It was coming and you could see it
Hell...Stevie Wonder could have seen it.
Vulnerability can easily be sniffed out. Especially by a member of the opposite sex.
On the surface, it appears that Rachel had it all. She was a successful rising attorney. She was a wife (12yrs) and a mother of 4. Her career was blossoming. She had plenty of money in the bank. She was in good health. And she was a pleasure to look at. To say that she was an "eye catcher", it would be an understatement. She was a stunna. But there was something missing. Rachel and Jalen's 12 year marriage was falling apart.
She had grown tired of being treated like a second class citizen by Jalen. Over the past few years, he had become verbally abusive to her. Their loving relationship had turned to a relationship that she could no longer recognize. She wasn't sure when things had gone wrong. Was it the time that Jalen punched her in the face...despite her being 8 months pregnant with their 4th child? Was it the time she found out that he was secretly talking to another woman behind her back? She could never confirm if he was cheating but her heart was broken. Nonetheless, things were different between them.
One day while at work, Rachel was asked to serve on a new government program. She felt honored to do it. The only drawback to being involved with the project is that she'd have to leave New York City and work in Washington, DC for 3 weeks. She didn't think it'd be a problem. She didn't want to be away from her kids but she knew that she needed to be away from Jalen. Her older sister lives in DC and she hadn't seen her in about a year so she looked forward to the trip. When she got to work, she met another team of attorneys. Everybody seemed to be cool. Except one guy. His name was Amir. She didn't know what it was but there was something about him that she DIDN'T like. After a day of working with Amir, she found him to be arrogant and self centered. Amir thought Rachel was cute but he wasn't feeling her at first. He knew that she was married. He wasn't...but he wasn't going to pay her any attention.
One day after work, Amir asked Rachel if she wanted to grab a bite to eat after work. She wanted to say no because they had worked for 15 hrs that day. She just wanted to go back to her hotel and go to sleep. But she needed to eat so she said yes. They went to dinner and saw a different side of Amir. He was charming, caring, and very intelligent. She liked how he hung onto her every word. She liked how he opened the door for her and pulled her chair out for her before they sat down. They had a great conversation over dinner. After dinner, Amir asked Rachel if she would go to a salsa club with him. She immediately said yes because she didn't want the night to end. They danced the night away. She didn't return to her hotel until 3 am. She had a ball. For the next week, she spent every night with Amir. They were really enjoying each other's company. She felt a connection. Amir was so different from her husband. He treated her like a queen. She was feeling him. And he was feeling her. Then...it happened.
They slept together.
It happened just before their work on the new program was over. While they both knew that they were wrong, neither could deny the passion that they shared. They were inseparable after that. Amir, who was already in a relationship, was really into Rachel. They were always together. Even when she left and went back to New York, he would come to New York to see her. And she would come to DC to see him. Their sexual relationship continued. It continued for the next 9 months. Amir had a girlfriend. Rachel knew that. However, he neglected to tell her that she was pregnant. When she found out, she was disappointed but she kept seeing him. They would spend hours on the phone. They would spend weekends together because she would tell her husband that her sister was sick and she needed to go to DC for the weekend. In a way, both Amir and Rachel were committed to each other despite being in committed relationships.
Rachel and Jalen's marriage was falling apart. She decided to come clean and tell him about the affair. When she broke the news, Jalen was devastated. He could not believe that his wife of 12 years was cheating. He was furious. He grabbed her Blackberry and found Amir's phone number. He also found text messages and emails. He called Amir and told him to stay away from his wife. He didn't stop there. He found the name of Amir's girlfriend and eventually found her cell phone number. He called her and told her EVERYTHING that happened. She was devastated. She was 8 months pregnant at the time. She couldn't deal with the stress. She wanted to kick Amir out of their apartment but she couldn't. Amir confessed his love for Rachel to her. Amir had told Rachel that he loved her and wanted to be with her...but he didn't tell his girlfriend that.
