Tuesday, November 4, 2008

theme song

I was speaking with my homegirl Trish the other day and we got on the subject of Barack Obama.

She said...

Every Good Hero needs a theme song or theme music.
When Senator Obama wins, what do you think his theme music should be??
I say "Shaft"


I thought about it for a second. Then, I said...maybe he should go with "Hi Haters". LMAO!!!

Whut do you think?

Let;'s have some fun with this one.


btw...VOTE today as if your life depended on it!


  1. "Beach Chair" Jay Z

    "WE Made it" Hezekiah Walker

    and "Black President" Nas should be played as he takes the stage this January.

    OBAMA '08!

  2. People, go out and vote...don't waste a damn vote and vote yourself in for presidency!!! It's idiotic and abortive...what person with intelligence would do such at a time like this?!

    ...I'm sorry Kyle, I just had to rant...

    I think Obama's theme song should be Black Butterfly by Denise Williams. It fits the struggle of what he had to go through, and now the world will come to see how beautiful he is.

  3. how bout Nas "I Know I can"

  4. John Legend has a beautiful song on his new CD called -"If You're Out There" that speaks eloquently of the Obama campaign..This morning when I went to vote...I kept hearing that song in my mind..
    as I stood in line.

  5. I'm going with Nas, "I know I can"

    I've been thinking about that being his theme song for the longest!

  6. im feelin that Nas "I know I can"

  7. First, I want to address beautifully conjured up's comment:

    I hear what you're saying, but it's unfair to a voter to say their vote is wasted because they wrote their own name in. Like my friend Jack so eloquently puts it- as long as you voted with your heart, it's not a wasted vote. Perhaps that person truly believes they are the better candidate, especially if the available candidates listed on the ballots left them lukewarm. Just a thought.

    That said...

    Kyle... Hi Hater? You're a mess!! LOL

  8. I'm feelin the "Hi Hater!"

    I also like "I know I can"

  9. LOL. In that Empire Strikes Barack--they played Dirt Off Your Shoulder by Jigga. And it was great because Barack had brushed some dirt off of his shoulder. Given that there are so many people waiting to attack him, I like that as a contender.

    I VOTED!! Waited in line for 3 hours in Maryland.

  10. I like Nas " I know I can" but I also like "We gonna make it" by Jadakiss!

    I voted at 6:15am and waited in line for 30 minutes!

    All of y'all go Barack that vote!

  11. Hmmm, I think it should be "The Jeffersons" theme song. I think it's appropriate, "we finally got our piece of the pie!"

  12. Sam Cooke...Change Gonna Come.

    I like the Beach Chair idea too...

  13. This is a good one Kyle.
    I think 90's "Optimistic"
    "As long as we keep our head to the sky"
    Missed you on the blog today.

  14. I want to invite your blog family to stop by my blog and sign the "I Voted" roll call.

  15. Dead Prez Hip Hop...yeah, I know I already said one, but I can come up with another...

  16. Im kinda feeling the song My president is black by joung jeezy or maybe you can hate me now by nas and p.diddy...

    "you can hate me now. but i won't stop now!"...that's that shit there...i would love that as his theme song

  17. How 'bout some old school George Clinton: Paint the White House BLACK! LOL!!

    I VOTED & Hope y'all DID, TOO!

  18. @ Clnmike
    LOL!! Thanks

    @ The F$%K it List
    Black President! That is fitting!

    @ Beautifully.Conjured.Up
    You know that you can rant over here! I would hope that nobody would waste a vote on themselves. As great as I think I am...I'm not gonna vote for myself. LOL

    @ dessex
    Man, you know you are a hip hopper! Perfect track, bruh. Perfect

    @ Keith
    I need to cop that new Legend joint. I know it's tight. Thanks for the reminder, Keith

    @ OD
    I think it fits

  19. @ pink
    heyyyyy! where you been??? lol! just kiddin

    another vote for NaS

    @ Jaded Santana
    They can vote for me. I'm better than they are. LMAO!!! I hear ya.

    @ Somebodies Friend
    Maybe we can use both?

    @ TravelDiva
    Haaaaaa! He brushed a lotta dirt from the Republicans. He even brushed off some Hilary haters

    @ ShellyShell
    We Gone Make It is my JAM!!!! You better not be standing near me on the dance floor when that song comes on. HAAAAAA

    @ Smarty Jones
    Movin on up!!! From Illinois to DC!!!

  20. @ Charles
    The great Sam Cooke! Good pick!

    @ LRenee
    Sounds of Blackness, right?

    My bad. I've been swamped today.

    @ Charles
    "down for runnin' up on the crakkers in city hall" dead prez!

    @ kandi black
    Hate Me Now is powerful! He can't stop. He won't stop. We'll have 8 years of Obama in office.

    @ CapCity

  21. I say Jay-Z Brush the Dirt off your SHoulders.. for all the haters... now let's get deep in making change...

    so maybe that 2pac changes would work too

  22. i don't care about the song, long as my tail is dancing to it when he wins!!!

  23. i'm going to go with most of the folks in here and say Nas- i know i can

  24. How about Ether!!! I... Will... Not...Lose...

    They already think he's arrogant, might as well prove it. LOL

  25. @ Eb
    I knew you'd throw Pac in there! LoL

    @ PCD
    Thanks for stopping through on your hiatus! 'Preciate the luv as always.

    @ Sexxy Luv
    Anutha vote for Nasir Jones

    @ RunGirl.
    Welcome to the 12th Planet. Make sure that you come back. We have a good time over here. We're here every day like the school bully.

    Champion? I like that joint!

    @ Rashan Jamal
    Lmao! If we use Ether...he would really be in trouble

  26. "The Champions!" We are the champions my friends...!

  27. That - ain't no stopping us now song!

  28. i saw that someone said Nas - I know I can. i think that is a great song to use too

  29. ummm, do you think hes bold enough to now call it the black house....lol

    how are you kyle?
