Monday, March 15, 2010

phat, phat

Phat Phat, uh
Ain't nothing wrong with big broads
Phat Phat

It's a sure bet
When I stare into your dark browns I get
Overwhelmed, overjoyed, overstep
My bounds, on your touchy subject
Your weight, your shape's not what I date
It's you, my crew don't mind it thick
Every woman ain't a video chick
Or runway model anorexic
I love what I can hold and grab on
So if you burn it off then keep the flab on
We gonna stay gettin our collab on
Girl we gonna stay gettin our collab on
We gonna stay gettin our collab on

Posdnuos from De La Soul (Baby Phat)

For those of you who aren't familiar with the song...this is De La Soul's tribute to the thick sistas. You know...the ones who are not too big but not too small. You know...the ones who has the desire to drop 15 pounds. Those are the sistas who will hit the elliptical machine for 30 mins...then do anutha 30 on the treadmill. She is that sista that is still carrying just a little bit of that weight from a few years ago. She wants the bust size but she still wants to be able to get into those jeans. She might even be the one who is hating on Tamika, who is a size 4 but complains that she is "too big". LOL

Summer is right around the corner. When it gets hot, you gotta come outta those clothes! Bottom line. LOL. Spring is almost here for most of us. And I KNOW that we are all headed to the gym b/c I have a hard time finding a parking spot.

Women can sometimes be very critical of themselves because they are constantly comparing themselves to how they USED to look!
Sooooo, what are YOU doing to lose, gain, or maintain your weight???
re-post 2008


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. working on my body makeover when my surgeon get ready for me

  3. I love the nurse pic, although I'm pretty sure I couldn't get away with wearing that to work.

    I've been doing P90X and I have to say it really works. I also downloaded the C25K app to my iTouch. I really want to get back to running, and my goal is to run a 5K by the end of the summer. So far I've only downloaded the I probably should try actually running.

  4. I ran 5 miles this morning though I really REALLY didn't want to. Felt so much better afterwards, though.

  5. I'm trying to eat right. Been transitioning to vegetarian, and I'm getting there. I've lost about 30 pounds, with more to go. Plus, it's about to be nice out, which means long walks on the track!

  6. hmmm.. . so far my routine has been to hit up the nearest coldstone for a gotta have it banana caramel crunch and Bit(H about the fact that i'm not losing any poundage.

  7. i use the elliptical, but more importantly...i take a spinning class, a cardio-funk class, and a power/weights class. i'm on my waaaaaay!!

  8. I've been doing the same workout for ever, Yoga. It keeps me exactly where I want to be in terms of weight and I'm getting stronger daily.

    I want to start doing P90x but uhh yeah Tyrone is taking a month of Sundays to get me that DVD.

  9. Lovin the De La lyrics. I swear I was singing this song in my head over the weekend. lol.

    But yeah man I been seeing it all over on twitter, at the job, the ladies are definitely trying to get it in by the summer time.

    But don't lose it all ya'll as De la said it's just a little "baby phat phat"

  10. I've always gone to the gym. But I'm now on "Operation Sexy" I go to the gym 5-6 days/week. I lift weights, spin and do a total body class. Last week I started running which is the quickest way for me to drop a few pounds! I'm really just trying to sculpt my legs and get a strong core.

  11. I'm at the gym, currently doing a 10k training plan, you don't know how quick you can loose a few pounds through running...

  12. Everybody likes a little junk in the trunk.


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  14. YESSSSSSSSSS! Oh....I was momentarily entranced by the photos.

    I walk and try to eat right!
