesus (@12kyle you betta be in church on this sunday...or else)
ok...that last thought was wrong...but funny.