Friday, March 28, 2008

Off tha Dome

Just random thoughts...

C'mon Hilary. If you're gonna tell a lie. The least that you can do is
tell a good lie. You were under fire? Really? I've never been shot at but if ever were...I think I'd remember it

Dude on tv said that "it appears that we're headed for a recession." I've got news for you homeboy...we're IN a recession right

The former governor of NY sure was dumb. He paid 5000 grand for some P? I guess he never heard the saying that "the P is free but the drugs cost money."

The new governor of NY has put all of his business on the table. "Yeah, I did coke, weed, and I cheated on my ole lady. Now whut, punk?" LOL

Kwame Kilpatrick...damn playboy! You're gonna have to string up those gators even tighter to fight THIS battle.

Chelsea Clinton please go home. You're not built to handle the media. You know damn well that yo daddy hasn't even kissed yo momma in years. He still got Monica on speed dial.

Tavis Smiley...your disdain for Obama is unreal. After hearing you talk about the man, I thought that YOU were gonna call HIM the N-word. Wow! Wake up, son.

Do prisoners really enjoy that work release thing where they have to pick up trash along the road?

Would it be inappropriate if I dumped my trash on purpose to make them pick it up?

The next time that you're on the phone with a friend or a relative...ask them "hey...why are you breathing so hard?" I guarantee that you'll laugh at their response.

Why are there SOOOOO many single sistas out there?

Why are some of those sistas the pickiest women who you'd ever wanna meet?

Please don't buy a 70k car before you buy a house.

Women's clothes (blue jeans, shoes) are soooo damn expensive...but they look nice

Word on the street is that Reggie Bush has knocked up Kim Kardashian. Say it ain't so Reg? You can't be that dumb...or maybe you are.

Superhead is getting her own reality show. **crickets**

Why would a parent spend $200 on some jeans for a kid but they kid doesn't own a suit?

I look fly in a suit and tie.

Crack is wack

I miss The Wire.

I never understood the whole delegates and electoral college thing until THIS YEAR

If you're single and are looking for a man...go to a bookstore

If you're single and are looking for a woman...go to a mall.

I've never had a manicure before but I'm thinking about it.

There's nothing wrong with a dude going to the spa.

If you're single and are looking for a man...go to the gym

If you're single and are looking for a woman...go to a church.

Sanaa Lathan is fly. I love she. (yes I said she)

The Boondocks are the shyt! Just saw the last ep. Now I have to wait another year.

What is better than graduating from an HBCU?

Only a few more months of this Bushit

4000 unnecessary deaths in Iraq (*sigh*). Pray for em y'all

I have a first cousin who is 38. She's in Iraq. And she has 8 kids!!! Why would you send a mother of 8 kids to Iraq?

Why does my cousin have 8 kids? This aint the 40s

The death toll in Iraq is higher than 4000. Beleee dat!

People wanna see D'Angelo and Lauryn Hill comeback. I don't have one friend who doesn't have The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill

TI only got a year in prison. Whew! He was facing 25. He may wanna get some steroids or something b/c he's a frail dude. He's gonna need to be strong to keep dudes from trying him in the joint

I saw Aretha Franklin on tv the other day...dayyyyyyum!!!

My ncaa brackets suck.

What we do without our mothers?

I forgot that Mothers Day is around the corner. I need to put that order of flowers in RIGHT NOW before I forget

Isn't it cool when you find an old friend that you haven't talked to in years?

I still love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

Somebody reading this right now has a crush on ole 12kyle aka the chocolate boy wonder. It's cool. I see you. Blog crushes are cool

I love black people.

Have you ever seen Craig Mack and Busta Rhymes in the same place at the same time?

Bin Laden runs a bodega in Brooklyn. My cousin SAW him in there. Just in case the gov't was wondering.

I hate pollen

Why is the weather nice all week and then it rains on the weekend? That's not cool. Shouldn't there be a law against that? LOL

Biggie is better than 2Pac. Yeah...I said it.

If you have a co-worker that you don't like, leave them a glass of water on their desk. It'll freak em out.

Today...ask somebody that you know this question... "Have you ever been beat up before?" If they pause before answering the question...they probably have been beaten up before. LMAO!! Do it. You'll get a kick out of it.


  1. Man, you had a lot on you mind CBW (chocolate boy wonder).

    Sanaa is a QUEEN and she a NYer.

