Thursday, May 22, 2008

blog 101

When you pull up this page on your computer, whaddaya see?? Well, if you look to the'll see my blog crew. These are my peeps. These are the blogs that I frequent every day.

First, most of them are females. Don't blame me...that's how the blog world is. LOL

Second, all of the ladies are VERY ATTRACTIVE. I'm taken but I can pass on a compliment. Haaaa

Thirdly, all of the bloggers are well versed and tremendous writers. Everybody has a passion and a great ability of self expression

If you've never heard of them...lemme tell you a lil bit about em. Or lemme tell you what I know about em. And I promise not to look at their profiles. LOL

-1-...she is simply that because she is the first to come and none to come behind her (did i get it she doesn't like capital letters. she graduated from michigan state (i'll have maaad jokes come football season) and she has a young daughter. hails from dearborn, mi

BGG aka Brown Girl Gumbo...she has the hottest fashion blog that i've seen. sometimes i go there and i can't comment on the hottest eyeliner in the world but it's a great blog to check out. she's from Brooklyn

CapCity...real down to earth sista. She is a member of the Bloggers Delight crew. She's from DC but lives in NYC. She's an author, too...i think.

Chicas...4 sistas who are all successful lawyers. I can't remember their names but I know TravelDiva. Maaad cool young lady. They do a weekly post called "Joker of the Week". It's a classic. They are all from DC

Dejanae...To say that her blog is all over the place is an understatement. Very creative, tho. She likes to take pics. Great music on her blog, too. She's Haitian and she's from NY

Don...Maaad cool brutha. He's like the Pied Piper of Blogging. Everybody goes to his blog. I didn't know anybody in the blog world. Then, one day he stopped by my blog and dropped me a line. I returned the favor. Then I realized that this dude was a cult hero. LOL. Not sure where Don is from. Parts unknown?

DreamCop08...just joined the crew not long ago. Very witty and passionate lady. She's on a quest right now. Quest for what? Check out her blog and find out. She's from Louisiana?

Eb the Celeb...this is my lil sis right here. She's one of the few bloggers whom I've met (last Sat at her bday party). Her name is well deserved. She has 3 blogs. The only knock on her is that she went to NC A&T. Boooooo. She's from Rochester NY but lives in Harlem

eclectik...his posts are like my thoughts...all over the place! When you check out his'll learn a few thangs. From DC

hadassah....young Canadian sista. She's very passionate. I think she's in school

Jaded NYer...she cracks me up everytime that i go to her blog. This Dominican is off the chain. I know her real name, too. LOL. Mother of 2 girls. Mets fan (boo). Brooklyn, son!!! (in my New Yawk accent)

Jewells...the round the way girl. Her "Why Wednesday" posts have become legendary! I think she was an army brat who moved around? Lives in Summerville, SC. Just graduated. Congrats again, sis

Karrie, stylish, name it and that's Karrie B. She's the chick that you hang out with that makes sure that YOU have a good time with HER. Hails from NYC

Keisha the Kitten...very spiritual sista. She's charming and funny. Hails from Chi-town

LRenee...this is fam right here. She's married to one of my potnaz. She encouraged me to start my own blog based on the comments that I left on hers. Although she doesn't post every day, she's on point with it. Mother of 2 younginz. She's from DC

Mika...very down to earth and cool sista. Kinda reminds me of the girl who would help you study for that exam but wouldn't let you stress over it. You feel me? Mother to a cute lil boy. Hails from Long Beach, CA

Mizrepresent aka favorite writer. She "bleeds on the paper" when she writes. She is an author. Met her for the 1st time at Eb's party. Cooler than cool. Mother of 2. She's from Gary, IN but she's an ATLien

MsPuddin...buck wild!! That's what she is. She has her own theme music "Dance With Somebody" by Whitney Houston. She's a bartender? Lives in LA??? Not sure

Muze...a fabulous writer. She was one of the 1st blogs that I frequented. Maaaaad cool. She's an author as well. Hails from the D...aka Detroit. Loves Kanyeeezy.

