Tuesday, May 11, 2010

happy feelins

"I'm generally a happy person so I don't need someone else to make me happy. It trips me out when ppl say I want a relationship to be happy. For real? You need a relationship to be happy? Well that is putting way 2 much pressure on 1 person. Only I am responsible for my happiness. Now I don't mind sharing that happiness with the person I'm with. But I'd never make them responsible to keep me happy." - @crecks via twitter

I was contemplating about what to write about today when I came across my boy, Crecks' tweets. His thoughts on twitter had confirmed some thoughts that I had earlier in the day. Happiness SHOULD come from within. That's where it all starts...within. The other relationships that we have in our lives (with family, parents, spouses, siblings, kids, friends, etc) only enhance (or can hinder) your happiness. I often hear people talk/complain about their happiness. Sometimes I really want to ask them to look in the mirror. If you're not happy with the person that you see, is it really possible for anybody else to make you happy?

Is money the answer? Nope. Money won't make you happy. Have you ever seen a miserable millionare? I have. The LACK of money won't make you miserable but it's tough to deal with. I don't we should ever attach our happiness to our bank accounts. I mean, we all get happy on payday but you get my point.

Back to Crecks' tweet, we're fooling ourselves if we think that we can burden the responsibility of making somebody happy. From your infancy until the day that they throw dirt on you...it's on you.

It's all on you!


  1. i agree 100% waiting for someone to make you happy is simply not being willing to take responsibility for your own happiness and that's not a good look!

  2. YES!!!! We can't find happiness in someone else nor can be solely provide it to someone else. People need to be able with themselves before they can ADD to someone else's happiness. Enjoy you're own company, really think about what you like and don't like, really figure who you are down to the core!!!! Don't place you're happiness in someone else's hands, 9 times out of 10 that will only lead to disappointment.

  3. I tell alot of my girlfriends...Enjoy your own compamy. Me personally... I love my own company. Im comfortable and happy by myself or in a group. So happy that I actually prefer my own company more.
    Many of my girlfriends wouldnt dare go somewhere alone, shopping, bar, out to eat... they always have to have someone with them. They are suprised if I tell them I went out to eat or for a drink by myself. Love yourself first, then you can be comfortable with a partner amd you can also be yourself when your with that person.

  4. Good post man! Thanks for the quotes. That's just me speaking real talk from real experience.

  5. Totally agree, one must be happy in their own skin first!!!

  6. You can't say it any better than that.

    It's on you!

  7. Great post! Thanks for the wisdom today.

  8. You can never count on anyone for your own happiness. Of course it is great to share, but i know that your true happiness starts with you. Great post!

  9. AnonymousMay 13, 2010

    "that is putting way 2 much pressure on 1 person."

    You got that right!

  10. Yepper you gotta make yourself happy because you are the only one that counts in the end.

    Peace, Love and Chocolate
