Here's my 4th of July weekend wrap-up...with pictures
On Thursday, me and the fam headed to my hometown, Florence, SC for a small family reunion. On Friday, we had a HUGE cookout at the crib. The food (sorry no pics) was great! Afterwards, I hung out with Roody and Zell. On Saturday, we got together at Timrod Park to take pictures. Afterwards, we piled into 5 cars and made the hour drive to Myrtle Beach. I had a blast down there. The kids did too. We went to dinner and then we headed back to Florence. Later that night, I linked up with Roody, Zell, and Derrick for drinks and trash talkin'. Then, on Sunday we went to Mrs12's grandmother's house in Andrews, SC. We kicked it there for a day and came back on Monday. It was a great time! I really enjoyed myself.
Now...the pics
Here is the sweetest lady to ever walk this Earth. This is my grandmother. She passed away when I was 6. I have soooo many fond memories of her. Everytime I see this picture of her I'm reminded of her sweet spirit. I know you're smiling down on the family that you created!
Here's a picture of my granddad. He passed away when I was like 2. He was a cool dude. He was a dude who was about his fashion. Peep his gear. Maaad fly. haaaaa
Here's a picture of the house that I grew up in. Not pictured is the basketball court where I honed my skills! LOL
Here's my dad. He's chillin with all of his grandkids. Taylor and Tyler (Damon's kids), Deion, Brandon, Kameron, and my niece MacKenzie (my sister Cara...not pictured)
Brandon...looking to get into something
Kameron and Brandon
Little cousin Jamison (Aja's daughter) takes a ride on her granddad's shoulders. That's my uncle. If he looks familiar to some of you sports fans, that's b/c his face is familiar. He used to play in the NFL. His name is Harry Carson. He played in the NFL for 13 years for the New York Giants. In 2006, he was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame.
Brandon gets some ice cream
Da fam! Me, momma12, mrs12, Deion, Kameron, and Brandon
Why is Kameron pouting?
Nobody's looking
Me and Mrs12
Me, Damon, and moms
Eric, Angie, my Aunt Louise, and the kids...Arin and the twins, Kaitlyn and Lailah
Eric, Mike, Aja, Damon, Donald, Lucky, and me. We are all cousins but we're really brothers with a sister. We all grew up together. We are only cousins in name.
Momma12, my aunts (Louise and Ruth) and my uncle (not pictured...uncle Ronnie)
My aunts, uncle, Aja, Lucky, and Donald. Lucky and Donald are my "lil cousins". I still call em lil but Lucky is 6-5 and Donald is 6-4. LOL. Lucky is a sophomore at Auburn. Donald just finished grad school at Hampton and is headed for medical school at Virgina Tech this fall. I'm proud of those younginz.
I'm chasing Brandon on the beach
Mrs12 and Brandon play in the sand
Brandon is awake but Deion and Kameron are knocked out! What's wrong with this picture?
Ball till ya fall this weekend! What are you gonna do?
It was good to see pics of the whole fam! You have a lovely family.
And yes, something was wrong with the little man being the only one up. That's the babies for you!
Glad you had a good family time in South Kak. BTW, I saw a mosquito in the background of eveyone of your pics. I told you they were bad out here!
lovely family....mrs12 is beautiful!!!!
wow, your family is beautiful Kyle. I see you all proud looking and such.
Your wife is gorgeous!!!
I am so happy for you Kyleeee Kyle!!
what a beautiful family... and yeah, in that last picture your baby looks like he's plotting! his poor brothers... lol
You have a beautiful family!
When you said Florence, SC I got nervous, hahah
AWW SC, I miss ya! Maybe next summer.
OH look at that family. I love families and it looked like yall had a great time too. Good job with all the pictures.
you have a lovely fam kyle! but why were you trying to look all hard in the pics? you're always smiling in your pics on blogger...now you're all stone-faced and tough-PHOOEY!!!
this weekend will be used for holiday prep...which will begin on next tuesday...YAY for HOLIDAY!!!
Hey Brother!
Nice pictures...beautiful family!