Rachel called Amir's girlfriend, Valerie. Valerie told her that she also found that Amir was seeing some other female who lived in Richmond, Va. In a strange twist, Rachel felt betrayed. She had planned to dissolve her marriage and move forward with a future with Amir. She couldn't. She said that Amir wasn't honest with her and she could never trust him. Amir tried hard to show Rachel that he loved her despite the fact that he had a child on the way with Valerie. In Rachel's mind, it was too late. She tried to reconcile with her husband, Jalen. She asked for his forgiveness and tried to show him that his actions led to her infidelity. Too late...
Rachel found out that she was PREGNANT with Amir's baby! She knew that it was Amir's child because she had not slept with Jalen for months. She had to tell Jalen. She could not keep the secret from him. Jalen was furious. He grabbed his 9mm handgun and locked himself in the bathroom. She thought that he was gonna kill himself. The news didn't go over well with Amir when she told him. He asked her to get an abortion. She said that she couldn't. She wouldn't. She was determined to reconcile (if she could) with her husband.
Her husband is not in favor of reconciliation. He has not asked her to terminate the pregnancy nor does he support her efforts in the pregnancy. Amir's girlfriend gave birth to a son. They are still together but she doesn't trust him. Meanwhile, Rachel STILL doesn't know what she wants. She loves her husband and she loves Amir. She's 9 weeks pregnant and she's confused as to what she should do.
Hell...Stevie Wonder could have seen it.
Vulnerability can easily be sniffed out. Especially by a member of the opposite sex.
On the surface, it appears that Rachel had it all. She was a successful rising attorney. She was a wife (12yrs) and a mother of 4. Her career was blossoming. She had plenty of money in the bank. She was in good health. And she was a pleasure to look at. To say that she was an "eye catcher", it would be an understatement. She was a stunna. But there was something missing. Rachel and Jalen's 12 year marriage was falling apart.
She had grown tired of being treated like a second class citizen by Jalen. Over the past few years, he had become verbally abusive to her. Their loving relationship had turned to a relationship that she could no longer recognize. She wasn't sure when things had gone wrong. Was it the time that Jalen punched her in the face...despite her being 8 months pregnant with their 4th child? Was it the time she found out that he was secretly talking to another woman behind her back? She could never confirm if he was cheating but her heart was broken. Nonetheless, things were different between them.
One day while at work, Rachel was asked to serve on a new government program. She felt honored to do it. The only drawback to being involved with the project is that she'd have to leave New York City and work in Washington, DC for 3 weeks. She didn't think it'd be a problem. She didn't want to be away from her kids but she knew that she needed to be away from Jalen. Her older sister lives in DC and she hadn't seen her in about a year so she looked forward to the trip. When she got to work, she met another team of attorneys. Everybody seemed to be cool. Except one guy. His name was Amir. She didn't know what it was but there was something about him that she DIDN'T like. After a day of working with Amir, she found him to be arrogant and self centered. Amir thought Rachel was cute but he wasn't feeling her at first. He knew that she was married. He wasn't...but he wasn't going to pay her any attention.
One day after work, Amir asked Rachel if she wanted to grab a bite to eat after work. She wanted to say no because they had worked for 15 hrs that day. She just wanted to go back to her hotel and go to sleep. But she needed to eat so she said yes. They went to dinner and saw a different side of Amir. He was charming, caring, and very intelligent. She liked how he hung onto her every word. She liked how he opened the door for her and pulled her chair out for her before they sat down. They had a great conversation over dinner. After dinner, Amir asked Rachel if she would go to a salsa club with him. She immediately said yes because she didn't want the night to end. They danced the night away. She didn't return to her hotel until 3 am. She had a ball. For the next week, she spent every night with Amir. They were really enjoying each other's company. She felt a connection. Amir was so different from her husband. He treated her like a queen. She was feeling him. And he was feeling her. Then...it happened.
They slept together.
