Friday, October 24, 2008

two hunnid

Thanks for comin out tonight
You coulda been anywhere in the world, but you're here with me
I appreciate that

Jay Z Izzo (H.O.V.A.)

It started here.

I took me like 5 hours to write that 1st post. Just me and my computer. Not sure where I was gonna go or what I was gonna say. I had only been blogging since Nov '07. But I didn't have my own blog. I would comment on other blogs but the idea of having my own blog was downright scary to me. At the time, I didn't have a job. Downsized from the imploding mortgage industry, I needed an outlet.

Much like Reasonable Doubt...there was supposed to only be one post and then I was gonna quit. I just wanted to see if I could do it. It started out with one and today I celebrate my 200th post! Not bad for a dude who was gonna quit after one post b/c nobody commented on my first post. LOL

I am happy to have reached 200 posts. The 12th Planet has become something special for me. First and foremost, I've gotta thank my boy Weja and my girl LRenee. If you had never suggested that I create my own blog, then I probably never would have done it. Also gotta thank Don and Eb the Celeb. I don't know where Don is (i used to see him around but i don't know if he's still bloggin) but if he had never come to my blog then I would have never met the trillion people who read his blog. Thanks to Eb for the vodoo (lol) shout out back then on RBW. Despite the fact that you like the Cowboys and you went to A& aiiight with me, sis. LOL

I could make an attempt right now to shout out to everybody who has been at the 12th Planet. But if I give a shout out and forget ONE person...I'll be getting an email saying "you didn't give me a shout out! I've been reading since '85." LOL. So, lemme just thank errrrrybody who reads and comments. From those of you in the blog those who read every day and those who read and NEVER comment. I really do appreciate you for vibing and hollerinatchaboi each day.

I appreciate the friendships that have been formed through the 12th Planet. I don't take that for granted. Most of you read this blog everyday and I have close friends who've NEVER read my blog. LOL. And I'm cool with that. Over a period of time, I've come to believe that you do one for you. Period. It's your thoughts. If you blog for you, you'll be fine. It doesn't matter who reads it. One day I may wanna talk about Obama and the next day I may wanna talk about frogs. And that's cool. Blog for you...and people will read. Even if they don't read it...let it be your method of expression.

200 posts...pop bottles!!!


Have a good weekend!!!!


  1. hahahaha, I saw the minute you posted. FIRSTTTT, ok now off to read!!

  2. Hey I'll drink to that....200 huh.

    COngrats...hey you didnt mention me....just kidding just wanted to pick a bit, stay sweet kyle

  3. Congrats man! And "WATCH 'CHO MOUF BOUT DEM AGGIES!"

  4. got my drink and doing my two step for you...Congrats!!!

  5. Congrats on your 200th post.

  6. Man...we started at the same time and you got WAAAAAAY more posts than me.

    Your a dedicated blogger!! keep it up .

  7. Hey Brother!

    I popped open some Holy Water and I'm pouring some out for my dead homies and your 200th post!

    Know that I appreciate the 12th Planet and your friendship Brother!

  8. ***Laughing at Keisha and the Holy Water for her Homies***

    Congrats! Yep, I stop by like the traffic in the A Homie!!!!! (minus the headaches, lol)

  9. Congrats!!!

    Now, what are we drinking?

  10. awww sh8t, doing my happy dance. I'll have an apple martini with my lime on the side. Will you crush my ice too? lol


  11. It's good to see that all the time you spend on your BlackBerry is well spent. And to think, I thought you would have killed this ish long ago. Congrats Homeboi...More importantly, thanx for not puttin your crew on blast too much with our crazy ways...LOL

  12. Congrats man!

    I'm slowly creeping up on 200 myself

    This a great blog.

  13. You know I stay coming over here like I got stock in 12th planet or something!!

    Congratulations on the 200th... and here's to 200 more!!


    PS- and just for good measure... *SIDE EYE* lol


    Here's to many more blogs and expressions of thought.
    Do you.

    You could talk about toe-jam and I'd still be here. Ride or Die!

    Love ya !!

  15. @ Kin'shar
    I was tempted to do the shout out thing but I know I'd forget somebody. And then they'd be pissed off.

    @ Smarty Jones
    You know I got mad love for you, Eb, and Stew...but I can't say the same for your school of choice.

    @ Poca
    Haaaa! Drink and 2 step. I like the way that sounds

    @ Boredntalkative
    Thanks for checkin in from across the water!

    @ Big O
    I just talk a lot. LoL. Blogging is like talking to me. When I have something to say...I'll open my mouth.

    @ Keisha the Kitten
    Lmao @ Holy Water!! Thanks! You know that I appreciate you, too!

    @ Kay C the Quiet Storm
    Thanks for coming thru like the Wu

  16. @ Beautifully.Conjured.Up
    First drink is on me!


    You can have whateva you liiiiike


    @ Pigskin Loving Lady
    Haaaaa! Crushed ice is not a problem. I love apple martinis

    @ Derrick
    Haaaa! I preciate the crew for reading each day. You know I'd never put the fellaz on blast. People wouldn't begin to understand our shenanigans. Especially last weekend! LMAO!!! I came close to doing a blog about it but I couldn't even put it into words. Haaaaa

    @ Dessex
    Keep the posts coming. Your blog is tight! We have similar tastes in music

    @ Jaded Santana
    Lmao!!! Yes! You do have stock in this blog. You've been comin over here for a lonnnnnng time

    @ Trish
    We go wayyyyy back! You and I have talked about almost everything...except toe jam. Lmao!!!