You're wife reminds me of that actress from Hustle and Flow...the one that was singing "it's hard out here for pimp...when you trying get the money for the rent.."......She's very pretty!
It really touches my heart to see black married couples...and...their children...God blessings to your family and household.
Great Post KD. Love to see family gatherings and showing love, support & good ole times together. I am glad you took the whole family and your children got a chance to see both sides of the family. I am also happy and it makes my heart warm that you two are still married and still keep the excitment going when so many children only get to see one side of the family and never know there other side. MY hats off to you and MRS.12 for keeping hope alive there are still some black folks doing the right right thing and keeping the family core together.
And I'm gone aight aiight
@ Jewells
Thanks. I think he's gonna rule all of us in this house before it's all said and done.
@ Dione
Yeah. South Kak was a lotta fun.
LOL @ mosquito's. It wasn't that bad.
@ Flyyest
She's aiiight! The kid in the red shirt looks like Denzel, tho! LMAO!!!!
@ Dreamy
Thanks! I'm very proud of my family
@ Jaded Santana
Yes!!! He is plotting on ALL of us. That lil dude is a mess. I remember when he used to be quiet!
@ the F$%k It List
Yes! You gotta come to SC. It's a nice getaway from the city life
@ Darius
Yeah bruh. We had a great time. I can't even tell you how long it took me to put these pics together. LOL
LMAO @ u!!! I wasn't smiling b/c it was soooo muggy out there. I was ready to take the pics then head to the beach.
and I am hard lmao!!!!
@ Keisha the Kitten
Thanks. Everybody says that she looks like Taraji Henson (Hustle & Flow). I don't see it, tho. LOL
@ Jeff S-Class
Preciate the love, bruh. You've known us for a long time. We're gonna stay together no matter what.
Lovely family!
Don't you love how southern folks park in the grass right up to the house. Reminds me of being in Central Florida again. I need to go see my people.
Yeah Kyle, I agree that she favors Taraji Henton -- it's all in the eyes, nose and mouth. Cute wife.
When a man finds a wife he finds a good thing.
And the church said, Amen.
Wow !!! The fam looks beautiful homie. I had to post when I saw the crib on the LANE. Brought back alot of memories.
We r going to get that thing straight at City Grill with Don Don being on the Wall.........unacceptable !!!! LOL!!!
You better be glad you threw me off the scent, cause you know I would have busted up that BBQ, with a cup of GNAC in my hand. U r a smart man, cause you know I would have asked Reita could we hoop!!!. Just as always the answer would have been yes !!! LOL!!
That's what's up though great post and next year. We are going to impose our will. You know the old school rules, no invite necessary when you from the crib !!!
You know told you that bout SHERICE early!!!!! "Leave me alone JODY !!!" LOL!!!!!!!!!!
Baby you sho nuff got a nice looking family. Specially that uncle Aja of yours. Now tell me. Is he married? If not why don't you hook old Ruthie Ann up. Hell I'll play catch with him. Throw my panty drawerz straight at him. Oh Lawd did I say that outloud? Take care now.
Ruthie Ann
Lovely lovely family!!!!
Your boys...the oldest favors the wife, but the other two are all you! lol
Luv that house you grew up in...you were definitely fortunate!
Enjoy your weekend as well!
You have a beautiful family. It is such a blessing to be able to be so close with your loved ones...cherish that.
Awwwwww, I love picture posts. That last one was priceless. I don't know why Mrs. 12 reminds me of Taraji P. Henson. Very handsome family.
Ha! I see Kitten already said that about your wife. LOL.
@ Rich
'Preciate it, bruh!
Yes! Black folk WILL park in yo grass!
@ Rich
I guess they both have "round" faces. LoL
It felt good being back at the crib. That'll always be home. You're right...a lotta memories at that house. Lotta battles on that basketball court too! I know...I know...you honed your skills on that court, too! LOL
City Grill! I'm still blown away by the whole concept! Haaa
Man, y'all could've come thru. We had PLENTY of food. Y'all are fam so you know that moms would've welcomed y'all.
Next year...we'll do it again...only bigger!