It happened just before their work on the new program was over. While they both knew that they were wrong, neither could deny the passion that they shared. They were inseparable after that. Amir, who was already in a relationship, was really into Rachel. They were always together. Even when she left and went back to New York, he would come to New York to see her. And she would come to DC to see him. Their sexual relationship continued. It continued for the next 9 months. Amir had a girlfriend. Rachel knew that. However, he neglected to tell her that she was pregnant. When she found out, she was disappointed but she kept seeing him. They would spend hours on the phone. They would spend weekends together because she would tell her husband that her sister was sick and she needed to go to DC for the weekend. In a way, both Amir and Rachel were committed to each other despite being in committed relationships.
Rachel and Jalen's marriage was falling apart. She decided to come clean and tell him about the affair. When she broke the news, Jalen was devastated. He could not believe that his wife of 12 years was cheating. He was furious. He grabbed her Blackberry and found Amir's phone number. He also found text messages and emails. He called Amir and told him to stay away from his wife. He didn't stop there. He found the name of Amir's girlfriend and eventually found her cell phone number. He called her and told her EVERYTHING that happened. She was devastated. She was 8 months pregnant at the time. She couldn't deal with the stress. She wanted to kick Amir out of their apartment but she couldn't. Amir confessed his love for Rachel to her. Amir had told Rachel that he loved her and wanted to be with her...but he didn't tell his girlfriend that.
Rachel called Amir's girlfriend, Valerie. Valerie told her that she also found that Amir was seeing some other female who lived in Richmond, Va. In a strange twist, Rachel felt betrayed. She had planned to dissolve her marriage and move forward with a future with Amir. She couldn't. She said that Amir wasn't honest with her and she could never trust him. Amir tried hard to show Rachel that he loved her despite the fact that he had a child on the way with Valerie. In Rachel's mind, it was too late. She tried to reconcile with her husband, Jalen. She asked for his forgiveness and tried to show him that his actions led to her infidelity. Too late...
Rachel found out that she was PREGNANT with Amir's baby! She knew that it was Amir's child because she had not slept with Jalen for months. She had to tell Jalen. She could not keep the secret from him. Jalen was furious. He grabbed his 9mm handgun and locked himself in the bathroom. She thought that he was gonna kill himself. The news didn't go over well with Amir when she told him. He asked her to get an abortion. She said that she couldn't. She wouldn't. She was determined to reconcile (if she could) with her husband.
Her husband is not in favor of reconciliation. He has not asked her to terminate the pregnancy nor does he support her efforts in the pregnancy. Amir's girlfriend gave birth to a son. They are still together but she doesn't trust him. Meanwhile, Rachel STILL doesn't know what she wants. She loves her husband and she loves Amir. She's 9 weeks pregnant and she's confused as to what she should do.
She asked me what I thought. All I could do was shake my head and reply..."Maybe you could make this a movie b/c if I didn't know you, I wouldn't believe this story.
this is a true story...the names have been changed to protect the innocent
Wow, "What a tangled web we weave" The complexity of this is too much to even try to help someone.
Oh wow. That's all I can say.
damn. everyone involved in this needs to start praying, ASAP!
Damn. She might be better off the way it worked out tho. Forcing yourself into an apparently broken relationship isnt the answer & neither is taking up with a dude willing to cheat on his prego gf. SMH..."what a tangled web we weave" is right.
Man, things can get deep real fast if two cheaters aren't careful. I was hella into the story. Wouldn't even mind knowing how the story continues...
Unfortunately, this happens more than we'd like to think. When people say, why don't you just get a divorce if you aren't happy. As a married woman, I like to add, "its not always that easy."
WOWW! I don't have any advice or anything with substance to add, but I would love to know what happens once she makes a decision
I think she should leave her husband, have the baby if she wants and continue on with life. The fact is she was ready to leave her husband until she found out the grass wasn't greener. I wou;d definitely leave her if i were her husband.
i hope they get therapy for teh children's sake. Damn shame. No one respects vows anymore?
Wow. This has just completely thrown me for a loop. I have absolutely nothing constructive to say. I only hope whatever decisions are made are based on the children's needs first.
