Vibe with me on this one...
As you know, I have a deep love and passion for the game of football. I played it from the age of 8...all the way through college. To say that I took some things from it would be a huge understatement. I learned a lot. I learned things that you can apply to every day life. For example...
1. Game Plan
In football, you must have a game plan. Your game plan is your strategy for how you will play the game.
In life, having a game plan is essential. You can't wander though life aimlessly without having a plan...or a goal. If you fail to plan...then you need to plan to fail.
2. 4 quarters
A football game is divided into 4 quarters. It is a grueling sport. The 4 quarters are a test of your endurance.
In life, there are many games that you play within the big game of life. Your objective in life is to win more than you loose. For example, you want to win with your personal relationships but you'll lose (heart break) from time to time. You have to endure the trials and tribulations that come your way. But you can't quit. You won't quit. You just do it. Period!
3. Halftime
Halftime is the midpoint of the game in football. It is the time where you review the plans and make any adjustments
In life, you must constantly make your adjustments. As we all know, life will deal you the unexpected. You can try to plan for things but life is constantly changing. And thus...we have to make our adjustments and strategies for our lives.
4. Injuries
If you play the game of football long enough, you're gonna be injured. It's almost like being in a car crash every play
In life, your feelings will be bruised and battered...especially at the hands of those that you love. Just like in football, you don't complain about your injuries. You deal with it and move on. You can't dwell on it too much. Nobody will feel sorry for you. We all get injured. The story is not about how you got injured but it's about how you overcame the injury and moved on.
5. Fans
In the game of football, the fans enter stadiums to watch you play. They will sit and watch no matter if it's 100 degrees or if it's -4 below. They are there to cheer you on.
In life, we all have fans. No matter who you are and what you do. There is SOMEBODY out there who is rooting for you to succeed. They want to see your success just like you do. And that's important.
6. Hard Work
In life, hard work pays off. Suffering + sacrifice= success. To be successful doesn't mean that you have to be a CEO of a Fortune 500 company. It just means that you do what you're supposed to do and get some satisfaction from it.
Football is no different. It is a game that will teach you discipline. It will teach you how to push yourself...when you don't know if you can push yourself any more than you have been.
So...in essence...football is just like the game of life.
Who said that you couldn't learn something from a simple little game???
You just did!
"The story is not about how you got injured but it's about how you overcame the injury and moved on. "
We are quick to dish on our problems but never as quick to offer up solutions.
I love me so football!! September 4th is just around the corner!
damn!!!! u hella jus broke it down tho...... i like football now!!! LMAO
Now THAT was dope
Ghostwrite my blog!
OK so you know I'm ready for some football... and you obviously have it on the brain since more times then not for the last 2 weeks football has been mentioned
loved the rhetoric of this post though... you might have a lil bit of writing skills big blog brutha...
now that pic though... it threw me off a bit...
Ditto what Eb said, I see your writing is improving. Your voice is clear. Blogging on the regular will do that for you, it's like practicing for the big game.
Good Post
Hey Brother!
I don't even like football but I've got a whole new perspective now....thanks for breaking it down so that it is forever broken.....I was definitely vibing with you on this one.
Now if you don't mind can I use this teach one of the teen boys I work with some much needed life lessons? He's loves football and this is a great way of helping him understand it more than just a game!!!
Bro know that you are always alright with me....glad to know you fam!
Leave it to you to break down life in football terms. Gotta love it ;)
Whatever it takes to get the message through...do you boo boo, do you!! (in my best Katt Williams voice)
I'm with Keisha...I don't hate football, but I don't exactly like it either. In spite of that, I love the way you broke this down.
This post came just on time :)
Love the break down..I'm a Life Skills Instructor and I'm always teaching my kids the importance of planning and setting goals. As a female at times I feel I can't really reach the males in my classes but comparing the lessons to sport which I know most of them are passionate about would definately get through to them...You mind if I uses your blog homie? I am so feeling this blog entry I might actually get into a game or two since you put it like that LOL!
Great analogy! and to think...I hate football, but I love life!! LOL
I've always said Football was life and life was football. But before now it only applied to between August and January when I pretty much wrap life around the sport. LMAO. But great insight Dit.
You are too cute with this one kyle. altho i'm not big on the game, i can definitely see your point about that real life shit. so true.
Great Analogy...I really liked that.
Chocolate Boy Wonder-
Coach Wheeler..."each game lasts an average of 60 plays; each play lasts approximately 7 seconds. 4 mins and 20 seconds....can you play as hard as you can for 4 minutes and 20 g*ddamn seconds??!!!....
...just saw the "rip x" play as the title....got me trying to figure out who the saftey is most likely to run with....
so over my head w/the football
i just thought about shoes and purses while i read this one
nothing against your writing skills, big bro.
hope your tuesday is going fabulous.
I don't play foot ball at all - but this sure in the hell taught me something!
*APPLAUSE*.. thats definitely whassup man.. member that one coach who always connected the game to life?? those coaches know what they are talking about.. its all about discipline!
I like this one
Big Bro 12 schoolin' us youngin'!
the notebook is out and the #2 has been sharpened!
everytime i come here, i find more and more that your topics leave me with nothing profound to say.
I've been doing a lot of half times...seriously
well damn when u explain things like this, it really does make football sound all meaningful and philisophical (sp?) i digs it...did u buy madden? u know it came out on the most wonderful day in the whole entire world (my b-day!) right?
@ everybody
thank you for your comments
i just wanted to give you a lil insight about what i see and how i feel about the game of life.
hope ya learned a thang or 2.
i feel the same way about basketball....
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