Wednesday, June 18, 2008

one hunnid

First things first...I wanna thank all of you who "holla'datchaboi" yesterday. I didn't create a post yesterday b/c I dozed off and woke up at 3am. That was wayyyy too late to be bloggin'. So, for the first time...there was no post from the 12th Planet. Thanks for the emails. I'm ok. And no...I didn't quit or retire. LoL. You know me...I'm here every day...hangin out like wet clothes!

This marks my 100th post. I remember the first one. Damn! It took me 2 hrs to do it. LOL. Once I did it...every post after that felt good. I think I've gotten better at this bloggin thang.

Nevertheless, it's time to celebrate! I'm having a party today at the 12th Planet. I have some Henny and some plain Lay's potato chips. Whut are you bringing to the party? Hollatchaboi!


  1. me, myself, & I

    & honey bbq chicken wings
    glad ur ok!

  2. okay now, my homie is back. nice to have you back player(dont worry i call everyone a player).

    anywho congrats on the 100th post.

    im bringing some wine and cheese crackers, belee that


  3. AnonymousJune 18, 2008

    I'm bringing Dollar Bills. Drink I made up. Abolut Vodka, Hypnotic and Orange juice. It turns dollar bill green. And it's a trademark so don't try and steal it. LOL

    Happy 100th CBW.

  4. Ah baby I'm branging some hog head cheese! I'm bout to go make a fresh batch right now. Take care now.

    Ruthie Ann

    oh yeah I'm glad you okay baby. I started rounding up Lester Earl and his crew to come find my baby. Imma a solider for the Lawd but baby I can get gangster for my loved ones. It was gone be on and popping if somebody was out there messing with you. I had my blade under my wig, my pistol in my bra, and a knife in my knee high. They betta ask somebody.

  5. Congratulations!!!!

    Ooh Lay's plain potato chips are my absolute favorite snack. I'm glad I'm at the party!! LOL

    I guess I could bring some dip!

  6. Hey Brother! Congratulations...I think I'd like to bless the food before the party kicks off...and I'm bringing my famous A'La'Ke (you don't know nothing bout that)...that's my smothered chicken dish that everyone likes me to cook...I only have a few good dishes in me...but don't tell nobody!

  7. Congrats on your 100th.

    May I get some of Brad's dollar bills? LOL

    I'll up the game and bring some Texas Rolls (sushi), spring rolls, Chicken Yakisoba, and scallops. LOL

  8. and u r persistant
    congrats black man
    i called u from shop yest

  9. AnonymousJune 18, 2008

    Dude, you shoulda put the new flick up for the 100th shot, but I got you covered... Hit me when you're ready to shoot! :0)

    Your Homey got yo Bizack Main!

  10. @ Kieya
    A party aint a party without wings!

    @ Dreamy
    Yep! I'm back. Actually...I never left. Beleee dat! Lol

    Wine and cheese! Very grown and sexy. I likes it

    @ Brad
    Dollar Bills...toss em back...not in the air! Thanks bruh. You know I got my cup ready

    @ Pew View
    Can't go wrong with hog head cheese!

    No need to get Lester Earl. Ya boy is fine. could ask Lester Earl to gimme back that $20 that I gave him last month

    @ BGG
    I got the got the dip

    @ Keisha the Kitten
    Sounds like it's really good. Bring it! I know that folks are gonna enjoy it

    @ Queen
    Never had sushi before. Is it good? Are the Texas rolls big? Everything in Texas is big, right?

    @ Torrance
    Mah bad bruh. Got ya message but I forgot to call u back.

    @ Tony OH
    You are like the multi media, guru!

    @ Darius
    Preciate it, bruh

  11. I gotta bring something? Ain't my presence enough?

    ok, I'll bring a tape (VHS, of course) of the 1986 Mets season, some Brugal, and I'll have my cuz whip you up some pastelillos (Dominican meat patties).

    How's that?

  12. CONGRATS!!!!!

    I'm bringing the Mojitos and the decks of know a get-together ain't a party without the "card games".

  13. CONGRATS, Playah! Dem babies wore u out on Father's Day weekend, huh? LOL!!

    Dayummmm - u only got chips up in dis piece? U know us sistahs gotta eat! I'm branging, da Goose for us clear likker drankers, some HOMEMADE mac & cheese AND GREENS to dis pahteh!!

