Not today...
I needed some direction. Mind was racing. I turned on some music...
Hip hop group Little Brother's song came on..."That Ain't Love". The first words came on and jumped out at me...
Yeah, love
You know we always, we always talkin 'bout love
We always thinkin 'bout it y'know
I'm in love, I want love, I need love, whatever
But like sometimes I wonder
With all the hurt and pain that people that supposedly love you put you through
Is that really love? - Phonte
That got me to thinking. Thinking about love. You could ask 20 people about their idea about what love is. And I'd bet that you'd get 20 different answers. Why is that? There's so many different types of love. There is the love that you have for yourself...love for God (or what/whom you may worship)...love for your parents...love for your spouse...love for your siblings/family...love for your children...love for your friends, etc. It's safe to say that the people who are closest to you...the ones that you love the most...can hurt you. And the pain is far greater from a loved one than from somebody who you don't care about. Yet, we all need love and want to be loved.
As humans, we are different from other animals in that we have the ability to reason. We also have the ability to love. I'm not saying that animals don't love each other but I doubt if bears love each other like how I love my family. LOL. Nevertheless, love really can't be defined. It's indescribable. It can be tremendously painful when it is lost.
Which brings me back to Phonte's verse...
With all the hurt and pain that we go through for love, we lay it all on the line for love.
And it's always worth it.
And if it's not, you need to question if you really need it or not.
Now let that marinate.
Those last lines remind me of that final Love & Basketball scene.
...I'm a sap, so what? :-)
everyone need love but not with folks that love to play with other's heart this when hurt come in
@ Mo
LoL! Nuffin wrong with being a sap. LoL. I'm just tryna make people think today. Hahahaa
@ Neisha
Good point. You've gotta watch who you love...and who loves you!
Truth be told I think it's needed in order to live....the thing is, the human version of love really doesn't coincide with the true definition of 'love.'
It's only what we choose to call it. When we know damn well that it's more like l-u-s-t.
Do you REALLY love me if you hurt me??
REAL and I cant emphasize REAL enough doesnt hurt.
Its a safe warm place.
I think if you asked 20 people what 'love' is you would get at LEAST 45 different answers, HA!
We thrive for it, we live for it, we long for it, we seem to not be able to live without it...
that was good, need to keep it for later ;-)
We confuse lust for love, but love lasts and endures. It makes you want the best for someone even if it has nothing to do with you.
Ummm yea, I had to jack that verse for my FB status today! So very true.
Little Brother. Good music man!
and I love this blog lol! We all need love
Well, you know how i feel about love...lol. Can't live without it, though i do feel the love we have for ourselves, our God, and our Family and friends seems somewhat different then romantic love. We love the above unconditionally...when you find a romantic love and can give them the same, then you have a love for life. Great post!
Love is needed, and worth it!!!!! :-) Love shouldn't be rushed or given so quickly, more likely to experience pain and hurt.
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