Tuesday, March 6, 2012

lessons learned...

With age...comes maturity.

With maturity...comes wisdom

Over a period of time...you learn things. I think you should continue to learn no matter HOW old you are. Here are some things that I've learned...

surround yourself with friends who will tell you what you NEED to hear...not what you WANT to hear.

make your plan then work your plan

life is short. cherish each day

find something...or someone...or something to laugh at each day

never settle and never be content

every relationship and friendship requires work

learn from mistakes...don't repeat them

love hard

if you treat people nice then they will return the favor

sometimes goals are easier to be obtained when they are written down

hard work always pays off

you're superman or superwoman in your kids eyes

never be afraid to ask for help

say I love you to those who you love

stay focused

never forget the simple things in life

take time to reflect on how blessed you are

thank the people who helped you become who you are

breathe air. take it. embrace it. and know that you cannot live without air


Tee Reese said...

Outstanding Share!

Simply riding those thoughts shared!

I'm off and running for that 'Jump! Shoulder Bump!'

Mizrepresent said...

Great post Kyle! I loved it so much and all the truth!