    I had to laugh when I bought a pan of my mac & cheese to a pot-luck style party here in nyc & everyone else bought li'l nibblers (cheese, crackers, chips, etc). One chick stated as she was dishing up her chunk of my dish: I like having Southern Friends - they bring FOOD! LOLOL!

  14. LOL. CONGRATS Kyle!!!!!!

    I can bring the Sangria!

  15. I was wondering what happened to you yesterday. If I didn't see a post today I was going on a man hunt in ATL!!!

    Congratulations on your 100th post! I'll bring some homemade Macaroni and Cheese, Jerk Chicken, Spinach and Artichoke dip and Sweet Potatoe Cheesecake!!! Oh yeah I can't forget the drank.....Ciroc 7up and a twist of lime! Plus a bottle of Southern Comfort for!

  16. congrats kylie!!!!!!!!! does this mean we celebrate every hundred? i know i will.


  17. bringing ME! and maybe a Congrats you're 100 ballon
    You better have some BBQ chips or I ain't coming!

  18. Congrats, it seems like you just got rolling a while back. You know what I'm bringing...the video camera.

  19. Was worried about you yesterday. Glad to see you're alright.

    Hmmm, Capcity is already bringing my signature dish - macaroni & cheese. So I'll just bring my buffalo wings, a few salmon patties and I'll pick up a container of potato salad from my fav grocer.

    I'm off the drink for a while (losing a few lbs before our 10th anniversary date) so I gotchu on the bottled water.

  20. I'll bring the X-rated (it's a drink people) and some sprite to mix it up.

    CONGRATS, I'm like a kid waiting on the first day of school...I can't wait until my 100th post...but don't you worry it's coming real soon

  21. ew! henny and chips? obviously i'll be bringing something i actually like, so i think it'll be some nice wine spritzers, some fresh strawberry napoleons...maybe some crab dip and crusty bread too...mmmmmm

    i wondered where you were but i said unless this non-posting lingers, i'll chill. hey, it hapeens, you know i've gone a day or two without posting. this can be very time consuming, but congrats on your centennial!

  22. Glad you're OK. Congrats on the milestone!!!
    Since I know how you feel about us Wonderful Aggies, I'll have to make it something with a blue & gold flair.
    How about some lemonade in those blue solo cups?

  23. @ Jaded NYer
    You can keep the VHS of the Mets...then again...that's the only memory that you have of a title. Haaaa

    I love Dominican food! Beleee dat. I'll bet that your food is good, too

    @ Kay C, The Quiet Storm
    Cards is a MUST! Spades is my game!

    @ CapCity
    Goose and greens! What a combo!

    Yeah. We don't play down south. We bring food to your house!

    @ TravelDiva
    Sangria! That'll work. I'ma see if I can find some Ripple

    @ ShellyShell
    I'm here! I was just laying in the iodine. Haaaaa

    Jerk chicken! I love it. I eat it once every 2 weeks

    @ karrie b
    Yes! It's a great reason to throw a party

    @ The F$%K it List
    Ok...ok...I'll make sure that I have some bbq chips

    @ Rich
    Just got started in November. Can you beleee dat?

    I KNOW you got the camera! Haaaaa

    @ prettyparker
    Love me some salmon. Some folk don't like it. Not me!

    We need bottle water for the non-participants. lol

    @ Suite B
    X-rated? Neva heard of it. But I'm with it. If it's good, make sure that you serve it at your upcoming wedding

    @ PCD
    Crab dip and crusty bread will go good with the spread.

    I didn't post and I didn't hit up any blogs in the blog crew. It felt funny. Dunno if I'll be doing that again. Almost like going a day and not talking

    @ Smarty Jones
    You are funny. If we're gonna go with colors...let's do the Bulldog Garnet and Blue. That'll look much better. Haaaaa. Thanks! Just messin wit cha

  24. Congratulations 12kyle! One hunnid, already, wow! Well, i'm here to celebrate, and i brought some hotsauce for those plain Lays potato chips, that will heat things up in here!lol!

    you know everything tastes good with hotsauce! :)

  25. CONGRATULATIONS on your 100th post! I don't know how many of them I've read, but I know I've definitely enjoyed my time spent here. Here's to 100 more!!!

  26. @ Miz
    Hotsauce is needed ANY time you have a party and black folk are there. LOL

    @ Jackie
    Thanks for coming thru. Looking for big things from you in the coming weeks.

  27. happy 100, big brother 12

