Friday, August 9, 2013

Happy Birthday, Deion

14 years ago today, I became a father for the first time. 

It's hard to believe that it's been that long because I can remember it like it was yesterday.

Every man wants to have a son. I was no different. For my first born to be a son made life that much sweeter. It was the best day of my life. I knew at that moment that my life had changed forever. The way that I looked at the world changed as well. Life became more important. 

He's the oldest child...just like me. He's extremely smart and talented. I think he has many gifts that he will give the world. I admit...I am hard on him because he's the oldest and he sets the pace for his brothers and sister. But I think it makes him better. He enters high school on Monday. Where did the time go? 

I remember trying to decide what I would name him. I thought I'd name him after me. But when I looked at him...I said "let's name him Deion." And it fit. That was my middle name but it fit better on him. I was proud that day. Fourteen years later, he still makes me proud.

Happy Birthday, Deion. I love you. 

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