I don’t know about you…but Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.
It always has been.
In my opinion, it’s the best holiday.
What could be better than getting together with family around a big meal and giving thanks?
I’ve always used this holiday to take a moment for personal reflection. I use it to reflect on life. I also use it to remember how blessed I truly am. I think sometimes as we go through our lives we tend to forget the little things that have gotten us where we are. The things that have helped mold us into who we are. So today, I’ll do that…
I’m thankful for – an opportunity at life. Each day is a blessing and I get another chance to make it better.
It always has been.
In my opinion, it’s the best holiday.
What could be better than getting together with family around a big meal and giving thanks?
I’ve always used this holiday to take a moment for personal reflection. I use it to reflect on life. I also use it to remember how blessed I truly am. I think sometimes as we go through our lives we tend to forget the little things that have gotten us where we are. The things that have helped mold us into who we are. So today, I’ll do that…
I’m thankful for – an opportunity at life. Each day is a blessing and I get another chance to make it better.
Thankful for – Deion, Kameron, and Brandon. They are three of the best gifts that any man could have
Thankful for – my wife. She stole my heart years ago. She has been everything. She has helped make me a better man
Thankful for- Mom and Dad. They are my role models. I strive to be the parents that they have been.
Thankful for- Damon and Cara. They are the best . I’ve tried my best to be the best big brother that I could for them. I think I’ve done that.
Thankful for – My family. Eham, Mike, Aja, Tammy, and the rest of my cousins. I could name em all but I’d forget somebody. LOL. There’s nuffin like family. My aunts and uncles. They have all been like parents. I feel fortunate to still have them around. (RIP Uncle Sonny…We miss you)
Thankful for- The Crew. There is no stronger bond than a man and his crew. Not many people can say that they’ve been running with the same group of fellaz since elementary school and middle school. The bond shall never be broken
Thankful for- Wilson High School and South Carolina State University. You molded this boy into a man. I will forever than you.
Thankful for- da Boyz from SC State. We did more than just played football for our school. We shed blood, sweat, and tears together. We formed a brother hood tighter than any fraternity. If you cut us, we all bleed Garnet and Blue
Thankful for- Florence, South Carolina. I love my hometown.
Thankful for- My close friends. You’ve always been there. Ride or die.
Thankful for- wisdom, knowledge, and understanding
Thankful for- employment. The job doesn’t make any man but I like mine. And in this day and time, it’s good to be employed
Thankful for- hip hop. Nuff said
Thankful for – love
Thankful for- football. I love it. And it loves me
Thankful for- Norwood Lane/Spaulding Heights. Best neighborhood to grow up in.
Thankful for- the Internet
Thankful for- The 12th Planet. I’ve been doing this blog for 2 yrs. Thank you for reading. Thank you to the friends who I’ve made through this medium. Thank you for those who comment. Thank you for those who never comment but read it.
Thankful for- Bloggers. Y’all are like family. Like my cuzzins who I’ve never met
Thankful for- good food
Thankful for – mixed drinks
Thankful for- Central Dekalb Jaguars (Gold) 6 and under- I love those kids. It was a pleasure coaching that football team.
Thankful for- Wilson High Class of 1991. We’re gonna make it happen. Believe that!
Thankful for – clean air
Thankful for – a beautiful house and cars that will get me around. Material possessions come and go so I don’t put much stock in them. Nevertheless, I am still thankful.
Thankful for- Atlanta, Ga. My adopted hometown. Forever I love Atlanta
Thanful for- Orangeburg, SC. Home of SC State. O’burg made me a man. It also made me appreciate air conditioning.
Thankful for- the ability to reason. It is one of the things that help separate humans from all other animals.
Thankful for- clean water
Thankful for- GOD. It is HIM who awakes me and allows me to be who I am. It is HIM who protects me. It is HIM who is good to me every day of my life. And for that…I am eternally grateful.
AMEN!!! Thanks all I can say.
Great list 12kyle. I am thankful for much of the same. Have great day with your family! We are all blessed to have you in the Blogosphere!
Happy Thanksgiving, bro!
Some many things to be thankful for everyday!!!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!! :-)
Great post! This blogger cuzzin is thankful for you too, homie!
Happy Thanksgiving!
@ BorednTalkative
@ Miz
Aawwww! Thanks, Miz.
@ CurvyGurl ♥
Same 2 u!
@ E.M.H.
I agree! Same 2 u
@ *Coop*
'Preciate you too! Gotta luv it when Coop comes thru!
@ Rashan Jamal
Thanks fam! Same 2 u. Happy belated bday!
Just dropping trough to say great post. We have to remember to be thankful for the little things...year round.
Great post!
I love Thanksgiving too! The food is awesome, like better than christmas food. Only we Canadians celebrate it in October lol!
I tagged you!
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