Sunday, July 17, 2011


Never be too consumed or wrapped up to take the time to tell people that you love them...

by Stevie Wonder

When was the last time
That they heard you say
Mother or father, I love you
And when was the last time
That they heard you say
Daughter or son, I love you

Ones you say you cherish everyday
Can instantly be taken away
Then you'd say I know this can't be true
When you never took the time
To simply tell them "I love you"

When was the last time
That they heard you say
Sister or brother, I love you
And when was the last time
That they heard you say
Darling or best friend, I love you

The one for whom you'd give your very life
Could be taken in the twinkling of an eye
Through you tears you'd ask why did you go
Knowing you didn't always show
Just how much you loved them so



Cerebrally_Orgasmic said...

Love this one!!

J All Day said...

A welcome good morning!! I get it IN!! My children think I'm #THE CORNIEST!!

Tee Reese said...

Amen and amen... My heart beats to the tune of L O. V E. You. So it is the word I share with those o love.

♥ CG ♥ said...
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♥ CG ♥ said...

Yes indeed, KD! Undoubtedly, one day it will be too late so it's never too soon :-).

@J All Day ~ I used to shun my mom's hugs and kisses too, but we know how much it really means we we're grown :-)