@ Da Reason
Yeah. You said that a lonnnnnng time ago. Everybody thinks that she looks like her.
@ Pew View
Sorry...my uncle Harry (Aja's dad) is married. LOL
@ OD
I think they ALL look like me. But then again...you wouldn't expect me to say anything else, would you? Lmao
It's a beautiful house in a great neighborhood.
@ Beautifully.Conjured.Up
Thanks! I really do cherish these moments. I remember when I was the one who was running around like my kids were. Now, I see age catching up with my uncles and aunts. I realize that I'm standing where they were just a few years ago.
@ Queen
Thanks! I have that last one on the screen saver. I really wonder what he's thinking about doing. LMAO!
She's a good woman. And she has a good man!
*pattin myself on my back*
@ Queen
That's been the theme today. LOL
@ Anonymous
I normally don't delete others comments b/c all opinions are golden at the 12th Planet. But I had to let you go, bruh. You may wanna save that for some other time. If you're ever in Atlanta, I know some folks that live under I-20 on exit 53 who are homeless who may sit thru that rhetoric that you posted. LOL
If there's any consolation...I read half of a paragraph.
Thanks for coming thru anyway...whoever you are.
Beautiful pick Ole Dit. Nice family man. But I got a question playa. What did Mrs12 see in yo behind? LOL. Just kidding.
Yo, my reunion is in 2 weeks. About 30 miles to the west of yours. I might roll through that lil spot you told me about in Dillon. (wink)
awwwwww family *tear* lol. Your wife kinda sorta maybe reminds me of taraji p. henson a lil bit. thats a good thing cuz i think shes pretty) your youngest son is a mess wit them two teeth on the bottom!! and he looks like the one that gets into everything. he looks like he wants to do somehthin mean to the other brother while they were sleep.
beautiful family!!
You have a lovely family.
BTW why you looking so hard in the pics...lol! Have a great weekend!
@ Brad
LMAO @ u! You know how it goes. We met in college. I sprinkled some "playa juice" on her...and it was a wrap! Haaaaa
Fa sho! Lemme know! I'll get the name and address of that spot!
@ pink
Hey! Haven't seen you in a minute. Lol
Brandon is a mess! Fa real! He cracks me up all the time. He's off the chain
Thank you!
@ ShellyShell
Thanks! 'Preciate it.
I'm looking like that b/c it was
1) hot
2) there was 5 other people who were takin pics after the photographer took our pics...so we had to keep turning our heads. Lol
3) I was ready to go to the beach
4) I am hard! LMAO!!!
awwww....your wife is pretty...and ur kids are soooo cute...
matter fact, your whole family is just plain beau-ti-ful...
and who is this dude with the dreads in one of the pictures? is he related to you? do you happen to have a number where i can reach him? lol
@ kandi black
Thank you! I appreciate the compliment
That's my "lil cuzin". I'm 5-7 and he's 6-5 but he'll always be my lil cuzin. LOL. He's a sophomore at Auburn. He's single, too! LOL
@ Flyyest
Yeah. Young Denzi. That's me! LMAO!!!!!!
gotta love the fam! great pics bruh. have a fabulous weekend!
You have a strikingly beautiful family!!
Enjoy your weekend!
family is the shit
i needed to see your smile with your folk
see u friday, i mean today i hope
Wow your youngest is the splitting image of you. You have a very beautiful wife too! Wow beautiful Family nice pictures!
look at familia de 12.
beautiful family, both immediate and distant.
i like the haircut on mrs12
looks like brandon was about to seek some payback on his big brothers
get it how u can, i guess.
grand-dad12 and grandmama12 must be proud of how great u guys are.
yall did it real big.
beach time and what not
and i can only imagine the food that went down...
thanx for sharing...your whole entire family is beautfiul. I especially love the pics with the wife and kids...REPRESENT!!
@ L
Thanks L! 'Preciate it! Have a good weekend. Stay cool in that desert heat!
Thanks! Have a good weekend
@ Torrance
I'll try to smile next time. LoL
@ Hadassah
Thank you! Yes, Brandon looks like me. If you see my baby pictures, you'd think that we were twins.