    Funny how they tell the death toll in Iraq as if 1 million Iraqi's haven't been killed. Life is precious no matter who's life.

    Reggie Bush is an I...Diot. He layed down with a ho. Which ain't so bad...but he made her his G. Then knocked her up. NFL money ain't guaranteed. Maybe he looking for some of her Daddy money?

    The Wire will go down in history as one of the best shows ever. That never got the pub until it was too late.

  2. Oh, and just like somebody need to Tell Wayne to stop doing sizzurp, and Britney Spears to put on some drawers, Somebody close to Aretha needs to tell her to back up off the plate. She's 60 and the weight will kill her very soon.

  3. ok 12kyle...hillary really didn't lie. check out my post today.

    also, aretha needs prayer, her and those montrous chesticles. i feel for the kwame situation. it's just so sad....and dumb. LOL @ the TI comment...

  4. Look who got the random bug...

    first of all you answered your single black woman question with the question right after that...


    I wish the Wire too...

    why are you still talking about reg and kim... the new it couple is chris brown and rihanna... aint you

    yeah... your bracket does suck...

    definitely get a manicure... just dont get the clear shiny polish... just have this cut your cuticles and get your hands looking nice

    I love black people too... sometimes... lmao @ chocolate boy wonder

    and Last but not least... Lets be real.. we all know that PAC is the G.O.A.T

    and I aint doing ya stupid

  5. You showl had a lot on the dome today.

    There's nothing wrong with a dude going to the spa.

    You are right. More men are recognizing that fact and booking appointments more than women these days. Nothing wrong with a man wanting smooth skinz.

  6. Lmao@ "the p is free but the drugs cost money!!!" Oh yeah - or so it goes.

    Wow @ Tavis...I'm really in shock over that.

    There are men at the gym, but there are almost NO BROTHAS at my gym!

    Don't waste your money on the manicure...have the wife trim your nails and push back your cuticles. I used to give my ex a manicure...he just liked the hand massages though.

    Wow @ your cousin with EIGHT KIDS!!! omg

    Cosign you on the notorious one...but a lot of people say he got his style from hanging out with pac.

  7. Your randomness is cool and funny, lol.

    "chocolate boy wonder" - yummm, i'm just crushing on that statement. lol!

    Ah Hillary - tapped out

    hate pollen too!

    and single black woman aren't too picky, single black men have too many to choose from...brothers in the A getting whiplash...we're like a field of some of the most beautiful flowers...and they just don't know who to choose...single men are those tall, shading trees, regal, being seen...and we all gather around them...dang i forgot where i was going with this,lol.

    - a bookstore really???

    - the gym, nice place but most of them too busy checking their onselves out and then there are plenty of those dl bruhs hanging there too.

    -do that spa's great!

  8. LMAO @ this post. I swear I started to do the exact same thing this weekend, still might

    I think the government is lying to us about the economy. Bytches!

    I LMAO @ the prisoners on side of the road. They either keep their heads down or act like they ain't never seen the free world before. I would advise you NOT to toss your trash, they might remember your face one day

    Reggie comment.

    Superhead needs to sit her azz down somewhere

    I LOVE to see men dressed in suit and tie. Oh so sexy, IMO. I'm sure you clean up nice ;-)

    I hate when fat azz dudes try to holla at me at the gym. It's like need to be getting your work out on, not breathing all hard in my face from merely walking from the door to where I am. Soooo not the business. LOL

    I have a girl crush on Sanaa

    T.I. has a little man complex

    Okay, I digress now

  9. I don't laugh at the prisoners for fear they might escape and hurt me for laughing. I meant I laughed at your comment

  10. yea they do, all my work is in prisons, and they love getting out even if they have to pick up after my interview on two live stews, im having a book release party at my boys bar on peter street can u make it if i put u on the guest list (his spot is called the M-Bar)

  11. …..You’re still paying attention to Hillary?....funny dude you are…

    …..imagine how much grip the governor of NY has if he could consistently throw $5K at some stash….

    ….believe me….there are soooo many other elected officials sweating the fact the Kwame Kil got busted. They are throwing their blackberry’s in the incinerator trying to erase old messages from staffers….