Wow, i mean, this is for real? I couldn't move until i read this...prayer, that's it. If she wants her husband back, she's gonna have give it up to God, bc truthfully i just don't see where she has any other choice. Amir is not a choice.
Dayuuuuuuum! She needs to do what's best for her children. It doesn't sound like Amir is going to forgive her. I think it would be very hard to live in a household with the man's child that your wife had an affair with. She sounds like everything is going well for her in her career so money is not that much of an issue but she needs to sit back and pray on her personal life. Because that shyt is JACKED!!
WOW is all I can say. I pray that she does whats best for the child and her self.
when he grabbed the gun, i wasn't thinking he might kill himself, i was thinking he might kill Rachel. Glad it didn't go down like that. wow that ish was messy.
9weeks and still no decision? Whatever... it's been 9weeks. The decision is made. that's 2months already. Is she really going to abort after 2mos?
I can't with your peeps, Kyle. I can't and I WON'T!
Now those poor babies gotta deal with all of these grownups' bad decisions??
*throws keyboard across the room and leaves Kyle's blog*
The pointy end of a metal hanger would solve at least one of her problems.
I'm just sayin'...
Definitely a made for tv scenario, but it seems to be more commonplace these days...sadly.
DAMN! This is the craziest story I've read. And why did old boy take his gun into the bathroom?
I'm going to need you to be a better judge of character and choice better work friends :P
Wow...just wow. So he's abusive, she's cheating and there's a gun in the house? That sounds like the lead-in to a tragic news story. They need to be separated, everyone has to be suffering.
Dang Kyle! I was soooo not expecting THIS.
Riddle me THIS, though...why is 'Rachel' in the house with an abusive man that owns a gun? Doesn't sound ideal to me, not that anything in this tale is ideal, but...
Where. in the hell. do you find these people?!?
Of course ... I'm a divorced, gay Hispanic father of two biracial children - but the shit you write makes me feel pretty alright.
I blame R. Kelly. Sometimes, there really IS something wrong with a little bump and grind.
I had my BFF read it and this is what she had to say. I'm speechless.
"You are too old and have too many responsibilities to be running around from state to district creepin' with the pick up man!
I guess I would tell her to get up on the table, suck it up, end the pregnancy. Then get yo self together. Get your independence, a place to stay and a place for your kids to be. Then finally if its worth it, work on your marriage. She took those vows and no where in them does it say til he hurts my feelings or I get some good good! Find a counselor, go to Sandals, and live happily ever after!"
I can't believe that this is a true story! I refuse to believe this is a true story, I also wonder where do you find these people? Anyway, it's a messed up situation, prayer is the only thing that might be able to assist in this situation...DAMN!!!
@ everybody
Thanks for your comments. This story is compelling yet sad. From afar, I've watched an innocent friendship develop into a love/lust affair. I've spent the last few days listening to Rachel talk. She spent a great deal of time talking about what led her to Ahmir. It was her husbands verbal abuse. It was the years of being dogged out while being to committed to him. Then, she met this dude who treated her like a queen.
I advised her that while there may have been a series of events that led her to Ahmir...she should have never gotten involved with him. Never. He knew better. And so did she. She revealed to me that there is a small possibility that the baby MIGHT be her husbands. She said that she slept with him once (using protection) but she also slept with Ahmir (without protection). Now that's ass backwards! More than likely, it's Ahmir's child. She said that she's focusing on trying to save her marriage.
Things are rocky at home right now. One day her husband said that he wanted a divorce. The next day he said he wanted to work it out. Although she has not slept with Ahmir, she still talks to him daily. She said that she wants to remain friends. She's not going to have an abortion. She's gonna try make it work.
Not sure how she's gonna do it. But she could start by praying. And that's what I told her.
I'll keep y'all posted.
Prayer is the only thing that comes to mind!!!!
I hope all parties and kids involved can work this out and move on!!!! PRAY!!!
What a crazy situation.
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