  17. Thats whats up man...congrats on the 200th. I'm well over 300 myself, and when I reach 4...I hope my site is half as hot and has half the following as yours does...

    Many more homie

    BROTHER MAN...I'm poppin my bottle of champaigne..

  19. congrats on ur 200th post! It must feel good to have a lot of 'followers'. :):)

    Keep us entertained.

  20. @ Charles
    I beg to differ, bruh. Your blog is tight. Keep the posts coming!

    @ Keith
    I'll drink to that!

    Hey...Falcons come to Philly this weekend. Should be a good game.

    @ Tigeress
    Thanks! I think the people that come here are like family. I'm that cousin that you have whose house that you love to go to b/c you can let your hair down when you're there. LOL

  21. Congrats on the 200, Brother Kyle! Yea, this blogging has brought some amazing people - such as U - into my life. It's been a blessing! Glad u continue to 'spress yo'se'f!

  22. Congratulations

    and I think i'm only at 21.

    It takes a lot of dedication and perservence. Job well done

  23. Congratulations man. I remember when I used to see that falcons cap all over the place. Now you got your "Kool Kyle" pic.

    I don't get by everyday, but I always find my way, around your way. Congrats again.

  24. Ahhh - congrats man! I know it feels good.

  25. @ CapCity
    I feel the same way. It was good meeting you this summer. Next time you come to the A...we are really gonna hang out. You know Miz is a party animal. LOL

    @ Just Jasmine
    LOL! Thanks. I didn't know that I was near 200 until the other day.

    @ Rich
    I appreciate you coming through. It was cool when we hung out this summer at the blogger event. We've gotta do it again. bout those Rams?? That was a big win last week!

    @ Darius
    Thanks bruh! feels good

  26. and you KNOW i'ma tip up that Crown this evening in your honor...

  27. I don't think you wanna touch last weekend. Your blog fam might find out some new ish about the man we call Quik-1!!!

  28. It is a BIG day... Bruh, I think this will be a day I remember for a long time;).


  29. Congrats! You KNOW I'm poppin' something tonite! It's Friday!! Again congrats look forward to 200 more!

  30. Congrats 12kyle, so glad that you decided to remain in the game...i mean, where would be without "The Planet". Much luv to you!

  31. Thanks for the Shout Out!
    Boy...I got you started and you way past me. LOL
    Congratulations! I'm glad you found a hobby that you love and it seems to love you back!

  32. Way to go, Kyle! You've inspired a lot of us. Looking forward to reading your next 200 :)!

  33. @ L
    You bring the Crown and I'll bring the cups and ice.

    @ Cherish

    @ Derrick
    I don't even think I could accurately articulate how it went down last weekend at tha crib. LoL

    @ Somebodies Friend
    That is true! Thanks, bruh

    @ ShellyShell
    Pop sumthin for ya boi!

    @ Miz
    Thanks! You've been here for a long time. Preciate the luv!

    @ LRenee

    You're right. I love this...and they love me. And I'm cool with that

    @ CurvyGurl
    Thanks! You all have inspired me too!

  34. Congratulations!

    (I stop by and read a lot. I found you through Chicas in the City)

  35. It's all love big blog bro

    congrats on 200 and I cant wait for the next 200...

    I got quite a few suggestions... Like uummmm letting jphresh guest blog or *wink*

    When ya'll coming to NYC?

  36. 200, next 5000. And I'll be here for the ride.

    CONGRATS! I'll pop bottles for you next week, meds and all :)

  37. @ Ms. Bee
    Thanks for coming thru and reading!

    @ Eb the Celeb
    LoL! U r sooooo silly! Thanks!

    @ The F$%K it List
    5000? Haaaaa! Thanks for all the luv

  38. awww... congratulations on your 200th post! keep doin what u do folk...

  39. start with straight shots and then pop bottles!!!!


    well imma be reading when you get to 1000 post....

    hopefully...within that time you will have a post saying... "flyyest came to the A and kicked it hard!!!" hahahahaha

    i doubt you gonna come to seattle so imma come to you!!! hahahaa

    Luv ya bro!!! have a great weekend!!

    basketball preseason....lets GO CLEVELAND... im goin for them this year... last year i supported BOSTON and you see what they did..ahahahahahah

  40. @ Big Cheeks

    @ Flyyest
    When you come to the A...we'll set this city on fiyah!

    Cleveland has a good chance this year. I dunno if they have enough to beat Boston but I wouldn't bet against LeBron.

    @ PrettyBlack
    Whussup? Thanks for coming thru. I know that school is time consuming. Keep doing ya thang and make us proud.

  41. I leave for a week and you already on your 200th post?!?! Congrats!!!!!!

  42. @ Ms Jones
    I didn't do em all in a week. LoL!!!


  43. Hey sweat, just kidding

    You are just doing your thang!!

  44. congrats to you man!!