    …Chelsea didn’t even sound convincing…you still paying attention to the Clintons?....funny dude you are…

    …the next time you are standing next to your friend, lean in looking puzzled, sniff and ask “Is that your breath?”…..LOL

    There are so many single sisters out there PARTLY because many have not had quality men in their lives, so they do not know how to identify good ones when they come. PARTLY damnit, don’t be emailing me!!!

    Can you imagine a $1,000 car note?....That’s what these folks are out here paying…

    I look fly in a suit and tie…..classic Chocolate Boy Wonder!

    Somebody reading this right now has a crush on ole 12kyle aka the chocolate boy wonder……..SMH

    ….Blair Underwood is always playing a sociopath…makes me think he’s that way for real.

    ….why is the guy I always see coming out of the bathroom when I’m going in afraid to look me in the eye in the cafeteria?

  12. Dayuummm Kyle, You got a big dome !! lol

    I love Black people, I cant stand

    Hillary knows damn well she didnt run from no sniper fine, thats just something you dont forget !
    Sat down already ! (yes I said Sat)

    There are so many single sistas because they are so picky.

    Tavis Smiley is a dissapointment.

    Its raining in NY. Why cant they just send you home from work when it rains???

    CBW your sooooo sexy !! lol

    SHAW UNIVERSITY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My husband has Pedicures with me at the spa.

    Only real men can wear Pink.
    (dress shirts that is)

    Why cant I wear what the hell I want to work?

    Why arent there napping stations at work?

    Can I go home now?

    Its the Power of the P, not the cost !

    Why does my co-worker run her mouth so much.

    My husbands cousin has 8 kids,
    shes just like a cat having litters. lol

    MC LYTE... G.O.A.T. female.

    Im tired of thinking.

  13. Tavis Smiley...your disdain for Obama is unreal.

    Amen. Dude thinks that Barack Obama has to be perfect, or something. I just don't understand it.

    Me and you both love Sanaa. She is a seriously bad broad.

    All me "Biggie is better than Pac" arguments go on for years. So I can't crank 'em up, anymore. Biggie had the sicker flow, but in the grand scheme of things, during his era, Tupac Shakur completely changed the rap game. They teach his lyrics as a college course. That has to mean something. lol.

  14. @ Brad
    "I got so much trouble on my mind...refuse to lose."-Chuck D

    I think people tend to forget how many Iraqis were killed. Good point!

    Bush is a fool. Of all the chicks in the world...he's gonna knock HER up?

    lmao @ Aretha

    @ PCD
    Chesticles! lmao!!! Too funny. It doesn't look too good for Kwame right now

    @ Eb the Celeb
    Agggie Pride, huh? They need to win a football game. Just one. Haaaaa

    Chris Brown and Rihanna will be done by the summer when he goes on tour and gets some "groupie love". LOL

    Biggie was betta than Pac. Nuff said.

    @ Jewells
    You are correct. Who wants a man with acne like a 13 year old?

    @ OD
    LoL. The P isn't really free. We pay for, dinner, movies, etc. I don't know why my cousin has 8 kids. Her youngest one is 2. The oldest is 22. Surprisingly, they are all from her ex hubby.

    @ Miz
    I knew you were crushing off that. LoL

    "single men are those tall, shading trees, regal, being seen...and we all gather around them". Haaaaaaaa

    You are an author. You've never met a nice guy at the bookstore???? LOL

  15. @ Queen
    I won't dump the trash on them. I don't need them coming after me. Maybe I'll just drive by and yell "hey Tony!!!" I'm sure that there will be a Tony in the bunch

    I admit...I do clean up nice. lol

    Lmao @ fat dudes tryna holla at you in the gym. I damn near spit my water out on that one, Queen.

    Sanaa Lathan...Sanaa Lathan...Sanaa Lathan

    @ Torrance
    I'll be checkin for the interview. Put me on the guest list. I was @ the M Bar last week. I've been a couple of times. Nice spot.

    @ Rezidl
    "the next time you are standing next to your friend, lean in looking puzzled, sniff and ask “Is that your breath?" Classic! LMAO

    "There are so many single sisters out there PARTLY because many have not had quality men in their lives, so they do not know how to identify good ones when they come."

    Neva thought about Underwood being a psycho but you're on to sumthin.

    @ Trish
    I can't stand them either! Lmao!

    Pink? I just can't rock pink. I dunno why. Women look good in pink.

