Tuesday, January 25, 2011


You think Superman wears a cape and tights?

You think Superman is from another planet?

You think Superman can be defeated by Kryptonite?


Superman isn't Christopher Reeve.

I am Superman. I don't wear a cape. I'm not from another planet. And I can't be defeated by Kryptonite. But I AM Superman. Maybe not to you...but I am to my 3 sons. To every little boy, your father is Superman. He can DO all things. He can do NO wrong. He can't be beat. That's the way that we think as kids.

"My daddy can beat yo daddy..."

I know that my Dad has always been Superman in my eyes. As I've gotten older, he became more of a brother than a father. And I hope to have the same relationship with Deion, Kameron, and Brandon. Nevertheless, they will learn in time that their father isn't perfect and he makes mistakes. Not many...but he's made one or two in this lifetime. LOL. Fatherhood is the greatest gift that I'll ever have. Every day that I'm on this Earth, it is my job to mold and shape them into becoming the young men that my wife and I hope they will be. It's not my job to make sure that they are the next great rapper, singer, or athlete. It's my job to give them love, discipline, and example to follow.

As I've gotten older as a father, I've realized that I'm not just Superman to my sons. I have been Superman to several kids. Some of the kids who are on our football team that I coached. As a black man, I am Superman. I can never forget that. Someone was Superman for me. I have to return the favor. It's not an option.

It's what I HAVE to do.


  1. I loved this post. Your sons are very lucky to have such a great father and role model.

  2. Beautiful! Pretty likes. And some have to be a superman because they didn't have one. Imagine if you had a daughter! Lawd. My baby thinks her and her dad can get married....
    Good shit 12.

  3. You know I thought the world of my daddy, what a wonderful and great father. He didn't wear a cape but he wore a badge of honor as a police officer and a veil of love from his kids especially his daughters. So what do you say Kyle? A daughter soon or what? Don't tell TKO she'll kill me.


