random thoughts...
Let me be the first to wish you a safe, prosperous New Year!!
If 2009 was the year of change, what will be 2010 be?
So...we got dudes on planes who are on the security watch list but they're allowed to get on planes? Word? That makes a lot of sense
I fly alot and if there's ever a terrorist on my plane, pleeeeeze believe that he's gonna get his ass kicked. That's why I always wear my Timberlands. They will get stomped!
Ever wonder why we say Happy New Year?
Ok...ESPN do you have to remind me every night that you're broadcasting from Los Angeles? WHO cares???
Good job Prez O. I think that you've done a good job. I think you've got the country moving in the right direction

Notice how racehorses wear blinders. Many racehorse trainers believe this keeps the horse focused on what's in front of him, encouraging him to pay attention to the race and not the distractions around him. Hmm...maybe we should invest in blinders, too!
I don't watch a lot of tv and I've figured out. There are no shows that reflect me and my experiences! I can't relate to this crap that's on tv. Where are shows like A Different World, The Cosby Show, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, etc? I can't do Atl Housewives, Ray J, and American Idol.
I heard the new pick up line for 2010 the other day when I was in the airport. Dude said it 3 times. "I just got back from Iraq."
Honestly, I've never used a pickup line. Never had to. <---Was that an arrogant statement?? Of course it was...but true. LOL
As the temperatures drop, don't complain about how cold it is. Be thankful that you don't live outside.
"Hold the person that you love closely if they're next to you, the one you love, not the person that'll simply have sex with you."- Immortal Technique
I'm feeling that new Jay Z video. I wonder why people scrutinize his videos. They should scrutinize half of these terrible videos that are on tv.
Btw...BET...don't think that I won't continue to boycott your coonish station. I ain't lettin up in 2010.
Mental stimulation...get you some!
Mental stimulation...get you some!
The 12th Planet is about to go virtual to Blog Talk Radio. Stay tuned...
Have you ever had that one friend that is NEVA ready to go when you come to pick them up?
I hate Sprint. I really do. Yet, I have not left them and I really can't explain why...

I upgraded to this phone. I was going through my address book and I saw 2 contacts who are no longer alive. I just can't bring myself to delete them. Is that strange?
If a man/woman tells you that they're trying to find themselves...and they are over the age of 25...leave em alone. That's a headache that you don't want
I laugh when people ask if "I'm gonna try for the girl?" You don't think 3 boys is enuf??? LMAO!! No thanks
I need the Boondocks to come back on tv...quickly
Speaking of tv, can we get a movie of The Wire???? Soooo necessary
Ladies...open toed shoes in the winter time? C'mon son! Please explain.
Is it necessary to get shoes AND the purse to match, ladies? I don't understand.
Fellas...I understand tattoos but not on your neck! When you're 50 yrs old and you have grandkids, that's not a good look. Fa real!
Washington Wizards Javaris Crittenton and Gilbert Arenas drew guns on each other in the locker room over an outstanding gambling debt! WTF! Men...guns...money...bravado...not a good mix.