  16. I'm laughing so hard right now I don't even know where to begin...

    Would it be inappropriate if I dumped my trash on purpose to make them pick it up? unless you want a shank to the throat, yes! HA!!

    TI only got a year in prison. Whew! He was facing 25. He may wanna get some steroids or something b/c he's a frail dude. He's gonna need to be strong to keep dudes from trying him in the joint That's just all kinds of wrong!

    Have you ever seen Craig Mack and Busta Rhymes in the same place at the same time? OMG...I'm in tears over here!!!

    Bin Laden runs a bodega in Brooklyn. My cousin SAW him in there. Just in case the gov't was wondering. Yeah, the bodega by my house. Why, is somebody looking for him?

    Biggie is better than 2Pac. Yeah...I said it. Uh-oh...

  17. @kyle- what you mean you knew i would be crushing, lol!

    about that question - yeah, but not the right one...where is he Kyle? harm in asking. So i'm about to do Home Depot and Lowes...see what i find.

  18. Can you change the topic to RAMBLING instead of

    I too LOVE black people, have you seen the new chocolate SKITTLES?...they remind me of black folks, all different chocolate flavors! :)

    I'm glad TI only got a year, dam give a brotha a break! Now only if Vick had those lawyers...

    I'll take the ran over the snow were suppose to get here this weekend (Minnesota)

    Yup, Sanaa is one beautiful black sista, I agree.

    Women are picky because men have made us that way.

    Jeans and shoes are expensive but each time I purchase a pair of pumps/heels they give me a mini orgasm.

  19. after lunch random....

    ...when standing in line anywhere to buy something, have your money out and ready by the time you get to the cashier....Damn, you had enough time to dig in your tight pants pocket and pull out the $.83...

    ...I digress

  20. Wow K Dot Tell em why you mad son !!! This read like the hidden verses to the WHY REMIX BY JADAKISS. That's Whats Up

    Can't agree more with 99.9% of what you said. Great Post !!!

  21. Why don't Brad and Rezidl just open blogs already? They know they want to. LOL

    Okay Kyle, I HAD to post my own randoms after reading yours. Can you believe I've actually updated twice in one week?! Yeah, me either. LOL

  22. @ Queen...."Oh, no she didn't...I'm gon have to cutttt her!!" *in Madea's voice

  23. CTFU.....Why?

    If you have a co-worker that you don't like, leave them a glass of water on their desk. It'll freak em out

    I've done this before...pure COMEDY!!!!

  24. Random maybe...funny yes...made me think - a whole lot too

  25. tourette's inspired much?
    good post
    too much for me to even get into
    and look at u bein all conceited
    aint nobody crushin on u

  26. I love black people too! I love being a black woman!

    This is as random as they come....

    I LOVE IT!!

    Umm... but that Biggie being better than Tupac thing... umm.... yeah, Imma have to disagree with ya on that one. I never cared for Biggie that much...


  27. Why are people so damn impatient. You see I have my hands full with two children and a thousand grocery bags. What a damn minute!

    It seems as the months go by people are starting to look crazier and crazier. If you don't believe me..sit in a mall and observe one day. LOL

  28. gotta love her!

  29. Rezidl...Don't front, you know you want a blog. LOL. C'mon, don't live vicariously via Kyle.
    ;-) It's all love.

    Um, Kyle, does your wifey read this blog?

  30. @ Jaded NYer
    I'm telling you TI is a lil dude. He's gonna need something to keep 'Bubba' off his lil azz. LOL. I thought about Craig Mack yesterday when you said that you wanted to see him come back. That's when this thought came up. LOL. I KNEW Bin Laden was in BK. Jaded is anutha witness. For some reason, they still think he's in Afghanistan

    @ Miz
    I know these thangs. LOL
    Home Depot and Lowes?? Good move. You'll know that whoever you find there will be a hard working man! Haaaa

    @ Sexxy Luv
    I think Vick had the same lawyers that Mike Tyson had. If only Johnny Cochran were still alive. (*sigh*)
    Mini orgasms, huh?
    btw...when are YOU gonna get your blog off the ground. I see you in the other "hoods" all the time. You bring a lot to the table.

    @ Rezidl
    Amen, bruh! This always happens to me at McDonald's. Get ya money together before you step to the counter.

