That is the definition of a group...according to the dictionary.
As we celebrate hip hop week, I am reminded that we've seen our share of great groups. I have always had a great deal of respect for hip hop duos/groups. They have helped mold and shape the hip hop culture. You gotta respect those dudes even more. I imagine that it's hard to stand out as an MC when you're in a group. Sometimes your skills can be overlooked when you're in a group.
Over the years, we've seen some great groups...


Just to name a few!
But if I had to pick ONE group as the best of all time...I'd say Public Enemy!
And that's hard to say because the groups that I just mentioned are great groups. But when I measure their impact on the culture, lyrics, and album content. I gotta say PE.
What about you?
Who is the best hip hop group of all time?
(And you can only pick one!!!!)
I would have to say A Tribe Called Quest.
I'd have to go with outkast. only because they put the south on the map when nobody was listening to it.
I'm going to agree w/ Super Dave. Outkast not only put the South on the map, but also had mad crossover appeal. Can't do nothing but respect them for that.
If I had to pick one, I would pick OutKast (with Tribe and PE). Don't get me wrong......PE and Tribe carried me thru my college years and the '90s, but OutKast has been there thru the '90s and is STILL bangin'.....whether 3Stax and Big Boi are together or apart, they are still puttin' out blazin' isht. So OutKast gets my vote......
I got to go with Outkast too! Outkast is still doing the damn thing. They got people itching for a new album.
Milli Vanilli?
@ Juan
Noooo doubt! They've put out some classics!
@ Super Dave
'Kast has always been a trend setting group
@ MzInspiredMind81
I agree!
@ Boogie
Can't wait for the new cd!!!
@ Thoughts of a Southern Gal
It seems like we're ALWAYS itching for a new cd, aren't we?
@ Chocl8t
Don't make me fight you! LOL
OK, keeping in mind that 1) hip hop started in 1993 for me with the Pharcyde's "Passin' Me By" being introduced on Rap City by Prince Dejour, that 2) I am an 80s baby, and that 3) I'm a Southern girl...
Maybe not everyone's best group ever, but without a doubt they're mine.
CHUCK D, enough said!
If I can only choose one, I go with GangStarr.
I'd have to go with ATCQ, and The Roots a close second.
Public Enemy Hands down!
I'm gonna go with Public Enemy 1st for their innovative way. Then Outkast for coming out with something new.
I never pay attention to your one per person rule, its just so wrong. And Today will be no different:
Public Enemy ~because they let us now it was ok to be Black.
The Roots
Black Star
Black Moon
Brand Nubians
I could go on and on.
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