Monday, August 13, 2012

1st day of school memories

Today marks the first day of school for my boys.

Deion will enter the 8th grade...Kameron heads to 5th grade...and Brandon takes his talents to kindergarten. While there are some schools in metro Atlanta who have already started school (they will get out of school before Mother's Day), it kicks off today for the kids. It seems like the summer FLEW by. 

Sending them to school made me think of some old memories that I had when I was a youngster...

rocking new clothes on the 1st day - i'd have my outfit prepared the night before

sleep lite - the night before the first day of school, I could barely sleep. Too much anticipation

Trapper Keeper - always kept a fresh one of these

a good seat - classroom seating is ALWAYS important...especially if the teacher didn't have assigned seats. you HAVE to get a seat next to your friend. most kids want to sit next to the smart kid. that was never a concern for me because i was the smart kid

window seat - having a window seat on the bus was a sign of respect when I was in school. only the cool kids could get a window seat

good teacher / bad teacher - one part of the anticipation of attending school was hoping that you got good teachers and not the mean / bad one. for me, i had to figure out which teacher would let me get away with the most stuff! I was not a bad kid but I was mischievous. most teachers let me get away with stuff because I was a great student. 

the new girl - no matter what grade you were in...each year there was always a new girl in your class. maybe she transferred from another school? maybe she had just moved into your town? for the fellas, it was a MUST to start an early competition for her attention and affection. 


  1. LOL! Not the Trapper Keeper! I know they don't sell those anymore! WOW!

    You brought back some good memories, bruh. LOL

  2. As a super shy nerdy girl, I always HATED the first day of school. It didn't help that my mom always bought me clothes that I hated. Ugh. But the trapper keeper was always the bizness! Oh, and the cute girly pencils and pencil cases...

  3. Lol the trapper keeper!!!!!
