Sunday, June 20, 2010

from me 2 u

They are...simply put...the best.

They make me laugh

They frustrate me (occasionally)

They amaze me

They inspire me to push myself when I don't want to do certain things.

They are a gift from God. And I thank him for loaning them to me.

They complete me

They have helped me put a different perspective on life

They love me...unconditionally.

They surprise me (like this morning when they made me breakfast in bed...a pop tart and grits)

They are my everything.

The 3 things in life that they require from me...LOVE, DISCIPLINE, and an EXAMPLE to follow. I've done that. And I will continue to do it until there is no more air in my lungs and my blood stops flowing.

To Deion (10), Kameron (7), and Brandon (3)...thank YOU for making me a Father.

I love you.

Happy Father's Day to all of the men who are dedicating their lives to being great fathers!


  1. Nice.

    Peace, Love and Chocolate

  2. Happy Fathers Day 12kyle!

  3. Your boys are adorable and will grow up to be even greater men with you as their example.

    Happy Father's Day, Kyle!

  4. Ha. Great read man, and Happy Father's Day. I'm not quite there yet, but as you said, when the time is right.

    PS...might holla at you for fatherly tips/advice given your 3x experience lol

  5. @everybody
    Thanks for the love

  6. Happy Father's Day homie. Your kids are soo handsome (I was going to say beautiful but i know how some men are sensitive about that.)