I watched Love Jones again for the 20,000 time last night. Hey Nina :)
I really do hope that we get better music this year. Last year, there was a lotta garbage.
The Pro Bowl being played the week before the Super Bowl?? Fail...Fail...Fail
Think Tiger Woods ain't coming back? You're crazy. He'll comeback and dominate like he did before. I wouldn't bet against him
Speaking of Tiger, I'm tired of talking about this dude's personal life. Some people say that I'm defending him b/c I didn't bash him. His personal life is just like mine...nobody's business. I choose to share what I want. And he should do the same...if that's what he wants.
This is why I have a lot of television show DVDS...Cosby, Different World, Facts of Life (sssh), Martin etc...I can't with a lot of todays's shows. I miss those classics I watched as a child and can now appreciate differently now that I am older. I have until August to "find myself" thanks for the added pressure. Boo. Neck tatts turn me on...right now but like pointed out when your ass is old and wrinkly *side eye*. Love Jones. You already know.
@ Coogie Cruz
Turned on by neck tatts? Oh lawd! That's not good. LOL
You hatin' on Love Jones? LOL
Sprint is the Wackness.
I bought me some blinders for this year...I got a book to write and cannot afford anymore distractions.
And you know you want a baby girl so stop playin' yourself!
That is exactly why I stick to TVOne... they show all the classics: Martin, Hlaf and Half, Living Single... and they are about to start showing A Different World too! Love that channel.
I don't think neck tattoos on men or woman are a good look. My sister got a tattoo of dripping cherries on her neck and I thought to myself... wow, the new tramp stamp.
I am praying that we get some good music this year too (Foreign Exchange!) You see they were nominated for a Grammy!
Honestly, I am sick of hearing about Tiger and his "mistresses" *cough* hoes *cough*. I will admit though, it is pretty interesting how they all pretty much look alike though.
Happy New Year big bruh!!
@ Jaded Santana
I'm only with Sprint b/c of the plan.
There will be no baby girls...unless you wanna give me yours and I'll give you Brandon and a minor leaguer to be named later.
@ Mika
I love TVOne!!! I didn't know that they were gonna show A Different World! That's my show!
Noooooo not the dripping cherries! Ohhh lawd.
I heard that FE was nominated. Funny...I'm listening to them right now.
Wait a minute is NIA LONG showin a little cookie in that photo?!?!?!?
Blog Radio, cant wait.
fly alot and if there's ever a terrorist on my plane, pleeeeeze believe that he's gonna get his ass kicked. That's why I always wear my Timberlands. They will get stomped!
LMAO at that one!
Great photo of Ms. Long. She is aging very well.
Not strange about deleting people from your phone. It takes me a while as well.
Reality TV is like a train wreck. Hopefully the 15 minutes are up.
LOVE the movie Love Jones. Had a man project it on the wall for our own 'movie theater' and he got brownie points for MONTHS!!!! LOL ;-)
Can't wait for 12Kyle blog radio.
@ Trish
Unfortunately, she aint showin the cookie. LoL
@ Kay C
I know that I should have deleted it a long time ago. I dunno why I just can't
Yes! Blog Talk radio is gonna be bananaz! Beleeedat!
I love the horse blinders but what got me was the fact people actually ask if you are gonna try for the girl?! I would think in this economy 3 is more than enough!
I like the randomness...
Do we really know why we say Happy New Year?! I'm curious on that one as well.
Sprint sucks but I can't leave them. Have been with them for 8 yrs. I can demand things now.
LOL @ wearing Timberlands. That's why I wear tennis shoes when I'm flying. I can't move too fast in heels. Because I'm getting some licks in!
"Have you ever had that one friend that is NEVA ready to go when you come to pick them up"....YES. And it's a running joke in our circle. But really I'm sick of her lateness.
Man i am so over tv, and now that i've got some new dvds of my favorite tv shows i've spending the entire holiday enjoying them, along with TVOne.
I with you on the Prez...carry on!
Love Jones is a classic every Black person in America should watch. Can never grow tired of it.
Congrats on the radio show. I'll be tuning in!
Love the blinders metaphor...got mine!
TV is definitely not the same. This is the period of reality (scripted TV) and most of them are horrible. No family wholesome TV . . . like TGIF, those were the days :-/
LOL @ a man or woman 25 or over trying to find themselves....i agree LOL
I wore open toe'd shoes in November/December but I live in LA and it has been in the 70s and 80a lately. I was definitely no rockin them when I went to DC in Nov....
Love Jones.....a classic
I am definitely with you about there being nothing worth watching on television. I think I'm going to make a conscious effort to cut back on watching so much. ESPN and sports only!
I like the Jay Z video too.
I like that Blackberry. I just recently got the new Curve. Can't live without it. I kept my grandmother's number in my last phone for two years. It's not weird at all.
Yes! Love Nia Long.
Your personal life isn't yours when you decide to live a public life.
Great read KD, BUT I need that photo of my future wife for my phones screen saver. Lol
@ Lady K
Yes! People ask me that all the time. It's hilarous
@ Thoughts of a Southern gal
I've been with Sprint for 9yrs! *sigh*
LOL!! I know all about the running joke
@ Miz
Considering that I've seen Love Jones for 20,000 times..I agree that you could never grow tired of it.
Glad you like the blinders!
@ E.M.H
You're good being out in LA. I laff at the people who live in places like DC that do that
@ Skoolboi Krush
The blackberry is my life line! LOL
Nia is sumthin else
@ corvedacosta
True...but the amount of publicity is too much
@ Bobby
I hear you, bruh! LOL
I miss reading these...always brighten my day.
This year, my blockers are on, and staying on until all of my goals are accomplished.
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