Opinionated Diva aka OD... the name fits. She has an opinion about everything. And she comes correct with it. Reminds me a lot of my cousin Tara who lives in Newark, NJ. Gotta check out her Flashback Friday blogs. OD is from Brooklyn

PCD...the best circle drawer in the country. She reminds me soooo much of my real sister. PCD introduced me to the term "pantsuit" when describing Hilary Clinton. LMAO!!! To this day, I chuckle when I think of that. Mother to a daughter...lil PCD. From NJ

Poca...if you ever got a chance to read her entertainment blog (she no longer has it) you'd be entertained. You gotta love her "Next Level" blogs. Mother of 3. She's from San Diego

Prettyblack...the realest...PERIOD. She refers to herself as a "bitch" but I'd never call her that even though she uses it as a term of endearment. Mother of Lil Pretty. From Sacremento?

PRO...stronger than strong...tougher than nails. Pro's blog comes str8 with no chaser. Gotta love that. She went to Tuskegee...hubby went to FAMU (booo). Lives in Orlando???

Queen...her name says it all. After reading her blog, you'll take a knee to her Majesty. She seems to write so effortlessly. Mother of 2. She is from Houston

Rawdawg brutha. He's an author, too. He's from Memphis but he lives right here in the ATL. brutha who always comes with the witty wisdom with his posts. A member of the Bloggers Delight crew. He's an author. Lives in St Louis.

Swag_Ambassador....maaad cool brutha. All of the ladies love him. He hails from Sacramento. I think he's related to Pretty Black

Tabu...a very passionate young lady. She hails from Canada. If you read her blog once, then you'll be coming back. Trust me

The F$%k It List ..calmer than calm...cooler than cool...realer than real. That's her. Mother of 1son. Lives in NYC. Works on Wall Street?

prettyparker...maaaad cool. She doesn't have a blog. When she gets out. Don't mess with parker. Has one child. Lives in Northern Va

The Flyyest...i like to say that she is "aerial". Fashion and trends? She's up on it. She has the prettiest little girl. I wanna "borrow" her for a weekend. LOL. She has 9 tattoos. She's from the Emerald City...Seattle

Big ^ to the bloggers who frequent the 12th Planet...

Brad- still waiting on your blog (lol)

Rezidl-see above (lol)

Sexxy Luv-see above and Brad (lol)

Shelly Shell- you're off to a great start

Kieya- you are damn good!

Eham- thanks for checkin in, cuz

Da Reason- bring heat everytime you post. pack heat like Fred Johnson. LOL

Derrick- love it when the crew from the crib gets on

WeJa- you off the usual

Mlinz- you always bring something good to the table

Jeff S Class- preciate you coming always

12kyle fan- I am reaaally looking forward to YOUR blog in the coming months

Ms Moore- remember when we used to work together and we had to sit in that cold room??? LOL

Trouble- keep coming back...I like what you have to say

last but not least...

Mrs12...that's my baby right there, y'all. Even tho you don't post that often...I appreciate when you do. Love ya

If I forgot somebody...charge it to my head and not to my heart.



Dreamy said...

awwwwwh you have channeled the softer side right now by giving me a shot out. Thanks for reading my blog i really appreciate it so much

i think you have a wonderful blog and i just love the things you talk about. you got the swag about you to and very appealing to the eye also. plus you are entertaining as hell with your creative writing.

im so simple so i just blog about everyday life but you, you take it to a whole other level. I wish sometimes i was creative like that but you know that is what makes us so different. you find some entertainment in my blog and likewise with yours for sure.

again thanks Kyle you are such a sweetie pie!!!

Dreamy said...

oh and love the last part charge it to my head and not to my heart.

Tiffany S. Jones said...

I like your spot. I must add you to my roll. By the way, don't be hatin' on Dem Aggies!!!
We can't help it if we know how to get down!!!

Keisha "Kitten" Isaacs said...

Hey Brother! All I can say is "thatz whatz up!"....."much love"......"peace & blessings!"

The Jaded NYer said...

um... did you just BOO the Mets?!?!

Is The Jaded NYer gonna have to choke 12kyle????

Oh, btw, I have free Mets tickets for next Thursday... you're not invited or anything; just thought you'd like to know LMAO!!!

(thanks for the cyberlove and shout out, son! you know I love your spot like R.Kelly loves golden showers...)

eclectik said...

That's a good look.

I'm glad my thoughts aren't THAT weird lol

The planet is the place to be.


12kyle said...

@ dreamcop08
Thanks! I appreciate the vibes and the luv.

