A few days ago, I was on the phone with one of my boyz.
In the middle of our conversation, he paused and yelled..."Heyyyyyyyy!"
I didn't know who he was talking to but he quickly got off the phone with me. He called me back 30 minutes later. When I answered the phone, there was a different tone in his voice. He sounded different.
He had just seen his ex girlfriend.
This was the ex that he had dated for a few years. The woman who he had talked about marrying. For all of the years that we've been close, I've never known him to be THAT serious about a woman. And she was a great woman for him. Unfortunately, their relationship didn't work. I think it was bad timing. Nevertheless, he sounded much happier when he called me back. He told me that he was sitting at a stop light and his ex girlfriend pulls up next to him in her car. They went to a nearby parking lot and chatted briefly before they both headed to work. He found out that she was married now.
I asked him why he sounded so happy. He told me that he finally had closure to the relationship. I had never thought about it. I know that he got over her. But he said that there was never any closure to the relationship. The fact that he was able to have closure put him in a better place.
I've only had one relationship that needed closure. I got that closure years ago and we've been friends for a long time. What about you? How important is closure to you? Is there any relationships boyfriend/girlfriend, (spouses), parents, or family members that needed closure?
In the middle of our conversation, he paused and yelled..."Heyyyyyyyy!"
I didn't know who he was talking to but he quickly got off the phone with me. He called me back 30 minutes later. When I answered the phone, there was a different tone in his voice. He sounded different.
He had just seen his ex girlfriend.
This was the ex that he had dated for a few years. The woman who he had talked about marrying. For all of the years that we've been close, I've never known him to be THAT serious about a woman. And she was a great woman for him. Unfortunately, their relationship didn't work. I think it was bad timing. Nevertheless, he sounded much happier when he called me back. He told me that he was sitting at a stop light and his ex girlfriend pulls up next to him in her car. They went to a nearby parking lot and chatted briefly before they both headed to work. He found out that she was married now.
I asked him why he sounded so happy. He told me that he finally had closure to the relationship. I had never thought about it. I know that he got over her. But he said that there was never any closure to the relationship. The fact that he was able to have closure put him in a better place.
I've only had one relationship that needed closure. I got that closure years ago and we've been friends for a long time. What about you? How important is closure to you? Is there any relationships boyfriend/girlfriend, (spouses), parents, or family members that needed closure?
Closure is very important to me. Especially when it comes to romantic relationships. I don't think a person can truly move on and be ready for a relationship unless they have closure from their past. Without closure they are bringing unnecessary baggage into the new relationship, even if they don't realize they have baggage.(JMO). There was a relationship that I needed closure from. Everyone swore we would get married and live happily ever after. We didn't. We've been broke up for 3years now and I just got the closure I needed about 6months ago.
Closure is extremely important to me, and I usually try to seek the closure, but life has taught me that closure will come when it wants to.
I recently had closure from a horrible breakup I had two years ago, and the guy has came back into my life. Although he wants us to get back together, I'm content with us just being friends. Even though I have closure, I will never be able to trust him again...that's a different story.
I'm usually pretty good with closure. When things are done I can accept it a move forward.
Closure is only semi-important for me, I think. It really depends on how important that person is/was to me. For instance, I definitely needed closure with my ex-husband, and we are now really good friends again, like we were before we got married. Any other relationship I've had has not been that important, even if I thought it was when we were together LOL!
I could still use some closure with my father and my mother, for different reasons, but that probably won't happen until one of us is on our death bed.
In a serious relationship closure is important to me. I know I will need closure with The Teacher but now is not the time. I'm sure it will happen in a few months because everything is fresh(6wks). In a friendship it depends on how cool we were. I had a girl that was my ace but she started dating my cousin and shyt went to pieces. We call each other on bdays but noting else. The last time I saw her was my bday in 08. It's sad because she was MY GIRL. I don't know exactly what happened but I know we don't talk anymore.
I still owe you an email on what happened.
Ive gotten closure with all relationships, there is is one that took a while but I think we all need closure at some point or else you tend to keep wondering what happened, exactly why it happened, hows their life now, etc.
I only needed it once, the rest of the times I was pretty secure in the reasons it ended. That one time took a long time to get closure though.
closure is important to me. I don't want my life weighted down by excess baggage because Shaniqua broke my heart by cheating with my boy. Closure can help you grow and move on.
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