    @ Da Reason
    Thanks, bruh. Good to see you coming thru!

    @ Queen
    I just posted on your blog. You REALLY need to do more than one a week. We're at your blog errrrryday like "did the Queen post today?" LOL

    @ Poca
    It's straight comedy!!!!

  31. @ the old me
    Thanks for coming thru to the 12th Planet. Please come back. Thanks for the compliment, too

    @ prettyblack
    LMAO @ you!!!!

    @ dejanae
    Tourettes? LOL!!!!
    "look at u bein all conceited
    aint nobody crushin on u" Haaaa. Yes they are crushin on me! LMAO

    @ Mika
    Thanks! I appreciate that. I disagree about Biggie and Pac. But I respect your opinion. No bullets will fly at cha. LOL
    Did you really not like the Notorious one or is it that you're giving Pac a lotta California Luv?

    @ LRenee
    I hear you. So that's where you've been all day. Me and Rezidl are waiting on your blog for today. Haaaa

    @ Miz
    She's off the chain, aint she? If you don't believe her blog! haaaaa

    @ Queen
    Living through me. He's been doing that since we met in college in ' 91. LMAO!! Jusss kiddn. I've been telling him to do it. But he only listens to me sometimes. It'll be good for him to hear it from somebody else.
    Wifey reads it (sometimes) but she's never posted a comment. Strange ain't it. I don't sweat it. She's heard me talk enough about it, tho. LOL

  32. LOL. Great posts. So many things said I can't even begin to respond.

    I will say, come on Reggie Bush, T.I. was lucky as h*ll, Hater Smiley makes me sick to my stomach, Hillary will be the Joker of the Week, and I miss my beloved Wire--Dukie no!!!!

    Have a good weekend!

  33. Wow!!! You really covered the spectrum on this one!! I thoroughly enjoyed it. I don't even know where to begin but suffice to say you made me LOL for real on some of 'em. Keep it coming...I'm a fan!

  34. Word on the street is that Reggie Bush has knocked up Kim Kardashian. Say it ain't so Reg? You can't be that dumb...or maybe you are.

    Dang if thats true he be paying some serious child support in that near future....

    I love black people too.

    There are many single women coz they just realised thur is more to be accomplished in life before jumping the broom

    hmmm Tupac is better than biggie

    Chelsea thing looked staged to me

  35. man-manicures are cool.

    pedicures are questionable.

    u saw osama, hunh?

    yeah, blog-crushes are cool?

    what's better than graduating from an hbcu ... big 10, of course.

    im one of those single sistahs u mention

    *going 2 barnes and noble this weekend*

    ...and 2 church.


  36. Not going to even "get inside your head" with a ten-foot pole. I think you've dumped most of it onto the post! LOL But, um, this begs a further question: "Have you ever been beat up before?"

    Question is: Does beaten up p*ssy count?


  37. man....i was enjoying your randomness....


    Biggie is better than 2Pac. Yeah...I said it.

    whoa whoa whoa........

  38. Thank you Flyyest... you feel me on the Biggie and Pac thing.

    It isn't so much that its a West Coast love thing, I just couldn't get into Biggie the way I did Pac. Don't get me wrong, I like a few of B.I.G's songs, but I can't think of one song of Tupac's that I didn't like.

  39. @ TravelDiva
    I agree. I've lost a great deal of respect for Tavis. I always knew he was a Clinton supporter but DAMN. You'd think that HE was sleepin with Hilary.

    Didn't it hurt to see Dukie shootin up??? I miss The Wire

    @ Jackie
    Thanks! I appreciate the luv. I'll definitely be checkin for you in the Summer Games. Good luck

    @ Hadassah
    Chelsea isn't ready to be talking to the media. She should be glad that I wasn't there asking the questions. LoL

    @ -1-
    yeah...yeah...Michigan State is aiiight but their homecoming game doesn't compare to ours. Haaaaa

    @ Pro
    U r stooooopid!!! LOL

    No. I'm talking about the traditional beat up. We'll talk about beaten up puzE later. LMAO @ U!

    @ The Flyyest
    Thanks! It's like Don said...Biggie had the flow. But I feel you. Pac was great, too. I was truly a fan of both

    @ Mika
    I feel you. We'll have this debate real soon. And we'll go verse for verse. And see who comes out on top. But I appreciate the luv.