When I started, I wanted to talk about everyday life...but I couldn't. LOL. I mean...I could tell y'all how nice i am in the kitchen or how i can change Brandon's diaper but I'd get bored with talking about me. LOL. That's what I love about everybody's blog...diversity.

@ Smarty Jones
Thanks for the add. I would take a shot at A&T rightaboutnow but ummm...I'll wait. LOL. Thanks for coming thru

@ Keisha the Kitten
Thanks, sis. Peace and blessings to you, too

@ Jaded NYer
I've done more talkin about the Mets over the last 2 days on this blog than I should have. LOL

LMAO @ U! Golden Showers

@ e
Preciate it man. Sometimes I'll go to your spot and keep the page up and do something else...just to hear the muzik!

12kyle said...

Awwwwww dammit! I KNEW that I'd forget somebody... "ole skool friend". I've known her for about 5 yrs and we've never met. She's a former co-workers cousin. We started out sending fwd emails and became tight about 5 yrs ago. She can a songbird. Cool hubby named Charles. Lives in upstate NY

The Pew View...Mabel and Ruthie Ann...i'ma say that they are in their 60s or 70s. Very entertaining "young" ladies. You've seen their comments so you know what i mean.

Mizrepresent said...

Thanks 12kyle, really, your favorite...awe, now that just made my day! You are mad cool too and one of the best dancers, lol!

12kyle said...

@ Miz
Thanks!! You're a pretty damn good dancer too. You can "cut the rug" pretty good! Haaaaaa

i.can't.complain. said...

thnx for the shout big brother 12.

u almost got it right :-)

"none before me. none to come".

aaaand, i was born in detroit(mi). live in wixom(mi) now.

u have great taste in bloggers.

and we have great taste in u !

u're a fantastic writer.

thnx, as always, for sharing.

by the way... go green. go white !


Eb the Celeb said...

look whose sucking up to get more

ah I'm just playing my lil big

since your so short...

and yes... as soon as I got me some internet access on my VACATION... mind you... I hit up the planet...

Now dont bug me no more til I get back to

Queen of My Castle said...

Awwwwww, this was too cute. I actually went through and read what you had to say about everyone. I think Poca is a mother of 2, though.

I must agree, your crew is VERY well-versed.

prettyparker said...

Oh 12k, how sweet of you to mention me. You straight sound like those folks on my job with that "don't mess with parker!" mess. Haaaaaa.

I find myself reading everyone's blog whenever they have a witty or insightful comment. Translation - I'm reading everyone's blog A LOT!

Sigh, I gotta start one myself one day. But who would come?

Thanks again for the shout out. Three parker kiddies, not one. Though at times I wish there was only one running up and down the steps when I'm trying to sleep in!

Jazzy said...

I was gonna be extra and throw a big up to BK, but I'm going to behave today! lol

Thank you for the shout out.

I would love to see a blog from Brad and Sexxyluv as well. Luv their comments!

L. Renee' said...

12KYLE giving out Shout Outs???
AWWWW isn't that sweet. YOu know we all visit your blog because you are the real deal! Thanks for the love Brother from another mother!LOL

Brown Girl Gumbo said...

Thanks for the shout-out!!! I appreciate all of your comments on BGG! I don't know what I'd do without my daily 12th Planet fix. :-)

12kyle said...

@ -1-
Mah bad! I almost got it right..."none before me. none to come"

Like the Jay Z line

Thanks for the luv. When people ask about how I'm doing I tell em...

i can't complain
Shout out to your late grandfather, sis

@ Eb the Celeb

Did u say sumthin? Haaaaa

@ Queen
Thanks Queen. Yes, everyone is well versed...especially the Queen! lol

@ prettyparker
You'll probably get that blog started sooner than later.

Three lil ones like me? such thing as sleeping in

@ OD
Is Brooklyn in the house? LOL

I agree. I'm tryna push Brad right now

@ LRenee
U know I gotta give props where they are due. It all got started with your encouragement. I remember asking you if you liked the name 12th Planet...and you did! LOL

No problem!! Your blog is really next level! I've learned a lot

Anonymous said...

