Wednesday, September 23, 2009

9yrs in tha game...

September 23, 2000

Nine years ago

I stepped into it.

Tied the knot that day. And now I'm here reflecting. A few things that stand out from that day.

#1. When I woke up that morning, the skies opened up and it was raining hard. It was raining so hard that I couldn't see past the hood of my car as I drove around. I thought to myself...I wonder if this is a sign that I ain't supposed to get married. The wedding didn't start until 5pm. It's funny because the weather went from a monsoon and it immediately cleared up. By the time the wedding started, there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Much like that day, in marriage you'll endure storms. No matter how bad they seem...last for ever. You've gotta marry somebody who is willing to weather the storm with you.

#2. My brother was my best man. I wasn't sure if he was even gonna make it to my wedding. My neice, Taylor, was born the day prior to our wedding. My brother was at the hospital with her and he was about 2.5 hours away. He kept asking me if I wanted him to come that day but I told him that he needed to be there with his daughter. Well, on his way to my wedding he got lost. I had to direct him there. He showed up...fifteen minutes before the wedding was set to start. I was glad to see him. I dunno if I would have let the wedding start without him.

#3. Cru Love. I felt extremely blessed to have my cousins (Eric, Mike, Marc) and my new brother-in-law (Michael) as my groomsmen. I was just as happy to have my crew (JFresh, Moe, D, Russ, Zell) as my groomsmen as well. There is something to be said for having the dudes who were down since day 1, stand at the altar with you. For much of my life, it was all about the crew. These dudes watched me grow from a boy to a man. For them to be there to share in the moment was special

#4. My Wife. When she walked into the back of the church, my mouth dropped. I had never seen her that radiant. All I could do was smile. The wedding went well (except for the preacher messing up once or 4 times). I married my best friend. She has helped make me a better man. I have to tip my hat to her b/c I'm not the easiest dude to deal with. LOL. But she's hung in there and we've made it this far.

People often ask me how do you make marriage work?

My by day. That's it. Marriage is work. Hard work. Constant work. It's work when you don't wanna feel like working. If anybody tells you that they have a perfect marriage, they are lying. There's no such thing b/c people aren't perfect. If you don't have perfect people, you can't have a perfect marriage. Marriage is what you make it. It truly is. These last 9 yrs have been the best. I wouldn't trade it for anything. There have been bumps in the road...but there will never be a smooth ride. When times got tough, you want to look and make sure that she has your back as you prepare to fight the world. And she has done that. No matter what. I've done that for her. Like in any relationship, there are moments where I piss her off (i know that's hard to believe) but we've made a committment to each other. We're down for each other. Forever.

I remember several female friends in high school telling me...You're gonna make some young lady very happy one day.

I think i have.

Happy Anniversary, baby

I love you.


  1. That is so sweet. I'm shedding tears over here. You guys make a beautiful couple. Happy Anniversary!! May God bless you with many more.

  2. Awww very sweet Kyle. Congrats on 9 years strong. Your wife is very lovely.
    Happy anniversay...oh i do love black love

  3. awwww, Happy Annivesary to you and the misses. I wish you many more years of love and happiness.

  4. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! Being a veteran in this thang called marriage I understand the commitment and compromises.
    I wish you and wifey a life time of happiness and good sex, woop!!

  5. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrs 12K! Black Love is beautiful.

    12k you gonna break out the large lapels for the evening hehehe

  6. Happy Anniversary! I wish you and Sherice many more years of hapiness.

  7. Awwwwwww, this was so nice. Happy Anniversary to the both of you... let's pop some bottles and celebrate...

  8. Gosh I cant believe how emotional its made me. Happy Anniversary Kyle!! What a lovely post!

  9. This is absolutely beautiful!(Excuse any typing errors, I can barely see my keyboard from my tears..) Happy Anniversary!

  10. Congrats Cuz, just knocked out my ten 8/28 (don't know how)

  11. Awwwwwwww that's so tweet!!!
    One thing about Sagittarians is that they are loyal. And to deal with you Cherise must have the patience of a SAINT to stay with you this long...LOL HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!


  13. Happy Anniversary, Kyle & Mrs. 12!
    Wow, what a great accomplishment. You're an inspiration to us. All the best, fam!

  14. awwww

  15. Congrats man. I'm looking at a milestone myself come November.

  16. *wipes teary eyes*

    That was so touching. Happy Anniversary, and I hope there are many more.

  17. aawweeeee... them throw back pics... heeee--larious!

  18. Rain is supposed to be good luck on your wedding day (it rained on my day too). Congratulations!

  19. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs 12!!!
    (I am sooo late, I know. -:) )

  20. Congrats on 9 years homey!!! Hope you had a great anniversary.

  21. Awww that's so sweet. Now can you point me in the direction of some other straight men?



  22. belated HAPPY Anniversary, Brother 12K! It's SO BEAUTIFUL 2 "hear" a Brother "speak" about the Love of a Sistah. This was truly touching! As GEM stated: a "monsoon" is a GREAT "sign" on your wedding day: Blessings & Prosperity RAINING down!!

    Thank U 4 sharing! I hope U & The Mrs. Write a Book (we need to hear from EVERYday people who experience relationship successes:-). HUGZ 2 U & the family!

  23. @ everybody
    Thank you for your well wishes (and I really appreciate it. We've made it to 9 yrs. Hopefully, she'll let me stick around for the next hunnid. haaaaa

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Congrats Man!

    that's definitely "A CHURCH OF GOD" right there with the Blood Stained Red Pews.

    Wish you and your wife, many more. And Blessings to your family.

  26. Sorry I'm all late but that was absolutely BEAUTIFUL and your wedding pics are so LOVELY!

    I wish you both many, many, many more years of wedded bliss!!
