Friday, August 8, 2008

from me to you...


They say that lightning doesn't strike twice in the same place.

That's true. But it almost did.

Nine years ago on tomorrow (Aug 9), the first bolt of lightning struck. You came to us. You came earlier than we expected. Actually, the doctor's said that you'd be here on August 18th. I remember when I first saw you. You were long and thin. Just like you are now. Before you were born...we had planned to name you Kyle, Jr or KJ. I wanted to name you after me. Then, I realized that you needed your own identity. It wasn't until I laid eyes on you that I told them that your name would be Deion. Your middle name would be Kyle. So, it worked out b/c my middle name is Deion. But your name fit who you are...and who you will become. I know that I had a life before you came but sometimes those memories become blurry b/c I know about the life that I have now. You made me a father. You are a gift from God. And I love you.

The second bolt of lightning would come a day short of 3 years later (August 8th). You came to us earlier than we expected as well. The doctor's said that you'd be here on August 18th. I had hoped that you'd be here on Deion's birthday. But you came at your you always do. You have your own identity and your own day. I remember holding you in the delivery room and thinking..."this is the biggest baby that I've ever seen." Mommy couldn't hold you b/c she fell asleep after you were born. I guess she was tired. Nevertheless, you look like her! You even have a round head like her. LOL. But you are who you are. You are Kameron. You made me a father. You are a gift from God. And I love you.

And tomorrow...we will party. We will party as hard as any 9 and 6 year old kid can party. I want you to enjoy yourselves. Let's have some fun. Happy Birthday to the both of you!



  1. i do not know what it is like to be a father, but i can bet that it is fantastic. i am an uncle now, and i can not wait until i can start making a difference in my niece's life

    have fun at the party!!!

  2. awwwwh this made me teary eyed

    see Kylee Kyle we need more father's like you....

    the love that you have for your babies is so evident.... i just love it!!

    and stop talking about that babies head,lol

  3. they are adorable, and that is a very cute little letter to them!

    so, um, when should I expect my slice of cake??

  4. Happy Birthday Deion and Kameron.

    Kyle, Ain't being a parent GRAND?. My hubby says it everyday there is nothing like being a dad to a wonderful boy, so that must be x's three for you.

  5. Oh this was absolutely wonderful to read, 12k. Happy birthday boys and many wishes that you get every single toy your hearts desire. Candy and sweets too!

  6. Wonderful letter Kyle, you should save it for them.

    I agree with the previous comment, we need more fathers like you who can express themselves in such an endearing way.

    Keep it up and Happy Birthday to the little ones. They are beautiful!

  7. Happy Birthdays to the 2 Chocolate drops! They are so handsome!

  8. Hey Brother!!

    Your family is blessed to have you as the head of their household...their very own king of the castle....You are a great example to many of us in I know you lead the way for your wife and 3 boys with that same love...committment...and goodness I'm so happy to have crossed paths with you Bro...and proud to call you my brother....You bring hope to many us waiting for God to send us our Kings of the Castle..and father of our children....Keep loving those boys like you do....and...each one of them will grow up to be a great man...just like you.

  9. Prince Deion & Prince Kameron....HAPPY BIRTHDAY & may God bless you and keep you always....

  10. Awww - look at that. Well, I hope you guys enjoy all the partying. And you know, I'm loving your dedication to fatherhood. We need more Black examples like you - keep it up!

  11. @ Stew
    Mannnnn, fatherhood is the greatest thing. I can't even put it into words. When that day comes for you my brother, your whole world will change. The way that you view the world will change. It is a blessing.

    @ dreamy
    Don't cry. LoL

    I don't understand how dudes can turn their back on their kids. It makes no sense to me. But I'll save that for another post

    Yes! He does have a round head! LOL

    @ Jaded Santana
    You know I gotcha covered. The cake will be in nyc by tuesday

    @ The F$%K it List
    It truly is! I love it. For those who don't have children, I can't wait for you to feel what I feel.

    @ prettyparker
    Thanks! I hope they don't eat too much candy. They'll be bouncing off the walls. LMAO

    @ Kay C, The Quiet Storm
    Thanks! I'm gonna let them read it later today.

    I think there are a lotta fathers out there like me but there are a lotta deadbeats, too. I just don't understand em.

    @ Ieisha
    Thank yooooou!

    @ keisha the kitten
    Awwwwwwww! Thanks for those kinds words.

    *clappin my hands*

    @ Darius
    I appreciate it, bruh! I'm lookin forward to this party.

  12. awwwwwwwww! the sweet cuties that are little 12kyles!!!! i hope you guys party until you pass out! happy day to the little guys!!!

  13. Awwwwwwww, that was so beautiful Kyle (not to mention a little funny..."You even have a round head like her." Too cute...

    ...send my birthday wishes to your handsome sons...

  14. Kids are such a joy. I only have one son, four girls preceded him. I love those kids something awful, they can get me to do almost anything. In fact, I'm known in my house for NEVER taking unplanned days off, but on a whim I took off yesterday to accompany them and my wife to the zoo. They were estatic.

    Tell your boys HAPPY BIRTHDAY from the STL blog crew, I'm sure they will have a blast.

  15. I nominate Kameron as my lil BF... so tell all them little first graders to step

  16. That's what it's all about brother!
    I was fortunate to do it twice.
    To have a daughter and then be with her when she had her son.
    It's a beautiful thing, truly and I feel your joy.

  17. this is sooooooo beautiful. fathers like u just tickle my heart.

