Thursday, July 8, 2010

life and times of KD

Step into the world of 12kyle

I wanted to share a few pics from Deion's graduation from 5th grade.

It was a great time. My parents came down from South Carolina to attend the event. My parents, who have been divorced for nearly 25 yrs, stayed at my house. They slept under the same roof! It really meant a lot for me to have them there. They are good friends now.

Have a good weekend

The youngest in charge...3 yr old Brandon


Mom & Dad with Deion

Deion...the star

Deion the graduate

Deion with Mom & Dad

Deion's chillin

Deion (10) & Kameron (7)

Mrs12 and the boys

Mrs 12, Deion, and me

Me & Da Fam (minus Brandon who won't stand still long enough to take a picture)


  1. AnonymousJuly 09, 2010

    That is one beautiful family. Deion looked real sharp in his suit.

  2. Awww...what great photos. I couldn't imagine my parents sleeping under the same roof. Someone would be shanked by morning, LOL!

    What's with the mean mugging in the last photo Kyle?

  3. Thnx for sharing! Great looking family you got there.

    BTW - You look just like your mom.

  4. @ BorednTalkative
    Thanks! He didn't wanna take that suit off. He kept it on all night

    @ Kay C
    Mean muggin? That's my bboy look! LoL

    @ swtstiletto
    Thanks! 'Preciate the love

  5. AnonymousJuly 09, 2010

    Beautiful family! Your wife is very pretty. And I want to take Brandon with me. But I will bring him back. He look like he get into everything.

  6. Congrats on the graduation as well as Mom and Pop 12 spending time with everyone as a FAMILY :-)

  7. Beautiful family!! Congrats to Deion . . . it's just the beginning of many more graduations and celebrations!!! Thanks for sharing :-)

  8. Awe, great looking fam. Congrats.

    Peace, Love and Chocolate

  9. @ Southern Girl
    Thanks! You are correct! Brandon gets into EVERYTHING!

    @ Dione
    Thanks! It was great to have the whole family there. I don't know if this could've happened years ago but I'm glad that it did!

    @ E.M.H
    Yes! There will be several graduations to come! I can't wait! Thanks!

    @ Redbonegirl97
    Thanks! 'Preciate it!

  10. That's a good look 12K. Wonderful looking family.

  11. Wow Kyle they boys are getting bigger every time I see them. Deion looked so smart, you have an beautiful family

  12. As my mom would say back in the day "that sure is a good-looking family". Thanks for sharing your world with us!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Cuz they are adorable!!! Yall are a good looking family.

  15. Bruh, you suppose to cheesing hard like Harpo. You trying to look all hard. Love the family pics!

    What a happy time. Everybody could come together and it be a good time. Congrats to Deion on graduating! Yeah, you got a LOT of graduations to look forward to!

  16. @ Rich
    Thanks fam!

    @ Angel
    Yes! They are growing right before our eyes. Deion turns 11 next month. It seems like we brought him home from the hospital yesterday. Thanks

    @ Curvy Gurl
    Thanks lady!

    @ BrokN_RecorD
    Thanks cuz!

    @ LadyLee
    LMAO @ u! Thanks!

  17. Beautiful pics, beautiful fam!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Looks like you are blessed with a wonderful family Kyle...

    Thanks for sharing with us!

  20. You have the cutest family! Deion was pin needle sharp in that suit!
