Those words were uttered by the late comedian Bernie Mac.
"The only thing we have to fear...is fear itself."- Franklin Roosevelt
Or do we? We all are afraid of something or somebody. For me...it's failure. I'm not afraid to try but I don't wanna fail at anything. Period!
What about you? What are you afraid of?
1. owls
2. never falling in love again
in that order
oh, wait.
1 more fear
the movie IT
that's shit was my very 1st fear (either that or Jaws... i forget)
Losing my daughter...or passing before I get to see her grown and happy.
My biggest fear is that I won't learn to stop being afraid - fear cancels out faith!
I am afraid of failure as well but I am also afraid of the day my mother won't be here. It understand that we all have our time on this earth, however I am not sure how I will go on without her...
I guess you can say I am a mama's boy
overall failure is def my biggest fear...
One of my favorite quotes: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
~~Marianne Williamson
@ -1-
i'm sure that you'll fall in love again.
i dunno what to say about owls?!? lmao!!! i think they're harmless
@ prettyblack
i feel you on that. i don't wanna outlive my sons
@ trina
that's an excellent. we must have faith!
@ dessex
no doubt, bruh. i feel the same way.
@ ms jones
this is an excellent quote. i may need to steal this one.
Me...I'm afraid of dying without having eaten first...for real. I mean, I don't know if that trip to see God is going to have a layover, delayed flight, or nasty food on the way up there...so I gotsta be prepared, nah mean?
On a serious note I think I'm afraid of my own success. I doubt myself more than a little bit and I know I'm still destined for great things! I'm trying really hard to get over this. I'm sure part of that is probably fear of failure. I need to realize that even if I fail. A true champion gets up and brushes her shoulders off and tries again!
Also of never getting married and having a family of my own.
Oh yeah I have a SERIOUS fear, phobia whateva of snakes. I may need to blog about that I have stories! I passed out cold seeing a snake in a pet store..the snake was behind glass and my ass woke up on the floor!
lmao @ Darius...hot mess!
I think it's easier for me to say that I'm NOT afraid of admitting I'm afraid of a lot of stuff...creepy crawlies and rodents are on top of the list!
Failure is definitely one of my biggest fears. That and outliving my daughter. Then there's rodents and reptiles and amphibians.
1. God
2. Clowns
3. Spiders
4. Snakes
5. Failure
6. Being a single parent
I fear a lot of things but the two things I fear the most are:
1.Losing my immediate family.
crazy as it sounds... I'm afraid of success... not sure how I'd handle it- will I still be me or turn into a power hungry diva with very little morals??
And if I get all successfull and happy n sh*t, what will I have to complain about? My whole existence would be turned around! I'd lose my jadedness!!!!!!!!!!!
(breathe, girl, just breathe and relax...)
trina you must have been at my bible study last nite. you hit the nail on the head with that one.
my biggest fears include failure, not having enough faith, and not pleasing God.
I am afraid of lightning!
Ever since I was a little girl and lightning struck a tree in front of my house, I don't play with it.
Good one. I used to be afraid of dogs. I got attacked by a 120 lb Shepard as a boy and that stuck with me. I think I'm over it now though.
I think I'm afraid for my children. I don't know what kind of world I'm going to throw them out into in 10 or 15 years. In the past 8 years alone this world has changed so dramatically. Imagine in the next 10?
death... a brutal painful death...
when I go... I want it to be quick and fast
I also fear not succeeding... and personal failure...
I fear for my sons future in this counry.
losing my mom, grandma and my sisters, they are my foundation.
Its drowning for me...
hmm i guess when i failed at something i valued insanely high, after that I just stopped being afraid to fail, or maybe i just stopped trying.
i'm afraid of:
bugs (of all kinds)
The same thing, failure. Which is nothing but my ego trippin. I need to get over that.
It is interesting you posted this...I watched Akeelah and the Bee last night and one of my favorite quotes were mentioned. I have always loved this quote but I haven't broken it down until this morning. Then I realized that I need to Just Do IT!
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
- Maryanne Williamson
@ darius
lol! u r off the chain!
@ shellyshell
success? say word? don't be fearful of that. it'll happen. embrace it!
snakes? haaaa! you couldn't have lived in south carolina like i did. it was a commonplace to see a snake allllllll the time. especially in the summer. lol @ u passing out
@ od
i'm not fearful of rodents but i feel you. i don't wanna see em.
@ boredntalkative
does that includes roaches? lol!!!
i agree. no parent wants to live longer than their children
@ beautifully.conjured.up
i knew it'd only be a matter of time until somebody mentioned clowns! lmao!! what's scary about clowns?
@ charece
fear of love? hmmmm? is it b/c of some heartbreak in the past? i'm curious
@ jaded santana
too funny! we don't want you to lose your jadedness!
@ mlinz
i feel you...you never wanna disappoint God
@ lrenee
haaaaa! that's funny. if you're afraid of lightning then you may wanna reconsider your potential move to atlanta. the state of georgia is second in lightning strikes behind florida
@ brad
i can understand that. if that happened to me...i'd prolly be afraid of man's best friend, too.
@ eb the celeb
if the death is brutal and painful...how would you really know? lmao!!! juss kiddin
@ the f$%k it list
hopefully, the future will look bright for the next 8 years. Obama '08!
@ big o
although i know how to swim...drowning would be a horrible way to go out
@ bombchell
i hear you. we can't stop trying...no matter what.
@ pcd
noooooo! not crackheads! lmao!!! too funny!
@ mystery
nuffin wrong with ego. i've been there before. just don't let it permanently get in your way!
@ exhale_whew
welcome to the 12th Planet. make sure that you come back. we have a good time over here. we're here every day like the school bully.
wow! this quote has come up again. it just shows that great minds think alike.
Watch the movie It, and you will see. Nothing that happy is good for people.
there are lots of things that gross me out (like frogs). and things that disturb the peace in my world (like rats). But when it comes to true fear that I deal with everyday. It is the thought of my daughters or grandson passing on before me. I pray for JEHOVAH to protect them everyday and I move forward with life. If I allow fear to over shadow my faith it means that my fear is stong and my faith is weak. Daily I have to work on not giving power to fear and strengthening the power of my FAITH in JEHOVAH!
I am afraid of:
the dark (yes i sleep with a nite on and im 20!)
all manner of scary movies
not being able to provide for myself when i get older
having children
death of anyone of my loved ones...
and i could just go on and on...lol
I'm a lil' different. I am afraid of success.
Strange huh? I'm afraid that I'll do really well on something and then be unable to hold on to it.
I'm also afraid of being flat broke. I grew up broke and I ain't going back. Hook or crook, I ain't going back to the projects!
I'm afraid of the dark!...sigh
i do not know what i am afraid of. if i am truly afraid of it, then i dont know what it is yet
1. I fear for my children
2. I fear failure
3. I fear i may live out this life alone.
snakes, extreme heights, failure
@ beautifully.conjured.up
lol! i hear you. maybe i'll check it out
@ ms moore
frogs? frogs are cool! lol. didnt you dissect frogs in middle school?
@ kandi black
you are afraid of the dark? say word! lol
@ smarty jones
i feel you. i'm never going to the projects either. lmao!!!
@ sexxy luv
smh! you're afraid of the dark but i bet that your 3 lil ones aren't. haaaaa
@ stew
i hear you bruh. that's rare
@ miz
you won't be alone. you'll find someone. i'm sure of that.
@ rich
heights? so, you don't like to fly?
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