  18. Good post, got me misty eyed......

    Happy Birthday to your boys.....they are too cute.

  19. the boys ae so lucky to have a father like you, i think you should printthis off and put in a car for them so they can look back on it and realize they have been loved from birth!

    you are such a wonderful man, i admire you...i honestly do!

    Have fun and party like it's 1999!!! lol

    happy birthday Deion and Kameron!

  20. awww, happy birthday to your sons! they're adorable! and u are too for writing this for them.

    and bless your heart for giving them normal names lol

  21. omgggggggggggg!!! such cuties! so now i'm totally waiting for them to turn 18.

    anywhoo, happy bday chaps!


    p.s. more leos? we rule.

  22. omgggggggggggg!!! such cuties! so now i'm totally waiting for them to turn 18.

    anywhoo, happy bday chaps!


    p.s. more leos? we rule.

  23. @ PCD
    I'm sure that we'll party until I pass out. I have a funny feeling that I'll be out before they will be out.

    @ Beautifully.Conjured.Up
    He really does have a round head. He looks more like Mrs12 than his brothers

    Thanks for the wishes

    @ Rich
    Mannnn, I'm the same way! I rarely take unplanned days off. I'm sure that the kids loved it.

    I'll definitely tell them

    @ eb the celeb
    Haaaaa! Too funny

    @ Keith
    I gotta question for you spoil your grandchild??? LoL. I'm sure that I already know the answer!

  24. @ ms.uncensored
    Consider yourself tickled! LoL. Thanks

    @ laughing808
    Thank you!!!

    @ Sexxy Luv
    Awwwww! You're about to make a playa blush! Hahahaha. Thanks for those kind words

    @ Kieya
    Thanks! I really appreciate it

    I like their names. It really fits them

    @ karrie b.
    I dunno what I'ma do with em when they turn 18

  25. Awww!! Kyle you get the Daddy of the year award, thats so sweet !!

  26. This was sooo touching! I hope you print this out and frame it for them. In a few years they will really appreciate it!

    They are some cuties. If I was 6 I would holla! LMAO!


  27. This is incredibly sweet.

    Your sons are beautiful and I hope they both have wonderful birthdays.

  28. Say Bro- I dont mean to cuss on a topic/letter like this. But you the muthafuckin man fam.. Believe that. You can feel that love you got in very few words. The World needs fatherly fathers like yourself all throughout.

    Enjoy. Enjoy them. Yall be blessed. Ya boy, -Q.

  29. Oh!(and how could I forget)

    Tell the lil homies happy birthday!

  30. @ Trish
    Thanks!! I'll wear the title with pride

    @ ShellyShell
    I think I will do that!

    Lmao @ u for hollerin

    @ Mika
    Thanks! I appreciate your words.

    @ -Q.
    Haaaa! You know you can cuss over here, bruh. No problem.

    Preciate the vibe, bruh.

  31. Your sons are so handsome! And wow....they are blessed beyond belief to have you as a Father.

  32. How beautiful is that...i can see you love your kids so much and that is just so great! I love mine too! They are adorable Kyle, and you are an excellent father...thank God for men like you! I thank God everyday for wonderful,responsible,loving men, who love and care for their children!

  33. Thank you. You are the best Dad ever! We love you too!

    We are waiting for you to get home so we can play your XBOX :-)

  34. @ B
    Thanks! I appreciate those words. I am lucky to be blessed with 3 great little boys

    @ Miz
    I remember thinkin'..."I can't wait until they get older."

    Now...I marvel at how much time has flown by.

  35. @ Batman and Robin
    (aka Deion and Kameron)
    Daddy loves you! You are the best

  36. @ Batman and Robin
    (aka Deion and Kameron)
    Daddy loves you! You are the best


  38. they are the cutest, I hope they party hard!

  39. @ Flyyest

    Yes! He does have a Kool-Aid smile. He's a lil jokester

    @ Ms. Jones
    They did party hard! I'm worn out. I need a day off. Lmao!!!

  40. happy b'day 2 my cyber-nephews.

    auntie loves yall !


    do fedEx me some cake



  41. wow, you have two beautiful boys. I know that they will make you proud as you already are. Remember that it takes a real man to be a you are not just there father , YOU ARE THERE DADDY!!

    Stay sweet!

  42. Beautiful! Oh they are so lovely! As the mother of 4, I can say it is a joy! An experience that I am glad I did not miss out on!

    I hear you are indeed a lovely man as well! You must be, to have such a beautiful and thriving family.

    Continued peace and blessings to you and your family.

  43. lolol-To Answer your question...YES
    INDEED..I spoil my grandson to death...but then again, I spoiled his mother too, when she was a little girl. (My wife would say that I still spoil her and she's 27
    now.-lolol..but you know that that's not true...wink-wink)-lolol.

  44. @ -1-
    Thank you soooo much, lil sis

    Welcome back!!! You have been missed!

    @ kin'shar
    Welcome to the 12th Planet. Make sure that you come back. We have a good time over here. We're here every day...hangin' out like wet clothes.

    Thank you for the kind words

    @ Lovebabz
    Thanks for the words. I really do appreciate it.

    @ Keith
    LMAO @ you!!! I knew what your answer was gonna be!! LOL

  45. Awwwww. That was a sweet post. Yes, little ones will STEAL your heart and I agree, I don't see how anyone can turn their back on their own. Hope your young men had a wonderful birthday weekend!