Thanks Bruh for the shout outs.. KD I must admit you are a truly intelligent brother. I didn't knowsmart came from Florence.. Just kidding Bruh.
You are truly blessed with a tremendous amount of knowledge. Your character speaks for itself. You are devoted husband and father. Keep on looking towards the hills from where our strength cometh from. For all of ther bloggers keep up with your witty, smart intelligent comments. You have opened my eyes to alot of insight on issues. For that I thank all of you. Although I struggle with life issues your intelligence get me through alot with some GREAT Topics and advice you bring to the table.

The Pew View said...

#Ruthie Ann is speaking#

Awww Baby Me and Mabel wanna thanks you for this award. We wasn't prepared and so we aint got no acceptance speech so I guess we gotta have to wing it. First we wanna thanks God. Then we wanna thanks you Baby for all these here good questions you gives us all everyday. Chile I have inhale my gluacoma medicine to get deep with you most times. Tell you what you keep ole' Ruthie Ann's vision in tact. Anyway then we wanna thanks the peoples that help us set up this here blogshop. Praise the Lawd for you. Oh yeah we hope that you giving out gift bags like them Grammys do. Cause we sho praying for a 5th of Crown Royal in the bag. Oh yeah and one of them fancy IPOD thingy miggies that PCD was talking bout otha day. Yeah we sho praying for one of those.

Well we gone end the speech here cause we don't want yall to start playin the music on us. Or sending Sandman to sweep us off the stage. But anyway again we thanks you. Come on Mabel let's go celebrate with Omelettes and Remy before we goes to midday prayer! Take care now.

Rich Fitzgerald said...

Man, when I started blogging there were like less than 10 folks in the crew. Now there are soooo many that I can't keep up. However, I think your bolg speaks to me because you are one of the few brothers in my age range. I see a lot of the people you named but you almost need to be hired to blog to keep track on a regular basis.

The F_Uitlist said...

Thanks for the Luv. I really enjoy your site, on my less than calmer days I like to visit here to get my mind right! the 12thplanet is my Prozac, LOL

And yes work on Wall Street, hail originally from Brooklyn's Mean Streets HAHA.

And lay off the METS, Willie is trying and he is Brooklyn's favorite son...that's right another shout out to... Brownsville "Never ran never will!"

The F_Uitlist said...

and oh yeah they sure put of whoopin' on the Bronx Bumbsters (Yankees) last weekend. Recognize!

L. Renee' said...

Are you too busy for sex? Check out the blog to find out.
You know it's not official until you show up! (smile)

CapCity said...


;-) Thanx 4 the luv, Bruh 12kyle!!

Miss Mika said...

Thank you so much for the shout out. You know good and well your blog is one that I frequent every day. And we certainly share liking for many of the same blogs.

I appreciate you taking the time to recognize my writing in such a way. I would be one to help you cram, while telling you not to stress about it because its just a test. A compassionate hypocrite... HA!

TravelDiva said...

Awwwwwww. Thanks Kyle!!!!!!!!!!!! Chicas loves you too!

Anonymous said...

I've yet to meet you Bruh, but I see you all over the Blog world...Lets make the hookup?
My Blog is
I see you on all my families sites so I consider you Family as well and I'm blog rollin you!
You can add me too...Checkout my site.
Peace Bro...and nice site!

ShellyShell said...

Thanks for the shout out Kyle!! I want to be like you when I grow up!! Peace with chicken grease!!

PCD (Pretty Circle Drawer) said...

*doing the butterfly*

aw shucks! well, i must admit, this was a creative post sir. you always have a diverse vibe up in wonder you're the cool kid at the yard! *wink*

12kyle said...

@ Jeff S Class
Preciate it, bruh. You know how we do it. Bleed Garnet and Blue

@ The Pew View
Ohhhh lawd...she think she won an award. I'm too nice to burst her bubble so I'll play along

@ Rich
No doubt! The list gets longer and longer. Don told me in the beginning that there weren't many male bloggers and that's true. Definitely appreciate you comin thru

@ The F$%K it List
"the 12thplanet is my Prozac" Classic!

Hey! I gotta give the Mets hell b/c my Yankees are suckin real bad right now. LOL. We know what happened last week. It's all good. We'll get em next time

@ LRenee
I just posted on your blog. Very interesting topic... "Are you too busy for sex?"

I know the answer for MOST of y'all. Haaaa

@ CapCity
No prob! It's all good!

