Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Sometimes you can amaze yourself by what you've learned...

More importantly, you can amaze yourself even more by what you've learned about yourself.

For me, I'm not sure the exact moment when it happened. I was in high school. I think I was in the 11th grade. It was that moment when I gained the knowledge of self (K.O.S). It was the time when I REALLY learned who I was. I knew where I had come from. And I knew where I was going. So many people go for many years without knowing who they are. They spend so much time "trying to find themselves." I guess you can never be too late in finding who you are but you don't want to be 40 yrs old and realize that you spent your 20s and 30s "looking for yourself." By then, you've let some great years pass you by.

From the time when I discovered who I was when I looked in the mirror, the way that I viewed life was much different than before. Confidence and self esteem begins to grow. I think once you know who you capitalize on your strengths but not bound by your weaknesses.

What about you? At what point in your life did you find yourself? Are you still looking?



  1. Good Post. I am still looking for the Complete me but I began finding me, 3 years ago and I am a better person because of it. The moment you realize your self worth is the moment you realize you have no limitations.

  2. AnonymousJune 03, 2009

    I think I really started to recognize who I was and what that person encompassed after I had kids. I realized that it wasn't play time anymore and I got myself on a path where play time was over.

  3. I think I may have not really ,really come into my own until 35. I know thats late right? but at that age I just feel as a woman I really felt like I came into a confidence that was going to stay with me. I stopped trying to please everyone else. I stopped really caring what other people thought of me. I learned to really speak what I feel, and not feel bad about saying NO.

  4. Hmm...for me, it was in my mid-twenties while i was a shoe model (LMAO at that term, Kyle). It was during that time that I learned my strengths as a woman, started thinking about what I wanted to do with the rest of my life, and how to use the shoe model experience (and money) to make that shit happen.

  5. I think as soon as I started writing/keeping a journal at age 9 I had it. Just don't listen to myself AT ALL... I'm working on it! lol

  6. Hi Kyle my twitter friend! *waves* It's interesting you bring this up because yesterday I was reading my old blog from 2005 and I was like in shock at how much I have "grown" and really found me since then. But I think foudning yourself is just like growth, it's happening every day, and it should. I know now at 23, I am really learning that.

  7. I always knew who I was but I think I allowed other people to change my view and took their opinions as more than what they should have been...other people's opinions.

    I became rooted in myself around 29 or 30 after my marriage failed. I realized who I was when I started to gain confidence in myself and began to perform. You must know yourself before you can convincingly play someone else, LOL!

    As people we are constantly changing and evolving. I think it is a beautiful process that we take for granted.

  8. Knowledge of self became apparent around the age of 23 for me. I was definitely at peace with who I was at that juncture in my life. But as someone else said, we are ever evolving. So it is no surprise that I hit another level of awareness about a couple years ago. I'm all the better for it. I'm happy, confident, and glad to be me.

  9. See bro, I think ive found significant parts of myself and nstead of rolling with what i do know.. Im still searching for the little that i dont.

    It doesnt make sense to me to do so, but its a thirst like none other.. Great post. Suprised you aint drop some Brand Nubian on em lol peez, -Q.

  10. Funny thing...i knew myself at age 16...knew where i wanted to go...and knew how i was gonna get there...but you can get lost along the way...lost in jobs...lost in family, lost in marriage...most women give up their dreams or sacrifice their goals for their families...i was one of them...LOST, but not i had to start the journey again, rekindle the me of yesteryear, with a whole lot of what i've learned...i feel i'm a better's not so bad to get LOST sometimes...sometimes you've got to lose find something.

  11. I knew who I was at an early age but I wasn't read to accept all of what I had to offer until I was 19. It took a heart break, a death, an ass whoopin and a lot of prayer for me to stop hiding from who I was really was.

  12. I found myself high school. 10th, 11th and 12th grade. 10th, I got my Knowledge of self as a black man, 11th, I figured out how it related to the world. 12th, I decided and embraced my personality... Pretty much the same dude then as now. The only thing that changes is how people react to me.

  13. I think my core beliefs and what makes me tick have been apparent for quite some time. While we change and learn new things about ourselves through the years it's the core aspects that frame everything else. I'm starting to learn that the closer I am to what 'does it for me' the happier and more productive I am.

  14. I think I figured it out in about the 11th grade and then redefined the in 1996 when I left undergrad.

    I've had little regret because I know who I am, what I want and how I can get it.

  15. I think I knew myself by the end of high school but I have evolved since then. Evolution, growth, and change is a necessary part of life but through it all I know who I am, what I want, what I deserve, what my goals are, and what I need to do to get there!!!! Confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth is not something I've ever really lacked thanks to my parents, grandparents, and everyone else who helped to "raise" me or inspire me, for that I will always be grateful. I am who I am and I make no apologizes for it!!!!!

  16. Dude - I think I find more and more of myself everyday...for real.

  17. I think I found myself my senior year. But I think I've refined myself since then. I always had confidence,self esteem, smarts etc but I think as I've gotten older my approach has been better at what I want and how to get it!

  18. AnonymousJune 05, 2009

    You know at some point I thought I knew who I was and where I was in life....but things changed recently...I mean like the past 3 years I have become someone that Im not. That was a out going fun girl. Im used to being home and playing Im like get out here and just have fun doing it. I look back and was like damn this aint me!!

  19. Man I'm still looking....I must be around here somewhere...I had myself yesterday......SMH!!!

  20. I found my self in my late 20's but I cant remember were i put myself so I am looking again.

  21. it was a two step process for me. the first step was figuring out that i was not like everyone else nor did i want to be like everyone else. my mind worked differently and for the most part i was smarter than alot of the people around me. from that moment on i did not care about what anyone thought about me and i did my own thing. that was in eighth or ninth grade

    the second step was second semester freshman year in college. i started hanging out with my brother and with his help molded me i molded myself into the person that i am today. i cared even less about other people and what they thought about me and learned how to interact with people. my social life exploded.

    i had a really good time in college because of it
