Over the years, there have been several dynasties that have ruled the world
Some dynasties have been more popular than others.
But all dynasties must come to an end.
There was one dynasty that recently died...very quietly. Honestly, I wasn't sad to see it die.
The BLING DYNASTY is dead...thanks to this 2 year recession that we've had. I'm glad to see it go. The bling dynasty had a lotta people fooled and confused. People thought that it was here to stay. They were wrong. Too much flossing. I'm not saying that it's not cool to have nice things. I'm not saying that at all. You just have to be more practical about how you spend your money.
Why buy a $50,000 car that you have to park OUTSIDE in your apartment complex? If you spend that much on a car, you should park it INSIDE your house (garage). Why spend that much on a car note when AND rent when you can use that money to own a house?
Why spend a ton of money on clothes? Well...I know that most people shop and buy clothes and feel good while doing it. Most people aren't practical about what they buy. For example, I may be one of Michael Jordan's biggest fans ever. But at age 36 (soon to be 37), why would I spend $200 for a pair of Air Jordans? I don't wear sneakers to work. I only wear sneakers when I go to the gym. And when I go to the gym, I wear a different kind of sneaker. It's the same with jeans. I wear jeans to work but to spend $200 on a pair of jeans that DON'T jump on my legs by themselves...makes no sense. It's just not practical. Can I afford it? Sure I can. But that's not wise spending.
I'm not here to preach to anybody. We just have to be more practical about how and what we spend our money on. I know that there'll be people who'll spend tons of money over the next few weeks on Christmas gifts. Be practical on what you spend money on. Make sure that it has a net tangible benefit. I mean, when you look back at your purchase, you see that you actually gained something in what you bought. Most of us aren't getting a raise at work. Expenses are increasing (has anybody seen how much a box of cereal costs). Incomes are decreasing. It would be asinine to keep spending like you used to do. That makes no sense. Eventually, you're gonna get hit in the pocket.
Remember, the bling dynasty is over.
Good riddance.
Good riddance.
Yep. Good riddance. I totally agree with you, I couldn't justify spending £200 on one item of clothing. I have a hard time justifying spending £30 on a pair of jeans, but then again I'm cheap.
Preach man. I have plenty of stuff that in hindsight I spent way too much on. I know better now. If it's on your back it's not a asset!
The only sneakers I buy are Chuck Taylor's and a running shoe to work out in...both of which I get in children's sizes since my feet are small, and it's cheaper.
I don't spend a lot of money on things that depreciate in value...that's just dumb.
I agree 100% with this post.
On point. I've always been tight with my cash and wonder where the point is in all the over-spending that was going on around me. It's nice to see that some people actually do live in the real world and have some common sense. Keep spreading the word.
Lawwd Knows I agree with you but as an avid shoe connoisseur i have spent well over 200 for a few additions but those are different. Overall I agree with you, except when it comes to shoes. Ones has to be practical. My son's 1st Xmas, i went all out...the boy played with the boxes his toys came in.
Very good post, people need to start living within their needs and stop trying to keep up with the Jones'.
I so agree. This is the time to buckle down. Although it didn't take the recession for me to do it own my own. Great advice for all to hear. Even babyboy understands, no more GRANDs biscuits, have you seen how much they cost? lol
You already know, this is right down my alley.
I agree. Some people's priorities are just slightly off :-/. Material things are not gonna keep you warm at night or make you happy...it's ok to treat yourself but like with most things...excess is not healthy or needed :-)
I agree. I've been known to indulge in a few pair of $185 jeans. I still buy them I just know where to get them at a steep discount! The only thing I don't skimp out on is shoes and running shoes. I broke my left ankle twice and it's reconstructed. Plus I've had my knee scoped on the same leg. So, I don't play on the shoe area!
Good Riddance! I'm glad the Bling dynasty is over...We had too many people with Champaigne Tastes and Ginger Ale budgets.Now People will get real and be real. Hopefully!
Great Post!
I do however indulge in the sports
jersey or two. -:)
Ok, I spend money. I should really do better, but it's the shoes! It's not my fault.
Good advice, but too bad cats won't be listening.. especially when tax season comes. LOL
It was extremely interesting for me to read this post. Thanx for it. I like such themes and everything connected to this matter. I would like to read more soon.
good advice, im most definatley feeling this
Yeah, the Bling Dynasty might have come to its ending. I've never understood how anyone, rich or filthy rich, would want to spend so much money on jewelry. Depreciation or not, it just doesn't make sense anyways. And it's much too expensive to keep up.
Also, I feel you on the Jordans. I too stopped buying 'em back in '01. With two young children I couldn't see it.
It is very interesting for me to read this blog. Thank you for it. I like such topics and everything connected to this matter. I would like to read more on that blog soon.
Totally agree. Thankfully, I'm reaching a point where I no longer want some of these things. Not as old as you tho!! Pops. lol
You thinkg the bling dynasty is over huh? Well I know the older I've gotten the smarter I've gotten with money and not on my own of course. I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey ha ha ha
But yeah...Pratical gifts are bonds and mutual funds LOL
Seeing these kind of posts reminds me of just how technology truly is undeniably integral to our lives in this day and age, and I am 99% certain that we have passed the point of no return in our relationship with technology.
I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Ethical concerns aside... I just hope that as technology further innovates, the possibility of copying our memories onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's one of the things I really wish I could experience in my lifetime.
(Submitted using cPost scPost for R4i Nintendo DS.)
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