@ Mika
Haaaaa! You are too funny. You know I enjoy your blog. Especially on Mondays. The Randomness is hot!

@ TravelDiva

@ Tony OH
Welcome to the 12th Planet. Make sure that you come back. We have alotta fun over here. We're here everyday...hangin' out like wet clothes

Thanks for coming thru. I've seen you in a few "hoods". Nice to finally meet. I'll add you as soon as I get near a computer.

@ ShellyShell
Haaaaa! U r silly. I'ma stop by later today

@ Flyyest
Preciate it! You are hella (I like it when y'all say sumthin is hella) cool, too

Man, I could see the lil lady kickin my boys' ass. LMAO!!!

"The butterfly...uh no...that's old...let me see you Tootsie Roooooollll" lmao!!!

Thanks! This post got pretty tough towards the end. A brutha was maaaad sleepy at 1:45. Haaaaa

CHA CHA said...

AWWWW....yeah, one of these days it shall of these days

Thanks for the shout out!!

Trish said...

Damn Kyle. Has it been about 5 years?!?!? Wow, time really flys.
A co-workers cousin, thats cute. lol.
My brotha that Ive never met. Were gonna have a ball when we finally do, cause we're both crazy !!
Thanks for the Love. I'll charge it to your head now and not your heart. (smile)

The Jaded NYer said...

oh yeah, one more thing...

you know my boyfriend, JOHAN SANTANA, of the NEW YORK METS? Yeah, he's pitching against ATL tonight... be there or be square


KELSO'S NUTS said...


I saw your question about how much Bush has made off of his wars and national security state.

Here's a quick and dirty way to figure it out. Take the value of the debt plus the equity of the Carlyle Group today, add to it the value of the debt and equity of the asset-management firms of W.S Farish, Inc., and add to that the value of the debt and equity of Rainwater Associates, Inc.

From that sum, subtract the debt and equity of those three entities as reckoned on August 31, 2000.

Reduce the total by 1/5.

That should give you a ballpark estimate. The number is VERY, VERY BIG by the way.

KELSO'S NUTS said...

JadedNYER: I live and die with the Mutts, too. Guess what city Johan comes from?

Anonymous said...

Good joint....bulldog me.

Anonymous said...

OMG the cold room was cold winter, spring, summer and fall. But our small group of underwriters had some hot discussions and debates.
That small office was an all the way live chat room!!! I miss chatting with the crew!!!

12kyle said...

@ Poca
I'm sure that it'll be back...hopefully sooner than later

@ Trish
Yeah. We've know each other for a minute. We will definitely party when we hang out.

Thanks for charging it to my head. These 1am posts can be tough

@ Jaded NYer

@ Kelso's Nuts
Thanks for the info, bruh. I guess its safe to say that he made a killin

Ohhh lawd...anutha Messs fan. Haaaa

@ Rezidl
43 black off...can we get Pope some help over the top

@ Ms Moore
That room was too cold for a polar bear! I do miss those convos. As always, thanks for coming thru

The Jaded NYer said...

@kelso- oh, that's easy... Tovar! I always make sure I do my HW when I stalk someone LOL

*waves to Kyle*

Anonymous said...

That's what's up! This is my first time visiting and it won't be the last!

PrettyBlack said...

Thank you dear for the shout out...THE realest right here huh? Much love for that!

Anonymous said...

My bulldog buddy!! Aren't you such a gentleman?!? Thanks 12kyle for the shout out! I don't get a chance to comment everyday but I do visit everyday; just so ya know! Anyway dear Kyle, my blog is already up and running but it's in the "test markets" right now... Once I feel comfortable in my own blog skin and can easily say I have something intelligent to share erryday, it'll show up here in all it's glory!!
Much luv to ya buddy!!

12kyle said...

@ Jaded NYer
A stalker that studies her prey. Haaaaa. U'r silly

@ B_More BAP Life
Welcome to the 12th Planet. Make sure that you come back. We have a good time around here. We're here everyday like the school bully

@ prettyblack
No doubt!

@ 12kyle fan
Make sure that you let me know when the blog is ready. You've got my support

Mo said...

...I could've sworn I wrote something yesterday...maybe that was all in my head lol

thanks for the shoutout!

Muze said...

awww. thanks kyle!

i know i'm late but still...

and you are maaaaad cool yourself.

hope all is fabulous.