Thursday, August 8, 2013

Happy Birthday, Kameron

11 years ago today, I became a father for the 2nd time. 

I remember my first thought when I saw him...

"Who's kid is THAT? He can't be mine. He's HUGE!" LOL

He was 8 pounds, 8 ounces. Born on 8-8 (see how I did that??) 

So much time has passed since that day. He is the one child who's personality is most similar to mine. Very intelligent and a thinker. Quiet, calm, and never rattled. He's extremely talented as well

Happy Birthday Kameron! I love you


  1. Happy bday lil homie !!!!


  2. Happy birthday, Cam!!!!

    Give that baby $100 from LadyLee. I MIGHT pay you back! LOL

  3. Happy Birthday to your first born, fam.

    The pic reminds me of looking back upon the life of a successful businessman and seeing a similar childhood type pic of him decked out in a suit.