@ -1-
thanks, sis!! preciate the love
mrs12's hair had alotta "bounce" in it. Lol
looks like he was definitely thinking about getting some payback!
the grandparents are soooo proud
i had so much fun at the beach. it's not south beach (smile) but i had a ball.
@ Poca
Thanks Poca!
Beautiful Fam... but um... why you got the mean mug in every shot...
What 12kyle dont smile...
hahahah... you like how I bussed a quick bar on ya huh... my MC skills are off the charts!
K-Dizzle...You know you faded us out on the cookout B!!! What, no mention of the "Shed"??? AKA, ish talkin central??? That's aiight, you know the next time what's up!!! LOL
As for the "City Grill", I'm still buggin bout that ish. How you gonna call your spot a sports bar with 2 TV'S? Flotown. That's all I can say.
Oh yeah, "You been fuckin peanut Jody???" You know that's been the runnin joke for years!!! LOL
Awwwww - this makes my heart smile after being away from blog-land cuz i gotta work so hard now;-).
And forget why Kameron's pouting - why U pouting? or is that your "hard/thug-life" look? LOL! Wha's good, Brutha 12K. Forgive my inability to return your text (i'm so slow;-). Here's the link to my blogtalk channel:
I am so pissed I'm the last one to comment dammit! Those pictures are the best! I seen that baby boy and all I could say out loud was "gimme dem two teef!" That's what I used to say to prettygirl everytime she grew one in...I'd count 'em down.
Your family is a buncha beautiful chocolate SC brothers and sisters!
Mrs12 is the hotness! woohoo! No wonder she ain't worried about your blog crush! haha. And she doesn't look like she popped out three boys either.
Honestly I was born in Texas, but I am not a country girl, all I was thinking is can nigga's that dark travel through SC without coming up on a tree and rope? haha!
West Coast!
But for real the pics are beautiful and you have a beautiful family, and to the cuzz who's going to med skill...do that shit then man! We need more black doctors.
GREAT!!! pictures of the fam. Thanks for sharing. That's a wonderful picture of your grandma she looks like a kind hearted person. Seeing granddad's picture explains why you are so fly. It's GENETIC =)
I will be working this weekend at the office during the day and at my own business at night. A sister is planing to make her first million in 2008 =)
What a beautiful family...i so love the pics of all of you! You and Mrs12kyle are a beautiful couple.
It's so nice to be able to get to spend time with the family! Thanks for sharing, I thoroughly enjoyed looking through them and reading the captions too....
Nice pics! I love family reunions. I have folks in eastern GA/western SC that I need to know better. Trying to make it to their reunions.
Great pics.
Mrs12 looks like Taraji Henson...but of course more beautiful :)
A close family is the greatest.
@ Eb the Celeb
LOL!!! U silly! Thanks for the compliment
@ Derrick
Like I told Zell, y'all could've come to the cookout. We had plenty of food!
City Grill is gonna be our new hang out spot
@ CapCity
I'm not pouting. I was just hot! LOL
Thanks for the info!
@ prettyblack
LMAO @ u! You're not last
Brandon's teeth are coming in...
slowly! haaaa
Thank you for the compliments. Mrs12 works hard to stay in shape. I gotta tip my hat to her. She doesn't look like she's had 3 churren.
@ Ms Moore
Yes! My granddad was reaaal fly. He'd get paid on friday and be broke on monday. LOL
@ Miz
Thanks! I appreciate the love
@ Jackie Edwards
Thanks, Jackie
Good luck in a few weeks in Bejing. We'll be pullin for ya
@ sista gp
Welcome to the 12th Planet. Make sure that you come back. We have a good time over here. We're here every day like the school bully.
Family reunions are the best. If you can get there, you should.
@ Blah Blah Blah
Thanks! We are a very close family. I love em.
, thank you for allowing us to see your beautiful family especially the 2 leading ladies in your life Mrs 12 and momma12
.That last photo is classic! Lol
@ Sexxy Luv
Thanks! Glad that you enjoyed it. This was a fun post.
Yes! Those are my leading ladies. I love them both.
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